mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
Awpy DrqI Daulu Akwsµ ]
aapae dhharathee dhhoul akaasan ||
He Himself is the earth, the mythical bull which supports it and the Akaashic ethers.
Awpy swcy gux prgwsµ ]
aapae saachae gun paragaasan ||
The True Lord Himself reveals His Glorious Virtues.
jqI sqI sµqoKI Awpy Awpy kwr kmweI hy ]1]
aucwrx jqI: polw bolo; sqI: polw bolo
jathee sathee santhokhee aapae aapae kaar kamaaee hae ||1||
He Himself is celibate, chaste and contented; He Himself is the Doer of deeds. ||1||
ijsu krxw so kir kir vyKY ]
jis karanaa so kar kar vaekhai ||
He who created the creation, beholds what He has created.
koie n mytY swcy lyKY ]
koe n maettai saachae laekhai ||
No one can erase the Inscription of the True Lord.
Awpy kry krwey Awpy Awpy dy vifAweI hy ]2]
aapae karae karaaeae aapae aapae dhae vaddiaaee hae ||2||
He Himself is the Doer, the Cause of causes; He Himself is the One who bestows glorious greatness. ||2||
pMc cor cMcl icqu cwlih ]
panch chor chanchal chith chaalehi ||
The five thieves cause the fickle consciousness to waver.
pr Gr johih Gru nhI Bwlih ]
par ghar johehi ghar nehee bhaalehi ||
It looks into the homes of others, but does not search its own home.
kwieAw ngru FhY Fih FyrI ibnu sbdY piq jweI hy ]3]
aucwrx kWieAW
kaaeiaa nagar dtehai dtehi dtaeree bin sabadhai path jaaee hae ||3||
The body-village crumbles into dust; without the Word of the Shabad, one's honor is lost. ||3||
gur qy bUJY iqRBvxu sUJY ]
aucwrx bU`JY
gur thae boojhai thribhavan soojhai ||
One who realizes the Lord through the Guru, comprehends the three worlds.
mnsw mwir mnY isau lUJY ]
manasaa maar manai sio loojhai ||
He subdues his desires, and struggles with his mind.
jo quDu syvih sy quD hI jyhy inrBau bwl sKweI hy ]4]
jo thudhh saevehi sae thudhh hee jaehae nirabho baal sakhaaee hae ||4||
Those who serve You, become just like You; O Fearless Lord, You are their best friend from infancy. ||4||
Awpy surgu mCu pieAwlw ]
aapae surag mashh paeiaalaa ||
You Yourself are the heavenly realms, this world and the nether regions of the underworld.
Awpy joiq srUpI bwlw ]
aapae joth saroopee baalaa ||
You Yourself are the embodiment of light, forever young.
jtw ibkt ibkrwl srUpI rUpu n ryiKAw kweI hy ]5]
aucwrx jtw: polw bolo; ibkt: polw bolo (ASuD: ibk`t)
jattaa bikatt bikaraal saroopee roop n raekhiaa kaaee hae ||5||
With matted hair, and a horrible, dreadful form, still, You have no form or feature. ||5||
byd kqybI Bydu n jwqw ]
baedh kathaebee bhaedh n jaathaa ||
The Vedas and the Bible do not know the mystery of God.
nw iqsu mwq ipqw suq BRwqw ]
naa this maath pithaa suth bhraathaa ||
He has no mother, father, child or brother.
sgly sYl aupwie smwey AlKu n lKxw jweI hy ]6]
aucwrx Al`Ku
sagalae sail oupaae samaaeae alakh n lakhanaa jaaee hae ||6||
He created all the mountains, and levels them again; the Unseen Lord cannot be seen. ||6||
kir kir QwkI mIq Gnyry ]
kar kar thhaakee meeth ghanaerae ||
I have grown weary of making so many friends.
koie n kwtY Avgux myry ]
koe n kaattai avagun maerae ||
No one can rid me of my sins and mistakes.
suir nr nwQu swihbu sBnw isir Bwie imlY Bau jweI hy ]7]
sur nar naathh saahib sabhanaa sir bhaae milai bho jaaee hae ||7||
God is the Supreme Lord and Master of all the angels and mortal beings; blessed with His Love, their fear is dispelled. ||7||
BUly cUky mwrig pwvih ]
bhoolae chookae maarag paavehi ||
He puts back on the Path those who have wandered and strayed.
Awip Bulwie qUhY smJwvih ]
aap bhulaae thoohai samajhaavehi ||
You Yourself make them stray, and You teach them again.
ibnu nwvY mY Avru n dIsY nwvhu giq imiq pweI hy ]8]
bin naavai mai avar n dheesai naavahu gath mith paaee hae ||8||
I cannot see anything except the Name. Through the Name comes salvation and merit. ||8||
gMgw jmunw kyl kydwrw ]
gangaa jamunaa kael kaedhaaraa ||
The Ganges, the Jamunaa where Krishna played, Kaydar Naat'h,
kwsI kWqI purI duAwrw ]
kaasee kaanthee puree dhuaaraa ||
Benares, Kanchivaram, Puri, Dwaarkaa,
gMgw swgru byxI sµgmu ATsiT AMik smweI hy ]9]
gangaa saagar baenee sangam athasath ank samaaee hae ||9||
Ganga Saagar where the Ganges empties into the ocean, Trivaynee where the three rivers come together, and the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, are all merged in the Lord's Being. ||9||
Awpy isD swiDku vIcwrI ]
aucwrx is`D
aapae sidhh saadhhik veechaaree ||
He Himself is the Siddha, the seeker, in meditative contemplation.
Awpy rwjnu pMcw kwrI ]
aapae raajan panchaa kaaree ||
He Himself is the King and the Council.
qKiq bhY AdlI pRBu Awpy Brmu Bydu Bau jweI hy ]10]
aucwrx Ad-lI
thakhath behai adhalee prabh aapae bharam bhaedh bho jaaee hae ||10||
God Himself, the wise Judge, sits on the throne; He takes away doubt, duality and fear. ||10||
Awpy kwjI Awpy mulw ]
aucwrx mu`lw
aapae kaajee aapae mulaa ||
He Himself is the Qazi; He Himself is the Mullah.
Awip ABulu n kbhU Bulw ]
aap abhul n kabehoo bhulaa ||
He Himself is infallible; He never makes mistakes.
Awpy imhr dieAwpiq dwqw nw iksY ko bYrweI hy ]11]
aapae mihar dhaeiaapath dhaathaa naa kisai ko bairaaee hae ||11||
He Himself is the Giver of Grace, compassion and honor; He is no one's enemy. ||11||
ijsu bKsy iqsu dy vifAweI ]
jis bakhasae this dhae vaddiaaee ||
Whoever He forgives, He blesses with glorious greatness.
sBsY dwqw iqlu n qmweI ]
aucwrx sB-sY: sbµDk pwT hY
sabhasai dhaathaa thil n thamaaee ||
He is the Giver of all; He does not have even an iota of greed.
Brpuir Dwir rihAw inhkyvlu gupqu pRgtu sB TweI hy ]12]
bharapur dhhaar rehiaa nihakaeval gupath pragatt sabh thaaee hae ||12||
The Immaculate Lord is all pervading, permeating everywhere, both hidden and manifest. ||12||
ikAw swlwhI Agm ApwrY ]
kiaa saalaahee agam apaarai ||
How can I praise the inaccessible, infinite Lord?
swcy isrjxhwr murwrY ]
saachae sirajanehaar muraarai ||
The True Creator Lord is the Enemy of ego.
ijsno ndir kry iqsu myly myil imlY mylweI hy ]13]
jis no nadhar karae this maelae mael milai maelaaee hae ||13||
He unites those whom He blesses with His Grace; uniting them in His Union, they are united. ||13||
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu duAwrY ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
brehamaa bisan mehaes dhuaarai ||
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva stand at His Door;
aUBy syvih AlK ApwrY ]
aucwrx Al`K
oobhae saevehi alakh apaarai ||
They serve the unseen, infinite Lord.
hor kyqI dir dIsY ibllwdI mY gxq n AwvY kweI hy ]14]
hor kaethee dhar dheesai bilalaadhee mai ganath n aavai kaaee hae ||14||
Millions of others can be seen crying at His door; I cannot even estimate their numbers. ||14||
swcI kIriq swcI bwxI ]
saachee keerath saachee baanee ||
True is the Kirtan of His Praise, and True is the Word of His Bani.
hor n dIsY byd purwxI ]
hor n dheesai baedh puraanee ||
I can see no other in the Vedas and the Puraanas.
pUMjI swcu scy gux gwvw mY Dr hor n kweI hy ]15]
poonjee saach sachae gun gaavaa mai dhhar hor n kaaee hae ||15||
Truth is my capital; I sing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. I have no other support at all. ||15||
jugu jugu swcw hY BI hosI ]
jug jug saachaa hai bhee hosee ||
In each and every age, the True Lord is, and shall always be.
kauxu n mUAw kauxu n mrsI ]
koun n mooaa koun n marasee ||
Who has not died? Who shall not die?
nwnku nIcu khY bynµqI dir dyKhu ilv lweI hy ]16]2]
naanak neech kehai baenanthee dhar dhaekhahu liv laaee hae ||16||2||
Nanak the lowly offers this prayer; see Him within your own self, and lovingly focus on the Lord. ||16||2||