SGGSAng 355Raag AsaMahalla 113 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

kwcI gwgir dyh duhylI aupjY ibnsY duKu pweI ]

kaachee gaagar dhaeh dhuhaelee oupajai binasai dhukh paaee ||

The clay pitcher of the body is miserable; it suffers in pain through birth and death.

iehu jgu swgru duqru ikau qrIAY ibnu hir gur pwir n pweI ]1]

eihu jag saagar dhuthar kio thareeai bin har gur paar n paaee ||1||

How can this terrifying world-ocean be crossed over? Without the Lord - Guru, it cannot be crossed. ||1||

quJ ibnu Avru n koeI myry ipAwry quJ ibnu Avru n koie hry ]

thujh bin avar n koee maerae piaarae thujh bin avar n koe harae ||

Without You, there is no other at all, O my Beloved; without you, there is no other at all.

srbI rMgI rUpI qUµhY iqsu bKsy ijsu ndir kry ]1] rhwau ]

sarabee rangee roopee thoonhai this bakhasae jis nadhar karae ||1|| rehaao ||

You are in all colors and forms; he alone is forgiven, upon whom You bestow Your Glance of Grace. ||1||Pause||

swsu burI Gir vwsu n dyvY ipr isau imlx n dyie burI ]

saas buree ghar vaas n dhaevai pir sio milan n dhaee buree ||

Maya, my mother-in-law, is evil; she does not let me live in my own home. The vicious one does not let me meet with my Husband Lord.

sKI swjnI ky hau crn sryvau hir gur ikrpw qy ndir DrI ]2]

aucwrx s-ryvau

sakhee saajanee kae ho charan saraevo har gur kirapaa thae nadhar dhharee ||2||

I serve at the feet of my companions and friends; the Lord has showered me with His Mercy, through Guru's Grace. ||2||

Awpu bIcwir mwir mnu dyiKAw qum sw mIqu n Avru koeI ]

aap beechaar maar man dhaekhiaa thum saa meeth n avar koee ||

Reflecting upon my self, and conquering my mind, I have seen that there is no other friend like You.

ijau qUµ rwKih iqv hI rhxw duKu suKu dyvih krih soeI ]3]

jio thoon raakhehi thiv hee rehanaa dhukh sukh dhaevehi karehi soee ||3||

As You keep me, so do I live. You are the Giver of peace and pleasure. Whatever You do, comes to pass. ||3||

Awsw mnsw doaU ibnwsq iqRhu gux Aws inrws BeI ]

aucwrx ib-nwsq

aasaa manasaa dhooo binaasath thrihu gun aas niraas bhee ||

Hope and desire have both been dispelled; I have renounced my longing for the three qualities.

qurIAwvsQw gurmuiK pweIAY sMq sBw kI Et lhI ]4]

aucwrx qurIAw-vsQw; sBw: polw bolo

thureeaavasathhaa guramukh paaeeai santh sabhaa kee outt lehee ||4||

The Gurmukh obtains the state of ecstasy, taking to the Shelter of the Saints' Congregation. ||4||

igAwn iDAwn sgly siB jp qp ijsu hir ihrdY AlK AByvw ]

aucwrx Al`K

giaan dhhiaan sagalae sabh jap thap jis har hiradhai alakh abhaevaa ||

All wisdom and meditation, all chanting and penance, come to one whose heart is filled with the Invisible, Inscrutable Lord.

nwnk rwm nwim mnu rwqw gurmiq pwey shj syvw ]5]22]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

naanak raam naam man raathaa guramath paaeae sehaj saevaa ||5||22||

O Nanak, one whose mind is imbued with the Lord's Name, finds the Guru's Teachings, and intuitively serves. ||5||22||