SGGSAng 776Raag SuhiMahalla 418 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

sUhI mhlw 4 Gru 5

aucwrx sUhI mh`lw cauQw Gru pMjvw

soohee mehalaa 4 ghar 5

Soohee, Fourth Mehl, Fifth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

guru sMq jno ipAwrw mY imilAw myrI iqRsnw buiJ geIAwsy ]

aucwrx buiJ: polw bolo; geI-Awsy

gur santh jano piaaraa mai miliaa maeree thrisanaa bujh geeaasae ||

O humble Saints, I have met my Beloved Guru; the fire of my desire is quenched, and my yearning is gone.

hau mnu qnu dyvw siqgurY mY myly pRB guxqwsy ]

ho man than dhaevaa sathigurai mai maelae prabh gunathaasae ||

I dedicate my mind and body to the True Guru; I pray that may He unite me with God, the treasure of virtue.

Dnu DMnu gurU vf purKu hY mY dsy hir swbwsy ]

aucwrx dsy: polw bolo

dhhan dhhann guroo vadd purakh hai mai dhasae har saabaasae ||

Blessed, blessed is the Guru, the Supreme Being, who tells me of the most blessed Lord.

vfBwgI hir pwieAw jn nwnk nwim ivgwsy ]1]

vaddabhaagee har paaeiaa jan naanak naam vigaasae ||1||

By great good fortune, servant Nanak has found the Lord; he blossoms forth in the Naam. ||1||

guru sjxu ipAwrw mY imilAw hir mwrgu pMQu dswhw ]

gur sajan piaaraa mai miliaa har maarag panthh dhasaahaa ||

I have met my Beloved Friend, the Guru, who has shown me the Path to the Lord.

Gir Awvhu icrI ivCuµinAw imlu sbid gurU pRB nwhw ]

ghar aavahu chiree vishhunniaa mil sabadh guroo prabh naahaa ||

Come home - I have been separated from You for so long! Please, let me merge with You, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, O my Lord God.

hau quJu bwJhu KrI aufIxIAw ijau jl ibnu mInu mrwhw ]

ho thujh baajhahu kharee ouddeeneeaa jio jal bin meen maraahaa ||

Without You, I am so sad; like a fish out of water, I shall die.

vfBwgI hir iDAwieAw jn nwnk nwim smwhw ]2]

vaddabhaagee har dhhiaaeiaa jan naanak naam samaahaa ||2||

The very fortunate ones meditate on the Lord; servant Nanak merges into the Naam. ||2||

mnu dhidis cil cil BrimAw mnmuKu Brim BulwieAw ]

man dheh dhis chal chal bharamiaa manamukh bharam bhulaaeiaa ||

The mind runs around in the ten directions; the self-willed manmukh wanders around, deluded by doubt.

inq Awsw min icqvY mn iqRsnw BuK lgwieAw ]

nith aasaa man chithavai man thrisanaa bhukh lagaaeiaa ||

In his mind, he continually conjures up hopes; his mind is gripped by hunger and thirst.

Anqw Dnu Dir dibAw iPir ibKu Bwlx gieAw ]

aucwrx An-qw

anathaa dhhan dhhar dhabiaa fir bikh bhaalan gaeiaa ||

There is an infinite treasure buried within the mind, but still, he goes out, searching for poison.

jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU ibnu nwvY pic pic muieAw ]3]

aucwrx muieAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: moieAw)

jan naanak naam salaahi thoo bin naavai pach pach mueiaa ||3||

O servant Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; without the Name, he rots away, and wastes away to death. ||3||

guru suµdru mohnu pwie kry hir pRym bwxI mnu mwirAw ]

gur sundhar mohan paae karae har praem baanee man maariaa ||

Finding the beautiful and fascinating Guru, I have conquered my mind, through the Bani, the Word of my Beloved Lord.

myrY ihrdY suiD buiD ivsir geI mn Awsw icMq ivswirAw ]

maerai hiradhai sudhh budhh visar gee man aasaa chinth visaariaa ||

My heart has forgotten its common sense and wisdom; my mind has forgotten its hopes and cares.

mY AMqir vydn pRym kI gur dyKq mnu swDwirAw ]

mai anthar vaedhan praem kee gur dhaekhath man saadhhaariaa ||

Deep within my self, I feel the pains of divine love. Beholding the Guru, my mind is comforted and consoled.

vfBwgI pRB Awie imlu jnu nwnku iKnu iKnu vwirAw ]4]1]5]

vaddabhaagee prabh aae mil jan naanak khin khin vaariaa ||4||1||5||

Awaken my good destiny, O God - please, come and meet me! Each and every instant, servant Nanak is a sacrifice to You. ||4||1||5||