31: gurU pRIiKAw
Testing the Guru
isDI mny bIcwirAw ikvY drsn ey lyvY bwlw ]
sidhee manay beechaariaa kivai darasanu ay layvai baalaa.
The siddhs thought in their mind that this body should in all circumstances Adopt philosophy of yoga.
AYsw jogI klI mih hmry pMQ kry auijAwlw ]
aisaa jogee kalee mahi hamaray pandu karay ujiaalaa.
Such a yogi in kaliyug, will brighten the name of our sect.
Kpr idqw nwQ jI pwxI Bir lYvix auiT cwlw ]
khaparu ditaa naad jee paanee bhari laivani outdi chaalaa.
One of the Naths, gave him a begging bowl to fetch water.
bwbw AwieAw pwxIAY ifTy rqn jvwhr lwlw ]
baabaa aaiaa paaneeai ditday ratan javaahar laalaa.
When Baba came to the stream for water, he saw rubies and jewels in it.
siqgur Agm AgwiD purKu kyhVw Jly gurU dI Jwlw ]
satigur agam agaadhi purakhu kayharhaa jhalay guroo dee jhaalaa.
This true Guru (Nanak) was unfathomable supreme purusa and who could bear with his effulgence.
iPir AwieAw gur nwQ jI pwxI TauV nhI auis qwlw ]
dhiri aaiaa gur naad jee paanee tdaurh naahee ousi taalaa.
He (remaining uninfluenced) returned to the group and said, O Nath, in that stream there is no water.
sbid ijqI isiD mMflI kIqosu Apxw pMQu inrwlw ]
sabadi jitee sidhi mandalee keetosu apanaa pandu niraalaa.
Through (the power of the word) Shabad he conquered the siddhs and propounded his altogether new way of life.
kiljug nwnk nwm suKwlw ]31]
kalijougi naanak naamu soukhaalaa ||31||
In Kaliyug, instead of yogic exercises the name of the Lord who is beyond all sufferings (Nanak) is the only source of delight.