soriT mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw
sorath mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
gur imil pRBU icqwirAw ]
gur mil prabhoo chithaariaa ||
Meeting with the Guru, I contemplate God.
kwrj siB svwirAw ]
kaaraj sabh savaariaa ||
All of my affairs have been resolved.
mMdw ko n Alwey ]
mandhaa ko n alaaeae ||
No one speaks ill of me.
sB jY jY kwru suxwey ]1]
sabh jai jai kaar sunaaeae ||1||
Everyone congratulates me on my victory. ||1||
sMqhu swcI srix suAwmI ]
santhahu saachee saran suaamee ||
O Saints, I seek the True Sanctuary of the Lord and Master.
jIA jµq siB hwiQ iqsY kY so pRBu AMqrjwmI ] rhwau ]
jeea janth sabh haathh thisai kai so prabh antharajaamee || rehaao ||
All beings and creatures are in His hands; He is God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||Pause||
krqb siB svwry ]
aucwrx kr-qb
karathab sabh savaarae ||
He has resolved all of my affairs.
pRiB Apunw ibrdu smwry ]
prabh apunaa biradh samaarae ||
God has confirmed His innate nature.
piqq pwvn pRB nwmw ]
pathith paavan prabh naamaa ||
God's Name is the Purifier of sinners.
jn nwnk sd kurbwnw ]2]9]73]
jan naanak sadh kurabaanaa ||2||9||73||
Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. ||2||9||73||