18: boD mq
kiljuig bODu Aauqwru hY boD AboDu n idRstI AwvY ]
kalijougi bodhu aoutaaru hai bodhu abodhu n drisatee aavai.
In kalijug one finds intellectualism incarnate, but discriminating between knowledge and ignorance is nowhere.
koie n iksY vrjeI soeI kry joeI min BwvY ]
koi n kisai varajaee soee karay joee mani bhaavai.
Nobody interdicts anybody and everyone is behaving according in his whims.
iksy pujweI islw suMin koeI gorI mVHI pujwvY ]
kisay pujaaee silaa sounni koee goree marhhee pujaavai.
Someone instructs for the worship of the inert rocks and someone guides people to worship cemetries.
qMqR mMqR pwKMf kir klih kRoDu bhu vwid vDwvY ]
tantr mantr paakhand kari kalahi krodhu bahu vaadi vadhaavai.
Due to the tantra mantra and such hyprocricies, the tensions anger and quarrels have been increased.
Awpo DwpI hoie kY inAwrY inAwrY Drm clwvY ]
aapo dhaapee hoi kai niaaray niaaray dharam chalaavai.
In the rat-race for selfish ends, different religions have been promulgated.
koeI pUjY cMdu sUru koeI Driq Akwsu mnwvY ]
koee poojay chandu sooru koee dharati akaasu manaavai.
Someone is woshipping moons, someone sun and someone worshipping earth and sky.
pauxu pwxI bYsMqro Drmrwj koeI iqRpqwvY ]
paounu paanee baisantaro dharam raaj koee tripataavai.
Someone is propitiating air, water, fire and yama the god of death.
Pokit DrmI Brim BulwvY ]18]
dhokati dharamee bharami bhulaavai ||18||
These all are religious hypocrities and are tossing in delusions.