12: gurmuK dI AvsQw
The state of a Gurmukh
gurmuiK iprm cKwieAw BuK n Kwxu pIAxu AMnu pwxI ]
guramoukhi piramu chakhaaiaa bhoukh n khaanu peeanu annu paanee.
The gurmukh having tasted the joy of love feels no desire for food and ink.
sbd suriq nINd auGVI jwgidAW suK rYix ivhwxI ]
sabad surati neend ougharhee jaagadiaan soukh raini vihaanee.
Due to the merger of his consciousness in the Word, he gets no eep and by getting awake, he spends his night delightfully.
swhy bDy sohdy mYlwpV prvwxu prwxI ]
saahay badhay sohaday mailaaparh paravaanu paraanee.
As for a few ays before marriage, the bride and the bridegroom look beautiful even in gs, the gurmukhs also remain adorned.
clxu jwix sujwx hoie jg imhmwn Awey imhmwxI ]
chalanu jaani sujaan hoi jag mihamaan aaay mihamaanee.
Since they understand the mystery f going from the world, they live like guests in the world (who must sooner r later go).
scu vxij Kyp lY cly gurmuiK gwfI rwhu nIswxI ]
sachu vanaji khayp lai chalay guramoukhi gaadee raahu neesaanee.
Being familiar with the highway of the wisdom of the Guru, Gurmukhs move on it with full load of the truthful merchandise.
hliq pliq muK aujly gur isK gurisKW min BwxI ]
halati palati moukh ujalay gur sikh gurasikhaan mani bhaanee.
The Sikhs ove the teachings of the Guru and their faces remain bright in this and in the world hereafter.
swDsMgiq ivic AkQ khwxI ]12]
saadhasangati vichi akad kahaanee ||12||
Always in the holy congregation, the ineffable story of the grandeur of) the Lord is told.