10: pRym ipAwly dI bUMd
The drop of the cup of love
gurmuiK suK Pl lK lK lK lhir qrMgw ]
guramoukhi soukh phal lakh lakh lakh lahir tarangaa.
The gurmukhs identify the wave of delightful fruit among the illusionary waves of the world ocean.
lK drIAwau smwau kir lK lhrI AMgw ]
lakh dareeaau samaau kari lakh laharee angaa.
They bear upon their body millions of waves of worldly rivers.
lK drIAwau smuMd ivic lK qIrQ gMgw ]
lakh dareeaau samound vichi lakh teerad gangaa.
Myriads of rivers are there in the ocean and likewise many are pilgrimage centres on the Ganges.
lK smuMd gVwV ivic bhu rMg ibrMgw ]
lakh samound garhaarh vichi bahu rang birangaa.
In the oceans are millions of sea of varying forms and hues.
lK gVwV qrMg ivic lK AJu ikxMgw ]
lakh garhaarh tarang vichi lakh ajhu kinangaa.
Such oceans may be visualized in one drop of the tears of love.
iprm ipAwlw pIvxw ko burw n cMgw ]10]
piram piaalaa peevanaa ko buraa n changaa ||10||
Nothing is good or bad for the man who quaffs from the cup of love.