mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
dUjI durmiq AMn@I bolI ]
aucwrx bolI: polw bolo
dhoojee dhuramath annee bolee ||
In duality and evil-mindedness, the soul-bride is blind and deaf.
kwm kRoD kI kcI colI ]
kaam krodhh kee kachee cholee ||
She wears the dress of sexual desire and anger.
Gir vru shju n jwxY Cohir ibnu ipr nId n pweI hy ]1]
ghar var sehaj n jaanai shhohar bin pir needh n paaee hae ||1||
Her Husband Lord is within the home of her own heart, but she does not know Him; without her Husband Lord, she cannot go to sleep. ||1||
AMqir Agin jlY BVkwry ]
aucwrx jlY: polw bolo
anthar agan jalai bharrakaarae ||
The great fire of desire blazes within her.
mnmuKu qky kuµfw cwry ]
aucwrx q`ky
manamukh thakae kunddaa chaarae ||
The self-willed manmukh looks around in the four directions.
ibnu siqgur syvy ikau suKu pweIAY swcy hwiQ vfweI hy ]2]
bin sathigur saevae kio sukh paaeeai saachae haathh vaddaaee hae ||2||
Without serving the True Guru, how can she find peace? Glorious greatness rests in the hands of the True Lord. ||2||
kwmu kRoDu Ahµkwru invwry ]
kaam krodhh ahankaar nivaarae ||
Eradicating sexual desire, anger and egotism,
qskr pMc sbid sµGwry ]
thasakar panch sabadh sanghaarae ||
She destroys the five thieves through the Word of the Shabad.
igAwn KVgu lY mn isau lUJY mnsw mnih smweI hy ]3]
giaan kharrag lai man sio loojhai manasaa manehi samaaee hae ||3||
Taking up the sword of spiritual wisdom, she struggles with her mind, and hope and desire are smoothed over in her mind. ||3||
mw kI rkqu ipqw ibdu Dwrw ]
aucwrx ibdu: it`pI rihq bolo
maa kee rakath pithaa bidh dhhaaraa ||
From the union of the mother's egg and the father's sperm,
mUriq sUriq kir Awpwrw ]
moorath soorath kar aapaaraa ||
The form of infinite beauty has been created.
joiq dwiq jyqI sB qyrI qU krqw sB TweI hy ]4]
joth dhaath jaethee sabh thaeree thoo karathaa sabh thaaee hae ||4||
The blessings of light all come from You; You are the Creator Lord, pervading everywhere. ||4||
quJ hI kIAw jµmx mrxw ]
thujh hee keeaa janman maranaa ||
You have created birth and death.
gur qy smJ pVI ikAw frxw ]
aucwrx pVI: polw bolo
gur thae samajh parree kiaa ddaranaa ||
Why should anyone fear, if they come to understand through the Guru?
qU dieAwlu dieAw kir dyKih duKu drdu srIrhu jweI hy ]5]
thoo dhaeiaal dhaeiaa kar dhaekhehi dhukh dharadh sareerahu jaaee hae ||5||
When You, O Merciful Lord, look with Your kindness, then pain and suffering leave the body. ||5||
inj Gir bYis rhy Bau KwieAw ]
nij ghar bais rehae bho khaaeiaa ||
One who sits in the home of his own self, eats his own fears.
Dwvq rwKy Twik rhwieAw ]
dhhaavath raakhae thaak rehaaeiaa ||
He quiets and holds his wandering mind still.
kml ibgws hry sr suBr Awqm rwmu sKweI hy ]6]
aucwrx su`Br: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
kamal bigaas harae sar subhar aatham raam sakhaaee hae ||6||
His heart-lotus blossoms forth in the overflowing green pool, and the Lord of his soul becomes his companion and helper. ||6||
mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey ]
maran likhaae manddal mehi aaeae ||
With their death already ordained, mortals come into this world.
ikau rhIAY clxw prQwey ]
kio reheeai chalanaa parathhaaeae ||
How can they remain here? They have to go to the world beyond.
scw Amru scy Amrw puir so scu imlY vfweI hy ]7]
sachaa amar sachae amaraa pur so sach milai vaddaaee hae ||7||
True is the Lord's Command; the true ones dwell in the eternal city. The True Lord blesses them with glorious greatness. ||7||
Awip aupwieAw jgqu sbwieAw ]
aap oupaaeiaa jagath sabaaeiaa ||
He Himself created the whole world.
ijin isirAw iqin DMDY lwieAw ]
jin siriaa thin dhhandhhai laaeiaa ||
The One who made it, assigns the tasks to it.
scY aUpir Avr n dIsY swcy kImiq pweI hy ]8]
sachai oopar avar n dheesai saachae keemath paaee hae ||8||
I cannot see any other above the True Lord. The True Lord does the appraisal. ||8||
AYQY goielVw idn cwry ]
aithhai goeilarraa dhin chaarae ||
In this green pasture, the mortal stays only a few days.
Kylu qmwsw DuµDUkwry ]
khael thamaasaa dhhundhhookaarae ||
He plays and frolics in utter darkness.
bwjI Kyil gey bwjIgr ijau inis supnY BKlweI hy ]9]
baajee khael geae baajeegar jio nis supanai bhakhalaaee hae ||9||
The jugglers have staged their show, and left, like people mumbling in a dream. ||9||
iqn kau qKiq imlI vifAweI ]
thin ko thakhath milee vaddiaaee ||
They alone are blessed with glorious greatness at the Lord's throne,
inrBau min visAw ilv lweI ]
nirabho man vasiaa liv laaee ||
Who enshrine the fearless Lord in their minds, and lovingly center themselves on Him.
KMfI bRhmMfI pwqwlI purIeI iqRBvx qwVI lweI hy ]10]
khanddee brehamanddee paathaalee pureeee thribhavan thaarree laaee hae ||10||
In the galaxies and solar systems, nether regions, celestial realms and the three worlds, the Lord is in the primal void of deep absorption. ||10||
swcI ngrI qKqu scwvw ]
saachee nagaree thakhath sachaavaa ||
True is the village, and true is the throne,
gurmuiK swcu imlY suKu pwvw ]
guramukh saach milai sukh paavaa ||
Of those Gurmukhs who meet with the True Lord, and find peace.
swcy swcY qKiq vfweI haumY gxq gvweI hy ]11]
saachae saachai thakhath vaddaaee houmai ganath gavaaee hae ||11||
In Truth, seated upon the true throne, they are blessed with glorious greatness; their egotism is eradicated, along with the calculation of their account. ||11||
gxq gxIAY shsw jIAY ]
ganath ganeeai sehasaa jeeai ||
Calculating its account, the soul becomes anxious.
ikau suKu pwvY dUAY qIAY ]
kio sukh paavai dhooai theeai ||
How can one find peace, through duality and the three gunas - the three qualities?
inrmlu eyku inrµjnu dwqw gur pUry qy piq pweI hy ]12]
niramal eaek niranjan dhaathaa gur poorae thae path paaee hae ||12||
The One Lord is immaculate and formless, the Great Giver; through the Perfect Guru, honor is obtained. ||12||
juig juig ivrlI gurmuiK jwqw ]
jug jug viralee guramukh jaathaa ||
In each and every age, very rare are those who, as Gurmukh, realize the Lord.
swcw riv rihAw mnu rwqw ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
saachaa rav rehiaa man raathaa ||
Their minds are imbued with the True, all-pervading Lord.
iqs kI Et ghI suKu pwieAw min qin mYlu n kweI hy ]13]
this kee outt gehee sukh paaeiaa man than mail n kaaee hae ||13||
Seeking His Shelter, they find peace, and their minds and bodies are not stained with filth. ||13||
jIB rswieix swcY rwqI ]
aucwrx rwqI: Bwrw krky bolo
jeebh rasaaein saachai raathee ||
Their tongues are imbued with the True Lord, the source of nectar;
hir pRBu sµgI Bau n BrwqI ]
har prabh sangee bho n bharaathee ||
Abiding with the Lord God, they have no fear or doubt.
sRvx sRoq rjy gurbwxI joqI joiq imlweI hy ]14]
aucwrx r`jy
sravan sroth rajae gurabaanee jothee joth milaaee hae ||14||
Hearing the Word of the Guru's Bani, their ears are satisfied, and their light merges into the Light. ||14||
riK riK pYr Dry pau Drxw ]
rakh rakh pair dhharae po dhharanaa ||
Carefully, carefully, I place my feet upon the ground.
jq kq dyKau qyrI srxw ]
jath kath dhaekho thaeree saranaa ||
Wherever I go, I behold Your Sanctuary.
duKu suKu dyih qUhY min Bwvih quJ hI isau bixAweI hy ]15]
dhukh sukh dhaehi thoohai man bhaavehi thujh hee sio ban aaee hae ||15||
Whether You grant me pain or pleasure, You are pleasing to my mind. I am in harmony with You. ||15||
AMq kwil ko bylI nwhI ]
anth kaal ko baelee naahee ||
No one is anyone's companion or helper at the very last moment;
gurmuiK jwqw quDu swlwhI ]
guramukh jaathaa thudhh saalaahee ||
As Gurmukh, I realize You and praise You.
nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lweI hy ]16]3]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae bairaagee nij ghar thaarree laaee hae ||16||3||
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, I am detached; in the home of my own self deep within, I am absorbed in the primal void of deep meditation. ||16||3||