18: gurU pRIq hauN qoVdI hY
Love for the Guru decimates ego
lK isAwxp suriq lK lK gux cqurweI ]
lakh siaanap surati lakh lakh goun chaturaaee.
One may have millions of wisdoms, consciousness, qualities, meditations, honours, japs,
lK miq buiD suiD igAwn iDAwn lKpiq vifAweI ]
lakh mati budhi sudhi giaan dhiaan lakh pati vadiaaee.
Penances, continences, bathings on pilgrimage centres, karmas, dharmas yogas,
lK jp qp lK sMjmw lK qIrQ nHweI ]
lakh jap tap lakh sanjamaan lakh teerad nhaaee.
Enjoyments rind recitations of holy scriptures to his credit.
krm Drm lK jog Bog lK pwT pVHweI ]
karam dharam lakh jog bhog lakh paatd parhhaaee.
But still, if such a person controlled by ego wishes to be noticed by others,
Awpu gxwie ivgucxw Ehu Qwie n pweI ]
aapu ganaai vigouchanaa aohu daai n paaee.
He has gone astray and cannot fathom the Lord (and His creation).
pIr murIdW iprhVI hoie Awpu gvweI ]18]
peer mureedaan piraharhee hoi aapu gavaaee ||18||
If the love prevails between the Guru and the disciple, the sense of ego vanishes (in the thin air).