soriT mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw qIjw
sorath mehalaa 3 ||
Sorat'h, Third Mehl:
Bgiq Kjwnw Bgqn kau dIAw nwau hir Dnu scu soie ]
bhagath khajaanaa bhagathan ko dheeaa naao har dhhan sach soe ||
The True Lord has blessed His devotees with the treasure of devotional worship, and the wealth of the Lord's Name.
AKutu nwm Dnu kdy inKutY nwhI iknY n kImiq hoie ]
aucwrx in-KutY
akhutt naam dhhan kadhae nikhuttai naahee kinai n keemath hoe ||
The wealth of the Naam, shall never be exhausted; no one can estimate its worth.
nwm Din muK aujly hoey hir pwieAw scu soie ]1]
naam dhhan mukh oujalae hoeae har paaeiaa sach soe ||1||
With the wealth of the Naam, their faces are radiant, and they attain the True Lord. ||1||
mn myry gur sbdI hir pwieAw jwie ]
man maerae gur sabadhee har paaeiaa jaae ||
O my mind, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord is found.
ibnu sbdY jgu Buldw iPrdw drgh imlY sjwie ] rhwau ]
bin sabadhai jag bhuladhaa firadhaa dharageh milai sajaae || rehaao ||
Without the Shabad, the world wanders around, and receives its punishment in the Court of the Lord. ||Pause||
iesu dyhI AMdir pMc cor vsih kwmu kRoDu loBu mohu Ahµkwrw ]
eis dhaehee andhar panch chor vasehi kaam krodhh lobh mohu ahankaaraa ||
Within this body dwell the five thieves: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and egotism.
AMimRqu lUtih mnmuK nhI bUJih koie n suxY pUkwrw ]
aucwrx bU`Jih
anmrith loottehi manamukh nehee boojhehi koe n sunai pookaaraa ||
They plunder the Nectar, but the self-willed manmukh does not realize it; no one hears his complaint.
AMDw jgqu AMDu vrqwrw bwJu gurU gubwrw ]2]
andhhaa jagath andhh varathaaraa baajh guroo gubaaraa ||2||
The world is blind, and its dealings are blind as well; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness. ||2||
haumY myrw kir kir ivguqy ikhu clY n clidAw nwil ]
aucwrx ivgu`qy; c`lY
houmai maeraa kar kar viguthae kihu chalai n chaladhiaa naal ||
Indulging in egotism and possessiveness, they are ruined; when they depart, nothing goes along with them.
gurmuiK hovY su nwmu iDAwvY sdw hir nwmu smwil ]
guramukh hovai s naam dhhiaavai sadhaa har naam samaal ||
But one who becomes Gurmukh meditates on the Naam, and ever contemplates the Lord's Name.
scI bwxI hir gux gwvY ndrI ndir inhwil ]3]
sachee baanee har gun gaavai nadharee nadhar nihaal ||3||
Through the True Word of Gurbani, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord; blessed with the Lord's Glance of Grace, he is enraptured. ||3||
siqgur igAwnu sdw Git cwnxu Amru isir bwidswhw ]
sathigur giaan sadhaa ghatt chaanan amar sir baadhisaahaa ||
The spiritual wisdom of the True Guru is a steady light within the heart. The Lord's decree is over the heads of even kings.
Anidnu Bgiq krih idnu rwqI rwm nwmu scu lwhw ]
anadhin bhagath karehi dhin raathee raam naam sach laahaa ||
Night and day, the Lord's devotees worship Him; night and day, they gather in the true profit of the Lord's Name.
nwnk rwm nwim insqwrw sbid rqy hir pwhw ]4]2]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak raam naam nisathaaraa sabadh rathae har paahaa ||4||2||
O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, one is emancipated; attuned to the Shabad, he finds the Lord. ||4||2||