SGGSAng 1402Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke4 linesBhatt Gayand Ji

rwm nwm prm Dwm suD buD inrIkwr bysumwr srbr kau kwih jIau ]

aucwrx inrI-kwr; sr-br

raam naam param dhhaam sudhh budhh nireekaar baesumaar sarabar ko kaahi jeeo ||

You are blessed with the Lord's Name, the supreme mansion, and clear understanding. You are the Formless, Infinite Lord; who can compare to You?

suQr icq Bgq ihq ByKu DirE hrnwKsu hirE nK ibdwir jIau ]

aucwrx suQr: polw bolo (ASuD: suQ`r)

suthhar chith bhagath hith bhaekh dhhariou haranaakhas hariou nakh bidhaar jeeo ||

For the sake of the pure-hearted devotee Prahlaad, You took the form of the man-lion, to tear apart and destroy Harnaakhash with your claws.

sMK ckR gdw pdm Awip Awpu kIE Cdm Aprµpr pwrbRhm lKY kaunu qwih jIau ]

aucwrx gdw: polw bolo; Ap-rµpr; pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

sankh chakr gadhaa padham aap aap keeou shhadham aparanpar paarabreham lakhai koun thaahi jeeo ||

You are the Infinite Supreme Lord God; with your symbols of power, You deceived Baliraja; who can know You?

siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]2]7]

aucwrx quhI: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: qUhI)

sath saach sree nivaas aadh purakh sadhaa thuhee vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahi jeeo ||2||7||

You are forever True, the Home of Excellence, the Primal Supreme Being. Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Jee-o. ||2||7||