mwrU mhlw 3 Gru 5 AstpdI
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw Gru pMjvw Ast-pdI
maaroo mehalaa 3 ghar 5 asattapadhee
Maaroo, Third Mehl, Fifth House, Ashtapadees:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
ijsno pRymu mMin vswey ]
jis no praem mann vasaaeae ||
One whose mind is filled with the Lord's Love
swcY sbid shij suBwey ]
aucwrx suBwey: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
saachai sabadh sehaj subhaaeae ||
Is intuitively exalted by the True Word of the Shabad.
eyhw vydn soeI jwxY Avru ik jwxY kwrI jIau ]1]
eaehaa vaedhan soee jaanai avar k jaanai kaaree jeeo ||1||
He alone knows the pain of this love; what does anyone else know about its cure? ||1||
Awpy myly Awip imlwey ]
aapae maelae aap milaaeae ||
He Himself unites in His Union.
Awpxw ipAwru Awpy lwey ]
aapanaa piaar aapae laaeae ||
He Himself inspires us with His Love.
pRym kI swr soeI jwxY ijsno ndir qumwrI jIau ]1] rhwau ]
praem kee saar soee jaanai jis no nadhar thumaaree jeeo ||1|| rehaao ||
He alone appreciates the value of Your Love, upon whom You shower Your Grace, O Lord. ||1||Pause||
idb idRsit jwgY Brmu cukwey ]
dhib dhrisatt jaagai bharam chukaaeae ||
One whose spiritual vision is awakened - his doubt is driven out.
gurprswid prmpdu pwey ]
gur parasaadh param padh paaeae ||
By Guru's Grace, he obtains the supreme status.
so jogI ieh jugiq pCwxY gur kY sbid bIcwrI jIau ]2]
so jogee eih jugath pashhaanai gur kai sabadh beechaaree jeeo ||2||
He alone is a Yogi, who understands this way, and contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||
sµjogI Dn ipr mylw hovY ]
sanjogee dhhan pir maelaa hovai ||
By good destiny, the soul-bride is united with her Husband Lord.
gurmiq ivchu durmiq KovY ]
guramath vichahu dhuramath khovai ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, she eradicates her evil-mindedness from within.
rMg isau inq rlIAw mwxY Apxy kMq ipAwrI jIau ]3]
rang sio nith raleeaa maanai apanae kanth piaaree jeeo ||3||
With love, she continually enjoys pleasure with Him; she becomes the beloved of her Husband Lord. ||3||
siqgur bwJhu vYdu n koeI ]
sathigur baajhahu vaidh n koee ||
Other than the True Guru, there is no physician.
Awpy Awip inrµjnu soeI ]
aapae aap niranjan soee ||
He Himself is the Immaculate Lord.
siqgur imilAY mrY mMdw hovY igAwn bIcwrI jIau ]4]
sathigur miliai marai mandhaa hovai giaan beechaaree jeeo ||4||
Meeting with the True Guru, evil is conquered, and spiritual wisdom is contemplated. ||4||
eyhu sbdu swru ijsno lwey ]
eaehu sabadh saar jis no laaeae ||
One who is committed to this most sublime Shabad
gurmuiK iqRsnw BuK gvwey ]
guramukh thrisanaa bhukh gavaaeae ||
Becomes Gurmukh, and is rid of thirst and hunger.
Awpx lIAw ikCU n pweIAY kir ikrpw kl DwrI jIau ]5]
aapan leeaa kishhoo n paaeeai kar kirapaa kal dhhaaree jeeo ||5||
By one's own efforts, nothing can be accomplished; the Lord, in His Mercy, bestows power. ||5||
Agm ingmu siqgurU idKwieAw ]
agam nigam sathiguroo dhikhaaeiaa ||
The True Guru has revealed the essence of the Shaastras and the Vedas.
kir ikrpw ApnY Gir AwieAw ]
kar kirapaa apanai ghar aaeiaa ||
In His Mercy, He has come into the home of my self.
AMjn mwih inrµjnu jwqw ijn kau ndir qumwrI jIau ]6]
anjan maahi niranjan jaathaa jin ko nadhar thumaaree jeeo ||6||
In the midst of Maya, the Immaculate Lord is known, by those upon whom You bestow Your Grace. ||6||
gurmuiK hovY so qqu pwey ]
guramukh hovai so thath paaeae ||
One who becomes Gurmukh, obtains the essence of reality;
Awpxw Awpu ivchu gvwey ]
aapanaa aap vichahu gavaaeae ||
He eradictes his self-conceit from within.
siqgur bwJhu sBu DMDu kmwvY vyKhu min vIcwrI jIau ]7]
sathigur baajhahu sabh dhhandhh kamaavai vaekhahu man veechaaree jeeo ||7||
Without the True Guru, all are entangled in worldly affairs; consider this in your mind, and see. ||7||
ieik BRim BUly iPrih AhµkwrI ]
eik bhram bhoolae firehi ahankaaree ||
Some are deluded by doubt; they strut around egotistically.
ieknw gurmuiK haumY mwrI ]
eikanaa guramukh houmai maaree ||
Some, as Gurmukh, subdue their egotism.
scY sbid rqy bYrwgI hoir Brim Buly gwvwrI jIau ]8]
aucwrx r`qy
sachai sabadh rathae bairaagee hor bharam bhulae gaavaaree jeeo ||8||
Attuned to the True Word of the Shabad, they remain detached from the world. The other ignorant fools wander, confused and deluded by doubt. ||8||
gurmuiK ijnI nwmu n pwieAw ]
guramukh jinee naam n paaeiaa ||
Those who have not become Gurmukh, and who have not found the Naam, the Name of the Lord
mnmuiK ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]
manamukh birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa ||
Those self-willed manmukhs waste their lives uselessly.
AgY ivxu nwvY ko bylI nwhI bUJY gur bIcwrI jIau ]9]
aucwrx bU`JY
agai vin naavai ko baelee naahee boojhai gur beechaaree jeeo ||9||
In the world hereafter, nothing except the Name will be of any assistance; this is understood by contemplating the Guru. ||9||
AMimRq nwmu sdw suKdwqw ]
anmrith naam sadhaa sukhadhaathaa ||
The Ambrosial Naam is the Giver of peace forever.
guir pUrY jug cwry jwqw ]
gur poorai jug chaarae jaathaa ||
Throughout the four ages, it is known through the Perfect Guru.
ijsu qU dyvih soeI pwey nwnk qqu bIcwrI jIau ]10]1]
jis thoo dhaevehi soee paaeae naanak thath beechaaree jeeo ||10||1||
He alone receives it, unto whom You bestow it; this is the essence of reality which Nanak has realized. ||10||1||