11: byAMqqw
The infinity
iek kvwau pswau kir EAMkwr suxwieAw ]
ik kavaau pasaau kari aoankaaru sounaaiaa.
From one resonance the Oankar-Braham created the whole universe.
EAMkwr Akwr lK bRhmMf bxwieAw ]
aoankaari akaar lakh brahamand banaaiaa.
The very Oankar assumed the form of millions of universes.
pMj qq auqpiq lK qRY loA suhwieAw ]
panji tatu outapati lakh trai loa suhaaiaa.
Five elements were created, myriads of productions were made and all the three worlds were adorned.
jil Qil igir qrvr sPl drIAwv clwieAw ]
jalidali giri taravar saphal dareeaav chalaaiaa.
He created water, earth, mountains, trees and made the holy rivers flow.
lK drIAwau smwau kir iql qul n qulwieAw ]
lakh dareeaau samaau kari til tul n tulaaiaa.
He created great oceans that subsume in them myriads of rivers.
kudriq iek AqolvI lyKw n ilKwieAw ]
kudarati ik atolavee laykhaa n likhaaiaa.
A fraction of their grandeur cannot be explained. Only nature is infinite whose expanse cannot be counted.
kudriq kIm n jwxIAY kwdru ikin pwieAw ]11]
kudarati keem n jaaneeai kaadaru kini paaiaa ||11||
When nature is unknowable how could its creator be known?