mwrU solhy mhlw 1
aucwrx mwrU sol-hy mh`lw pihlw
maaroo solehae mehalaa 1
Maaroo, Solahas, First Mehl:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
swcw scu soeI Avru n koeI ]
saachaa sach soee avar n koee ||
The True Lord is True; there is no other at all.
ijin isrjI iqnhI Puin goeI ]
jin sirajee thin hee fun goee ||
He who created, shall in the end destroy.
ijau BwvY iqau rwKhu rhxw qum isau ikAw mukrweI hy ]1]
jio bhaavai thio raakhahu rehanaa thum sio kiaa mukaraaee hae ||1||
As it pleases You, so You keep me, and so I remain; what excuse could I offer to You? ||1||
Awip aupwey Awip Kpwey ]
aap oupaaeae aap khapaaeae ||
You Yourself create, and You Yourself destroy.
Awpy isir isir DMDY lwey ]
aapae sir sir dhhandhhai laaeae ||
You yourself link each and every person to their tasks.
Awpy vIcwrI guxkwrI Awpy mwrig lweI hy ]2]
aapae veechaaree gunakaaree aapae maarag laaee hae ||2||
You contemplate Yourself, You Yourself make us worthy; You Yourself place us on the Path. ||2||
Awpy dwnw Awpy bInw ]
aapae dhaanaa aapae beenaa ||
You Yourself are all-wise, You Yourself are all-knowing.
Awpy Awpu aupwie pqInw ]
aapae aap oupaae patheenaa ||
You Yourself created the Universe, and You are pleased.
Awpy pauxu pwxI bYsµqru Awpy myil imlweI hy ]3]
aapae poun paanee baisanthar aapae mael milaaee hae ||3||
You Yourself are the air, water and fire; You Yourself unite in Union. ||3||
Awpy sis sUrw pUro pUrw ]
aapae sas sooraa pooro pooraa ||
You Yourself are the moon, the sun, the most perfect of the perfect.
Awpy igAwin iDAwin guru sUrw ]
aapae giaan dhhiaan gur sooraa ||
You Yourself are spiritual wisdom, meditation, and the Guru, the Warrior Hero.
kwlu jwlu jmu joih n swkY swcy isau ilv lweI hy ]4]
kaal jaal jam johi n saakai saachae sio liv laaee hae ||4||
The Messenger of Death, and his noose of death, cannot touch one, who is lovingly focused on You, O True Lord. ||4||
Awpy purKu Awpy hI nwrI ]
aapae purakh aapae hee naaree ||
You Yourself are the male, and You Yourself are the female.
Awpy pwsw Awpy swrI ]
aapae paasaa aapae saaree ||
You Yourself are the chess-board, and You Yourself are the chessman.
Awpy ipV bwDI jgu KylY Awpy kImiq pweI hy ]5]
aapae pirr baadhhee jag khaelai aapae keemath paaee hae ||5||
You Yourself staged the drama in the arena of the world, and You Yourself evaluate the players. ||5||
Awpy Bvru Pulu Plu qrvru ]
aapae bhavar ful fal tharavar ||
You Yourself are the bumble bee, the flower, the fruit and the tree.
Awpy jlu Qlu swgru srvru ]
aapae jal thhal saagar saravar ||
You Yourself are the water, the desert, the ocean and the pool.
Awpy mCu kCu krxI kru qyrw rUpu n lKxw jweI hy ]6]
aapae mashh kashh karaneekar thaeraa roop n lakhanaa jaaee hae ||6||
You Yourself are the great fish, the tortoise, the Cause of causes; Your form cannot be known. ||6||
Awpy idnsu Awpy hI rYxI ]
aapae dhinas aapae hee rainee ||
You Yourself are the day, and You Yourself are the night.
Awip pqIjY gur kI bYxI ]
aap patheejai gur kee bainee ||
You Yourself are pleased by the Word of the Guru's Bani.
Awid jugwid Anwhid Anidnu Git Git sbdu rjweI hy ]7]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
aadh jugaadh anaahadh anadhin ghatt ghatt sabadh rajaaee hae ||7||
From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, the unstruck sound current resounds, night and day; in each and every heart, the Word of the Shabad, echoes Your Will. ||7||
Awpy rqnu AnUpu Amolo ]
aapae rathan anoop amolo ||
You Yourself are the jewel, incomparably beautiful and priceless.
Awpy prKy pUrw qolo ]
aapae parakhae pooraa tholo ||
You Yourself are the Assessor, the Perfect Weigher.
Awpy ikshI kis bKsy Awpy dy lY BweI hy ]8]
aapae kis hee kas bakhasae aapae dhae lai bhaaee hae ||8||
You Yourself test and forgive. You Yourself give and take, O Siblings of Destiny. ||8||
Awpy DnKu Awpy sr bwxw ]
aucwrx DnKu: polw bolo (ASuD: Dn`Ku); sr bwxw: v`Krw krky
aapae dhhanakh aapae sarabaanaa ||
He Himself is the bow, and He Himself is the archer.
Awpy suGVu srUpu isAwxw ]
aapae sugharr saroop siaanaa ||
He Himself is all-wise, beautiful and all-knowing.
khqw bkqw suxqw soeI Awpy bxq bxweI hy ]9]
kehathaa bakathaa sunathaa soee aapae banath banaaee hae ||9||
He is the speaker, the orator and the listener. He Himself made what is made. ||9||
pauxu gurU pwxI ipq jwqw ]
poun guroo paanee pith jaathaa ||
Air is the Guru, and water is known to be the father.
audr sµjogI DrqI mwqw ]
aucwrx mwqw: polw bolo
oudhar sanjogee dhharathee maathaa ||
The womb of the great mother earth gives birth to all.
rYix idnsu duie dweI dwieAw jgu KylY KylweI hy ]10]
rain dhinas dhue dhaaee dhaaeiaa jag khaelai khaelaaee hae ||10||
Night and day are the two nurses, male and female; the world plays in this play. ||10||
Awpy mCulI Awpy jwlw ]
aucwrx jwlw: polw bolo
aapae mashhulee aapae jaalaa ||
You Yourself are the fish, and You Yourself are the net.
Awpy gaU Awpy rKvwlw ]
aapae goo aapae rakhavaalaa ||
You Yourself are the cows, and You yourself are their keeper.
srb jIAw jig joiq qumwrI jYsI pRiB PurmweI hy ]11]
sarab jeeaa jag joth thumaaree jaisee prabh furamaaee hae ||11||
Your Light fills all the beings of the world; they walk according to Your Command, O God. ||11||
Awpy jogI Awpy BogI ]
aapae jogee aapae bhogee ||
You Yourself are the Yogi, and You Yourself are the enjoyer.
Awpy rsIAw prm sµjogI ]
aapae raseeaa param sanjogee ||
You Yourself are the reveller; You form the supreme Union.
Awpy vybwxI inrµkwrI inrBau qwVI lweI hy ]12]
aapae vaebaanee nirankaaree nirabho thaarree laaee hae ||12||
You Yourself are speechless, formless and fearless, absorbed in the primal ecstasy of deep meditation. ||12||
KwxI bwxI quJih smwxI ]
khaanee baanee thujhehi samaanee ||
The sources of creation and speech are contained within You, Lord.
jo dIsY sB Awvx jwxI ]
jo dheesai sabh aavan jaanee ||
All that is seen, is coming and going.
syeI swh scy vwpwrI siqguir bUJ buJweI hy ]13]
aucwrx bU`J; bu`JweI
saeee saah sachae vaapaaree sathigur boojh bujhaaee hae ||13||
They are the true bankers and traders, whom the True Guru has inspired to understand. ||13||
sbdu buJwey siqguru pUrw ]
aucwrx bu`Jwey
sabadh bujhaaeae sathigur pooraa ||
The Word of the Shabad is understood through the Perfect True Guru.
srb klw swcy BrpUrw ]
sarab kalaa saachae bharapooraa ||
The True Lord is overflowing with all powers.
APirE vyprvwhu sdw qU nw iqsu iqlu n qmweI hy ]14]
aucwrx AP-irE
afariou vaeparavaahu sadhaa thoo naa this thil n thamaaee hae ||14||
You are beyond our grasp, and forever independent. You do not have even an iota of greed. ||14||
kwlu ibkwlu Bey dyvwny ]
kaal bikaal bheae dhaevaanae ||
Birth and death are meaningless, for those
sbdu shj rsu AMqir mwny ]
sabadh sehaj ras anthar maanae ||
Who enjoy the sublime celestial essence of the Shabad within their minds.
Awpy mukiq iqRpiq vrdwqw Bgiq Bwie min BweI hy ]15]
aapae mukath thripath varadhaathaa bhagath bhaae man bhaaee hae ||15||
He Himself is the Giver of liberation, satisfaction and blessings, to those devotees who love Him in their minds. ||15||
Awip inrwlmu gur gm igAwnw ]
aap niraalam gur gam giaanaa ||
He Himself is immaculate; by contact with the Guru, spiritual wisdom is obtained.
jo dIsY quJ mwih smwnw ]
jo dheesai thujh maahi samaanaa ||
Whatever is seen, shall merge into You.
nwnku nIcu iBiKAw dir jwcY mY dIjY nwmu vfweI hy ]16]1]
naanak neech bhikhiaa dhar jaachai mai dheejai naam vaddaaee hae ||16||1||
Nanak, the lowly, begs for charity at Your Door; please, bless him with the glorious greatness of Your Name. ||16||1||