SGGSAng 359Raag AsaMahalla 112 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw Gru 5 mhlw 1

aucwrx Awsw Gru pMjvw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa ghar 5 mehalaa 1

Aasaa, Fifth House, First Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

BIqir pMc gupq min vwsy ]

bheethar panch gupath man vaasae ||

The five evil passions dwell hidden within the mind.

iQru n rhih jYsy Bvih audwsy ]1]

thhir n rehehi jaisae bhavehi oudhaasae ||1||

They do not remain still, but move around like wanderers. ||1||

mnu myrw dieAwl syqI iQru n rhY ]

man maeraa dhaeiaal saethee thhir n rehai ||

My soul does not stay held by the Merciful Lord.

loBI kptI pwpI pwKMfI mwieAw AiDk lgY ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx kptI: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`tI)

lobhee kapattee paapee paakhanddee maaeiaa adhhik lagai ||1|| rehaao ||

It is greedy, deceitful, sinful and hypocritical, and totally attached to Maya. ||1||Pause||

PUl mwlw gil pihraugI hwro ]

fool maalaa gal pehirougee haaro ||

I will decorate my neck with garlands of flowers.

imlYgw pRIqmu qb kraugI sIgwro ]2]

milaigaa preetham thab karougee seegaaro ||2||

When I meet my Beloved, then I will put on my decorations. ||2||

pMc sKI hm eyku Bqwro ]

panch sakhee ham eaek bhathaaro ||

I have five companions and one Spouse.

pyif lgI hY jIAVw cwlxhwro ]3]

paedd lagee hai jeearraa chaalanehaaro ||3||

It is ordained from the very beginning, that the soul must ultimately depart. ||3||

pMc sKI imil rudnu kryhw ]

panch sakhee mil rudhan karaehaa ||

The five companions will lament together.

swhu pjUqw pRxviq nwnk lyKw dyhw ]4]1]34]

saahu pajoothaa pranavath naanak laekhaa dhaehaa ||4||1||34||

When the soul is trapped, prays Nanak, it is called to account. ||4||1||34||