SGGSAng 775Raag SuhiMahalla 426 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 4 Gru 3

aucwrx rwgu sUhI Cµq mh`lw cauQw Gru qIjw

raag soohee shhanth mehalaa 4 ghar 3

Raag Soohee, Chhant, Fourth Mehl, Third House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awvho sMq jnhu gux gwvh goivMd kyry rwm ]

aaveho santh janahu gun gaaveh govindh kaerae raam ||

Come, humble Saints, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

gurmuiK imil rhIAY Gir vwjih sbd Gnyry rwm ]

guramukh mil reheeai ghar vaajehi sabadh ghanaerae raam ||

Let us gather together as Gurmukh; within the home of our own heart, the Shabad vibrates and resonates.

sbd Gnyry hir pRB nyry qU krqw sB QweI ]

sabadh ghanaerae har prabh thaerae thoo karathaa sabh thhaaee ||

The many melodies of the Shabad are Yours, O Lord God; O Creator Lord, You are everywhere.

Aihinis jpI sdw swlwhI swc sbid ilv lweI ]

ahinis japee sadhaa saalaahee saach sabadh liv laaee ||

Day and night, I chant His Praises forever, lovingly focusing on the True Word of the Shabad.

Anidnu shij rhY rµig rwqw rwm nwmu ird pUjw ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

anadhin sehaj rehai rang raathaa raam naam ridh poojaa ||

Night and day, I remain intuitively attuned to the Lord's Love; in my heart, I worship the Lord's Name.

nwnk gurmuiK eyku pCwxY Avru n jwxY dUjw ]1]

naanak guramukh eaek pashhaanai avar n jaanai dhoojaa ||1||

O Nanak, as Gurmukh, I have realized the One Lord; I do not know any other. ||1||

sB mih riv rihAw so pRBu AMqrjwmI rwm ]

sabh mehi rav rehiaa so prabh antharajaamee raam ||

He is contained amongst all; He is God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

gur sbid rvY riv rihAw so pRBu myrw suAwmI rwm ]

gur sabadh ravai rav rehiaa so prabh maeraa suaamee raam ||

One who meditates and dwells upon God, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, knows that God, my Lord and Master, is pervading everywhere.

pRBu myrw suAwmI AMqrjwmI Git Git rivAw soeI ]

prabh maeraa suaamee antharajaamee ghatt ghatt raviaa soee ||

God, my Lord and Master, is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts; He pervades and permeates each and every heart.

gurmiq scu pweIAY shij smweIAY iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]

guramath sach paaeeai sehaj samaaeeai this bin avar n koee ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, Truth is obtained, and then, one merges in celestial bliss. There is no other than Him.

shjy gux gwvw jy pRB Bwvw Awpy ley imlwey ]

sehajae gun gaavaa jae prabh bhaavaa aapae leae milaaeae ||

I sing His Praises with intuitive ease. If it pleases God, He shall unite me with Himself.

nwnk so pRBu sbdy jwpY Aihinis nwmu iDAwey ]2]

naanak so prabh sabadhae jaapai ahinis naam dhhiaaeae ||2||

O Nanak, through the Shabad, God is known; meditate on the Naam, day and night. ||2||

iehu jgo duqru mnmuKu pwir n pweI rwm ]

eihu jago dhuthar manamukh paar n paaee raam ||

This world is treacherous and impassable; the self-willed manmukh cannot cross over.

AMqry haumY mmqw kwmu kRoDu cqurweI rwm ]

antharae houmai mamathaa kaam krodhh chathuraaee raam ||

Within him is egotism, self-conceit, sexual desire, anger and cleverness.

AMqir cqurweI Qwie n pweI ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]

anthar chathuraaee thhaae n paaee birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa ||

Within him is cleverness; he is not approved, and his life is uselessly wasted and lost.

jmmig duKu pwvY cotw KwvY AMiq gieAw pCuqwieAw ]

jam mag dhukh paavai chottaa khaavai anth gaeiaa pashhuthaaeiaa ||

On the Path of Death, he suffers in pain, and must endure abuse; in the end, he departs regretfully.

ibnu nwvY ko bylI nwhI puqu kutµbu suqu BweI ]

bin naavai ko baelee naahee puth kuttanb suth bhaaee ||

Without the Name, he has no friends, no children, family or relatives.

nwnk mwieAw mohu pswrw AwgY swiQ n jweI ]3]

naanak maaeiaa mohu pasaaraa aagai saathh n jaaee ||3||

O Nanak, the wealth of Maya, attachment and ostentatious shows - none of them shall go along with him to the world hereafter. ||3||

hau pUCau Apnw siqguru dwqw ikn ibiD duqru qrIAY rwm ]

ho pooshho apanaa sathigur dhaathaa kin bidhh dhuthar thareeai raam ||

I ask my True Guru, the Giver, how to cross over the treacherous and difficult world-ocean.

siqgur Bwie clhu jIviqAw iev mrIAY rwm ]

sathigur bhaae chalahu jeevathiaa eiv mareeai raam ||

Walk in harmony with the True Guru's Will, and remain dead while yet alive.

jIviqAw mrIAY Baujlu qrIAY gurmuiK nwim smwvY ]

jeevathiaa mareeai bhoujal thareeai guramukh naam samaavai ||

Remaining dead while yet alive, cross over the terrifying world-ocean; as Gurmukh, merge in the Naam.

pUrw purKu pwieAw vfBwgI sic nwim ilv lwvY ]

pooraa purakh paaeiaa vaddabhaagee sach naam liv laavai ||

One obtains the Perfect Primal Lord, by great good fortune, lovingly focusing on the True Name.

miq prgwsu BeI mnu mwinAw rwm nwim vifAweI ]

aucwrx m`iq

math paragaas bhee man maaniaa raam naam vaddiaaee ||

The intellect is enlightened, and the mind is satisfied, through the glory of the Lord's Name.

nwnk pRBu pwieAw sbid imlwieAw joqI joiq imlweI ]4]1]4]

naanak prabh paaeiaa sabadh milaaeiaa jothee joth milaaee ||4||1||4||

O Nanak, God is found, merging in the Shabad, and one's light blends into the Light. ||4||1||4||