mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
kudriq krnYhwr Apwrw ]
kudharath karanaihaar apaaraa ||
The Creator Lord is infinite; His creative power is wondrous.
kIqy kw nwhI ikhu cwrw ]
keethae kaa naahee kihu chaaraa ||
Created beings have no power over Him.
jIA aupwie irjku dy Awpy isir isir hukmu clwieAw ]1]
jeea oupaae rijak dhae aapae sir sir hukam chalaaeiaa ||1||
He formed the living beings, and He Himself sustains them; the Hukam of His Command controls each and every one. ||1||
hukmu clwie rihAw BrpUry ]
hukam chalaae rehiaa bharapoorae ||
The all-pervading Lord orchestrates all through His Hukam.
iksu nyVY iksu AwKW dUry ]
kis naerrai kis aakhaan dhoorae ||
Who is near, and who is far away?
gupq pRgt hir Git Git dyKhu vrqY qwku sbwieAw ]2]
gupath pragatt har ghatt ghatt dhaekhahu varathai thaak sabaaeiaa ||2||
Behold the Lord, both hidden and manifest, in each and every heart; the unique Lord is permeating all. ||2||
ijs kau myly suriq smwey ]
jis ko maelae surath samaaeae ||
One whom the Lord unites with Himself, merges in conscious awareness.
gur sbdI hir nwmu iDAwey ]
gur sabadhee har naam dhhiaaeae ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, meditate on the Lord's Name.
Awnd rUp AnUp Agocr gur imilAY Brmu jwieAw ]3]
aanadh roop anoop agochar gur miliai bharam jaaeiaa ||3||
God is the embodiment of bliss, incomparably beautiful and unfathomable; meeting with the Guru, doubt is dispelled. ||3||
mn qn Dn qy nwmu ipAwrw ]
man than dhhan thae naam piaaraa ||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is more dear to me than my mind, body and wealth.
AMiq sKweI clxvwrw ]
anth sakhaaee chalanavaaraa ||
In the end, when I must depart, it shall be my only help and support.
moh pswr nhI sµig bylI ibnu hir gur ikin suKu pwieAw ]4]
moh pasaar nehee sang baelee bin har gur kin sukh paaeiaa ||4||
In this world of love and attachment, no one is anyone else's friend or companion; without the Lord, without the Guru, who has ever found peace? ||4||
ijs kau ndir kry guru pUrw ]
jis ko nadhar karae gur pooraa ||
He, unto whom the Perfect Guru grants His Grace,
sbid imlwey gurmiq sUrw ]
sabadh milaaeae guramath sooraa ||
Is merged in the Word of the Shabad, through the Teachings of the brave, heroic Guru.
nwnk gur ky crn sryvhu ijin BUlw mwrig pwieAw ]5]
aucwrx s-ryvhu
naanak gur kae charan saraevahu jin bhoolaa maarag paaeiaa ||5||
O Nanak, dwell upon, and serve at the Guru's feet; He places those who wander back on the Path. ||5||
sMq jnW hir Dnu jsu ipAwrw ]
santh janaan har dhhan jas piaaraa ||
The wealth of the Lord's Praise is very dear to the humble Saints.
gurmiq pwieAw nwmu qumwrw ]
guramath paaeiaa naam thumaaraa ||
Through the Guru's Teachings, I have obtained Your Name, Lord.
jwicku syv kry dir hir kY hir drgh jsu gwieAw ]6]
jaachik saev karae dhar har kai har dharageh jas gaaeiaa ||6||
The beggar serves at the Lord's door, and in the Court of the Lord, sings His Praises. ||6||
siqguru imlY q mhil bulwey ]
sathigur milai th mehal bulaaeae ||
When one meets the True Guru, he is called into the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
swcI drgh giq piq pwey ]
saachee dharageh gath path paaeae ||
In the True Court, he is blessed with salvation and honor.
swkq Taur nwhI hir mMdr jnm mrY duKu pwieAw ]7]
saakath thour naahee har mandhar janam marai dhukh paaeiaa ||7||
The faithless cynic has no place of rest in the Lord's palace; he suffers the pains of birth and death. ||7||
syvhu siqgur smuMdu AQwhw ]
saevahu sathigur samundh athhaahaa ||
So serve the True Guru, the unfathomable ocean,
pwvhu nwmu rqnu Dnu lwhw ]
paavahu naam rathan dhhan laahaa ||
And you shall obtain the profit, the wealth, the jewel of the Naam.
ibiKAw mlu jwie AMimRq sir nwvhu gur sr sµqoKu pwieAw ]8]
aucwrx nwvhu: 'n' Bwrw krky
bikhiaa mal jaae anmrith sar naavahu gur sar santhokh paaeiaa ||8||
The filth of corruption is washed away, by bathing in the pool of Ambrosial Nectar. In the Guru's pool, contentment is obtained. ||8||
siqgur syvhu sMk n kIjY ]
sathigur saevahu sank n keejai ||
So serve the Guru without hesitation.
Awsw mwih inrwsu rhIjY ]
aasaa maahi niraas reheejai ||
And in the midst of hope, remain unmoved by hope.
sMsw dUK ibnwsnu syvhu iPir bwhuiV rogu n lwieAw ]9]
sansaa dhookh binaasan saevahu fir baahurr rog n laaeiaa ||9||
Serve the Eradicator of cynicism and suffering, and you shall never again be afflicted by the disease. ||9||
swcy BwvY iqsu vfIAwey ]
aucwrx vfI-Awey: ibhwrI sihq bolo
saachae bhaavai this vaddeeaaeae ||
One who is pleasing to the True Lord is blessed with glorious greatness.
kaunu su dUjw iqsu smJwey ]
koun s dhoojaa this samajhaaeae ||
Who else can teach him anything?
hir gur mUriq eykw vrqY nwnk hir gur BwieAw ]10]
har gur moorath eaekaa varathai naanak har gur bhaaeiaa ||10||
The Lord and the Guru are pervading in one form. O Nanak, the Lord loves the Guru. ||10||
vwcih pusqk vyd purwnW ]
aucwrx pusq`k
vaachehi pusathak vaedh puraanaan ||
Some read scriptures, the Vedas and the Puraanas.
iek bih sunih sunwvih kwnW ]
eik behi sunehi sunaavehi kaanaan ||
Some sit and listen, and read to others.
Ajgr kptu khhu ikau Kul@Y ibnu siqgur qqu n pwieAw ]11]
aucwrx Aj-gr; kptu: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`tu)
ajagar kapatt kehahu kio khulhai bin sathigur thath n paaeiaa ||11||
Tell me, how can the heavy, rigid doors be opened? Without the True Guru, the essence of reality is not realized. ||11||
krih ibBUiq lgwvih BsmY ]
aucwrx ib-BUiq: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
karehi bibhooth lagaavehi bhasamai ||
Some collect dust, and smear their bodies with ashes;
AMqir kRoDu cµfwlu su haumY ]
anthar krodhh chanddaal s houmai ||
But deep within them are the outcasts of anger and egotism.
pwKMf kIny jogu n pweIAY ibnu siqgur AlKu n pwieAw ]12]
aucwrx Al`Ku
paakhandd keenae jog n paaeeai bin sathigur alakh n paaeiaa ||12||
Practicing hypocrisy, Yoga is not obtained; without the True Guru, the unseen Lord is not found. ||12||
qIrQ vrq nym krih auidAwnw ]
theerathh varath naem karehi oudhiaanaa ||
Some make vows to visit sacred shrines of pilgrimage, keep fasts and live in the forest.
jqu squ sMjmu kQih igAwnw ]
jath sath sanjam kathhehi giaanaa ||
Some practice chastity, charity and self-discipline, and speak of spiritual wisdom.
rwm nwm ibnu ikau suKu pweIAY ibnu siqgur Brmu n jwieAw ]13]
raam naam bin kio sukh paaeeai bin sathigur bharam n jaaeiaa ||13||
But without the Lord's Name, how can anyone find peace? Without the True Guru, doubt is not dispelled. ||13||
inaulI krm BuieAMgm BwTI ]
aucwrx Buie-AMgm
nioulee karam bhueiangam bhaathee ||
Inner cleansing techniques, channeling the energy to raise the Kundalini to the Tenth Gate,
ryck kuµBk pUrk mn hwTI ]
raechak kunbhak poorak man haathee ||
Inhaling, exhaling and holding the breath by the force of the mind -
pwKMf Drmu pRIiq nhI hir sau gur sbd mhw rsu pwieAw ]14]
paakhandd dhharam preeth nehee har so gur sabadh mehaa ras paaeiaa ||14||
By empty hypocritical practices, Dharmic love for the Lord is not produced. Only through the Word of the Guru's Shabad is the sublime, supreme essence obtained. ||14||
kudriq dyiK rhy mnu mwinAw ]
kudharath dhaekh rehae man maaniaa ||
Seeing the Lord's creative power, my mind remains satisfied.
gur sbdI sBu bRhmu pCwinAw ]
aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
gur sabadhee sabh breham pashhaaniaa ||
Through the Guru's Shabad, I have realized that all is God.
nwnk Awqm rwmu sbwieAw gur siqgur AlKu lKwieAw ]15]5]22]
aucwrx Al`Ku
naanak aatham raam sabaaeiaa gur sathigur alakh lakhaaeiaa ||15||5||22||
O Nanak, the Lord, the Supreme Soul, is in all. The Guru, the True Guru, has inspired me to see the unseen Lord. ||15||5||22||