Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

11: isK kIh kry? swD sMg

What a Sikh ought to do ?

dyiK prweIAw cMgIAw mwvW BYxW DIAW jwxY ]

daykhi paraaeeaan changeeaan maavaan bhainaan dheeaan jaanai.

The Sikh ought to treat beautiful women of others as his mothers, sisters, and daughters.

ausu sUAru ausu gwie hY pr Dn ihMdU muslmwxY ]

ousu sooaru ousu gaai hai par dhan hindoo mousalamaanai.

Others' wealth for him is as beef for Hindu and pork for a Muslim.

puqR klqR kutMbu dyiK mohy moih n Doih iD|wxY ]

poutr kalatr koutanbu daykhi mohay mohi n dhohi dhiaanai.

Out of infatuation for his son, wife or family, he should not betray and deceive anyone.

ausqiq inMdw kMin suix Awphu burw n AwiK vKwxY ]

ousatati nidaa kanni souni aapahu buraa n aakhi vakhaanai.

While listening to the praises and slander of others, he should not talk ill of anybody.

vf prqwpu n Awpu gix kir AhMmyau n iksY r\wxY ]

vad parataapu n aapu gani kari ahanmayu n kisai raanai.

Neither he should count himself as great and glorious nor should he out of his ego, snub anybody.

gurmuiK suKPl pwieAw rwju jogu rs rlIAw mwxY ]

guramoukhi soukh phal paaiaa raaju jogu ras raleeaa maanai.

Gurmukh of such a nature practises Raj yoga (the highest yoga), lives peacefully a

swDsMgiq ivthu kurbwxY ]11]

saadhasangati vitahu kurabaanai ||11||

And goes to sacrifice his self unto the holy congregation.