SGGSAng 412Raag AsaMahalla 135 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

lyK AsµK iliK iliK mwnu ]

laekh asankh likh likh maan ||

There are innumerable writings; those who write them take pride in them.

min mwinAY scu suriq vKwnu ]

man maaniai sach surath vakhaan ||

When one's mind accepts the Truth, he understands, and speaks of it.

kQnI bdnI piV@ piV@ Bwru ]

kathhanee badhanee parr parr bhaar ||

Words, spoken and read again and again, are useless loads.

lyK AsµK AlyKu Apwru ]1]

laekh asankh alaekh apaar ||1||

There are innumerable writings, but the Infinite Lord remains unwritten. ||1||

AYsw swcw qUµ eyko jwxu ]

aisaa saachaa thoon eaeko jaan ||

Know that such a True Lord is the One and only.

jµmxu mrxw hukmu pCwxu ]1] rhwau ]

janman maranaa hukam pashhaan ||1|| rehaao ||

Understand that birth and death come according to the Lord's Will. ||1||Pause||

mwieAw moih jgu bwDw jmkwil ]

maaeiaa mohi jag baadhhaa jamakaal ||

Because of attachment to Maya, the world is bound by the Messenger of Death.

bWDw CUtY nwmu sm@wil ]

baandhhaa shhoottai naam samhaal ||

These bonds are released when one remembers the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

guru suKdwqw Avru n Bwil ]

gur sukhadhaathaa avar n bhaal ||

The Guru is the Giver of peace; do not look for any other.

hliq pliq inbhI quDu nwil ]2]

halath palath nibehee thudhh naal ||2||

In this world, and the next, He shall stand by you. ||2||

sbid mrY qW eyk ilv lwey ]

sabadh marai thaan eaek liv laaeae ||

One who dies in the Word of the Shabad, embraces love for the One Lord.

Acru crY qW Brmu cukwey ]

aucwrx Acru: polw bolo (ASuD: A-cru); c`rY

achar charai thaan bharam chukaaeae ||

One who eats the uneatable, has his doubts dispelled.

jIvn mukqu min nwmu vswey ]

jeevan mukath man naam vasaaeae ||

He is Jivan Mukta - liberated while yet alive; the Naam abides in his mind.

gurmuiK hoie q sic smwey ]3]

guramukh hoe th sach samaaeae ||3||

Becoming Gurmukh, he merges into the True Lord. ||3||

ijin Dr swjI ggnu Akwsu ]

jin dhhar saajee gagan akaas ||

The One who created the earth and the Akaashic ethers of the sky,

ijin sB QwpI Qwip auQwip ]

jin sabh thhaapee thhaap outhhaap ||

Established all; He establishes and disestablishes.

srb inrµqir Awpy Awip ]

sarab niranthar aapae aap ||

He Himself is permeating all.

iksY n pUCy bKsy Awip ]4]

kisai n pooshhae bakhasae aap ||4||

He does not consult anyone; He Himself forgives. ||4||

qU puru swgru mwxk hIru ]

thoo pur saagar maanak heer ||

You are the Ocean, over-flowing with jewels and rubies.

qU inrmlu scu guxI ghIru ]

thoo niramal sach gunee geheer ||

You are immaculate and pure, the true treasure of virtue.

suKu mwnY BytY gur pIru ]

sukh maanai bhaettai gur peer ||

Peace is enjoyed, meeting the Guru, the Spiritual Teacher.

eyko swihbu eyku vjIru ]5]

eaeko saahib eaek vajeer ||5||

The Lord is the only Master; He is the only Minister. ||5||

jgu bµdI mukqy hau mwrI ]

jag bandhee mukathae ho maaree ||

The world is held in bondage; he alone is emancipated, who conquers his ego.

jig igAwnI ivrlw AwcwrI ]

jag giaanee viralaa aachaaree ||

How rare in the world is that wise person, who practices this.

jig pMifqu ivrlw vIcwrI ]

jag panddith viralaa veechaaree ||

How rare in this world is that scholar who reflects upon this.

ibnu siqguru Byty sB iPrY AhµkwrI ]6]

bin sathigur bhaettae sabh firai ahankaaree ||6||

Without meeting the True Guru, all wander in ego. ||6||

jgu duKIAw suKIAw jnu koie ]

jag dhukheeaa sukheeaa jan koe ||

The world is unhappy; only a few are happy.

jgu rogI BogI gux roie ]

jag rogee bhogee gun roe ||

The world is diseased, from its indulgences; it weeps over its lost virtue.

jgu aupjY ibnsY piq Koie ]

jag oupajai binasai path khoe ||

The world wells up, and then subsides, losing its honor.

gurmuiK hovY bUJY soie ]7]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh hovai boojhai soe ||7||

He alone, who becomes Gurmukh, understands. ||7||

mhGo moil Bwir APwru ]

aucwrx mhGo: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj

mehagho mol bhaar afaar ||

His price is so costly; His weight is unbearable.

Atl AClu gurmqI Dwru ]

aucwrx A-tl; A-Clu; gurm`qI

attal ashhal guramathee dhhaar ||

He is immovable and undeceivable; enshrine Him in your mind, through the Guru's Teachings.

Bwie imlY BwvY Bie kwru ]

bhaae milai bhaavai bhaeikaar ||

Meet Him through love, become pleasing to Him, and act in fear of Him.

nwnku nIcu khY bIcwru ]8]3]

naanak neech kehai beechaar ||8||3||

Nanak the lowly says this, after deep contemplation. ||8||3||