Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

13: is`KI swDn swDsMg

Accept the will of the Lord in the holy congregation ,

haumY grbu invwrIAY gurmuiK irdY grIbI AwvY ]

haoumai garabu nivaareeai guramoukhi ridai gareebee aavai.

Repudiating pride and ego a gurmukh should be humble.

igAwn mqI Git cwnxw Brm AigAwnu AMDyru imtwvY ]

giaan matee ghati chaananaa bharam agiaanu andhayru mitaavai.

With the light of knowledge in his mind he should dispel darkness of ignorance and delusions.

hoie inmwxw Fih pvY drgh mwxu inmwxw pwvY ]

hoi nimaanaa ddhahi pavai daragah maanu nimaanaa paavai.

He should fall on the feet (of Lord) in humility because only the humble are honoured in the court of the Lord.

KsmY soeI Bwvdw KsmY dw ijsu Bwxw BwvY ]

khasamai soee bhaanvadaa khasamai daa jisu bhaanaa bhaavai.

Master also loves that man who loves the will of the master.

Bwxw mMnY mMnIAY Awpxw Bwxw Awip mnwvY ]

bhaanaa mannai manneeai aapanaa bhaanaa aapi manaavai.

One who accepts the will of God is accepted by one understands that he is a guest in this world;

dunIAw ivic prwhuxw dwvw Cif rhY lw dwvY ]

douneeaa vichi paraahounaa daavaa chhadi rahai laa daavai.

That is why foregoing all claims, he lives without making any claim for himself.

swDsMgiq imil hukim kmwvY ]13]

saadhasangati mili houkami kamaavai ||13||

Being in the holy congregation, he acts in consonance with the commands of the Lord.