SGGSAng 52Sri RaagMahalla 515 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw

sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||

Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

sMq jnhu suix BweIho CUtnu swcY nwie ]

aucwrx BweIho: 'ho' nwl bolo

santh janahu sun bhaaeeho shhoottan saachai naae ||

O Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, listen: release comes only through the True Name.

gur ky crx sryvxy qIrQ hir kw nwau ]

aucwrx s-ryvxy

gur kae charan saraevanae theerathh har kaa naao ||

Worship the Feet of the Guru. Let the Name of the Lord be your sacred shrine of pilgrimage.

AwgY drgih mMnIAih imlY inQwvy Qwau ]1]

aagai dharagehi manneeahi milai nithhaavae thhaao ||1||

Hereafter, you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord; there, even the homeless find a home. ||1||

BweI ry swcI siqgur syv ]

bhaaee rae saachee sathigur saev ||

O Siblings of Destiny, service to the True Guru alone is True.

siqgur quTY pweIAY pUrn AlK AByv ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Al`K; A-Byv

sathigur thuthai paaeeai pooran alakh abhaev ||1|| rehaao ||

When the True Guru is pleased, we obtain the Perfect, Unseen, Unknowable Lord. ||1||Pause||

siqgur ivthu vwirAw ijin idqw scu nwau ]

aucwrx id`qw

sathigur vittahu vaariaa jin dhithaa sach naao ||

I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has bestowed the True Name.

Anidnu scu slwhxw scy ky gux gwau ]

anadhin sach salaahanaa sachae kae gun gaao ||

Night and day, I praise the True One; I sing the Glorious Praises of the True One.

scu Kwxw scu pYn@xw scy scw nwau ]2]

sach khaanaa sach painanaa sachae sachaa naao ||2||

True is the food, and true are the clothes, of those who chant the True Name of the True One. ||2||

swis igrwis n ivsrY sPlu mUriq guru Awip ]

saas giraas n visarai safal moorath gur aap ||

With each breath and morsel of food, do not forget the Guru, the Embodiment of Fulfillment.

gur jyvfu Avru n idseI AwT phr iqsu jwip ]

gur jaevadd avar n dhisee aath pehar this jaap ||

None is seen to be as great as the Guru. Meditate on Him twenty-four hours a day.

ndir kry qw pweIAY scu nwmu guxqwis ]3]

nadhar karae thaa paaeeai sach naam gunathaas ||3||

As He casts His Glance of Grace, we obtain the True Name, the Treasure of Excellence. ||3||

guru prmysru eyku hY sB mih rihAw smwie ]

gur paramaesar eaek hai sabh mehi rehiaa samaae ||

The Guru and the Transcendent Lord are one and the same, pervading and permeating amongst all.

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw syeI nwmu iDAwie ]

jin ko poorab likhiaa saeee naam dhhiaae ||

Those who have such pre-ordained destiny, meditate on the Naam.

nwnk gur srxwgqI mrY n AwvY jwie ]4]30]100]

aucwrx srxw-gqI: sbµDk pwT hY

naanak gur saranaagathee marai n aavai jaae ||4||30||100||

Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Guru, who does not die, or come and go in reincarnation. ||4||30||100||