Bhai Gurdas JiAng 1Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 19 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

30: Bwrq dI durdSw

Miserable plight of India

kil AweI kuqy muhI Kwju hoieAw murdwr gusweI ]

kali aaee koutay muhee khaaju hoiaa muradaar gousaaee.

O God! in kaliyug , the mentality of the jiv has become like the mouth of dog which always seeks the dead to eat.

rwjy pwp kmwvdy aultI vwV Kyq kau KweI ]

raajay paapu kamaanvaday ulatee vaarh khayt kau khaaee.

The kings are sinning as if the protective fence were itself devouring the (crop in the) field.

prjw AMDI igAwn ibnu kUVu kusiq muKhu AwlweI ]

parajaa andhee giaan binu koorh kousatu moukhahu aalaaee.

Bereft of knowledge, the blind people are uttering falsehood.

cyly swj vjwiedy ncin gurU bhuqu ibiD BweI ]

chaylay saaj vajaaiday nachani guroo bahoutu bidhi bhaaee.

Now the gurus are dancing variously to the tunes played by the disciples.

syvk bYTin Grw ivic gur auiT GrI iqnwVy jweI ]

chaylay baitdani gharaan vichi guru outdi ghareen tinaarhay jaaee.

The taughts now sit at home and the teachers go their abodes.

kwjI hoey irsvqI vFI lY kY hk gvweI ]

kaajee hoay risavatee vaddhee lai kai haku gavaaee.

Qazis enjoy bribes and getting the same they have lost their high regards and position.

iesqRI purKY dwm ihqu BwvY Awie ikQwaU jweI ]

isatree purakhay daami hitu bhaavai aai kidaaoon jaaee.

Man and woman love each other for riches, may they come from anywhere.

vriqAw pwp sBs jg mWhI ]30]

varatiaa paapu sabhasi jagi maanhee ||30||

The sin has become ubiquitous in the whole world.