soriT mhlw 3 Gru 1
aucwrx soriT mh`lw qIjw Gru pihlw
sorath mehalaa 3 ghar 1
Sorat'h, Third Mehl, First House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
syvk syv krih siB qyrI ijn sbdY swdu AwieAw ]
saevak saev karehi sabh thaeree jin sabadhai saadh aaeiaa ||
All of Your servants, who relish the Word of Your Shabad, serve You.
gur ikrpw qy inrmlu hoAw ijin ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]
gur kirapaa thae niramal hoaa jin vichahu aap gavaaeiaa ||
By Guru's Grace, they become pure, eradicating self-conceit from within.
Anidnu gux gwvih inq swcy gur kY sbid suhwieAw ]1]
anadhin gun gaavehi nith saachae gur kai sabadh suhaaeiaa ||1||
Night and day, they continually sing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; they are adorned with the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||
myry Twkur hm bwirk srix qumwrI ]
maerae thaakur ham baarik saran thumaaree ||
O my Lord and Master, I am Your child; I seek Your Sanctuary.
eyko scw scu qU kyvlu Awip murwrI ] rhwau ]
eaeko sachaa sach thoo kaeval aap muraaree || rehaao ||
You are the One and Only Lord, the Truest of the True; You Yourself are the Destroyer of ego. ||Pause||
jwgq rhy iqnI pRBu pwieAw sbdy haumY mwrI ]
jaagath rehae thinee prabh paaeiaa sabadhae houmai maaree ||
Those who remain wakeful obtain God; through the Word of the Shabad, they conquer their ego.
igrhI mih sdw hir jn audwsI igAwn qq bIcwrI ]
girehee mehi sadhaa har jan oudhaasee giaan thath beechaaree ||
Immersed in family life, the Lord's humble servant ever remains detached; he reflects upon the essence of spiritual wisdom.
siqguru syiv sdw suKu pwieAw hir rwiKAw aur DwrI ]2]
sathigur saev sadhaa sukh paaeiaa har raakhiaa our dhhaaree ||2||
Serving the True Guru, he finds eternal peace, and he keeps the Lord enshrined in his heart. ||2||
iehu mnUAw dhidis Dwvdw dUjY Bwie KuAwieAw ]
eihu manooaa dheh dhis dhhaavadhaa dhoojai bhaae khuaaeiaa ||
This mind wanders in the ten directions; it is consumed by the love of duality.
mnmuK mugDu hir nwmu n cyqY ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]
aucwrx mugDu: 'g' nwl bolo (ASuD: muGDu)
manamukh mugadhh har naam n chaethai birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa ||
The foolish self-willed manmukh does not remember the Lord's Name; he wastes away his life in vain.
siqguru Byty qw nwau pwey haumY mohu cukwieAw ]3]
sathigur bhaettae thaa naao paaeae houmai mohu chukaaeiaa ||3||
But when he meets the True Guru, then he obtains the Name; he sheds egotism and emotional attachment. ||3||
hir jn swcy swcu kmwvih gur kY sbid vIcwrI ]
har jan saachae saach kamaavehi gur kai sabadh veechaaree ||
The Lord's humble servants are True - they practice Truth, and reflect upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Awpy myil ley pRiB swcY swcu riKAw aur DwrI ]
aapae mael leae prabh saachai saach rakhiaa our dhhaaree ||
The True Lord God unites them with Himself, and they keep the True Lord enshrined in their hearts.
nwnk nwvhu giq miq pweI eyhw rwis hmwrI ]4]1]
aucwrx m`iq
naanak naavahu gath math paaee eaehaa raas hamaaree ||4||1||
O Nanak, through the Name, I have obtained salvation and understanding; this alone is my wealth. ||4||1||