soriT mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw qIjw
sorath mehalaa 3 ||
Sorat'h, Third Mehl:
hir jIau quDu no sdw swlwhI ipAwry ijcru Gt AMqir hY swsw ]
har jeeo thudhh no sadhaa saalaahee piaarae jichar ghatt anthar hai saasaa ||
Dear Beloved Lord, I praise You continually, as long as there is the breath within my body.
ieku plu iKnu ivsrih qU suAwmI jwxau brs pcwsw ]
eik pal khin visarehi thoo suaamee jaano baras pachaasaa ||
If I were to forget You, for a moment, even for an instant, O Lord Master, it would be like fifty years for me.
hm mUV mugD sdw sy BweI gur kY sbid pRgwsw ]1]
ham moorr mugadhh sadhaa sae bhaaee gur kai sabadh pragaasaa ||1||
I was always such a fool and an idiot, O Siblings of Destiny, but now, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, my mind is enlightened. ||1||
hir jIau qum Awpy dyhu buJweI ]
aucwrx bu`JweI
har jeeo thum aapae dhaehu bujhaaee ||
Dear Lord, You Yourself bestow understanding.
hir jIau quDu ivthu vwirAw sdhI qyry nwm ivthu bil jweI ] rhwau ]
har jeeo thudhh vittahu vaariaa sadh hee thaerae naam vittahu bal jaaee || rehaao ||
Dear Lord, I am forever a sacrifice to You; I am dedicated and devoted to Your Name. ||Pause||
hm sbid muey sbid mwir jIvwly BweI sbdy hI mukiq pweI ]
aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)
ham sabadh mueae sabadh maar jeevaalae bhaaee sabadhae hee mukath paaee ||
I have died in the Word of the Shabad, and through the Shabad, I am dead while yet alive, O Siblings of Destiny; through the Shabad, I have been liberated.
sbdy mnu qnu inrmlu hoAw hir visAw min AweI ]
sabadhae man than niramal hoaa har vasiaa man aaee ||
Through the Shabad, my mind and body have been purified, and the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.
sbdu gur dwqw ijqu mnu rwqw hir isau rihAw smweI ]2]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
sabadh gur dhaathaa jith man raathaa har sio rehiaa samaaee ||2||
The Guru is the Giver of the Shabad; my mind is imbued with it, and I remain absorbed in the Lord. ||2||
sbdu n jwxih sy AMny boly sy ikqu Awey sMswrw ]
sabadh n jaanehi sae annae bolae sae kith aaeae sansaaraa ||
Those who do not know the Shabad are blind and deaf; why did they even bother to come into the world?
hir rsu n pwieAw ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw jµmih vwro vwrw ]
har ras n paaeiaa birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa janmehi vaaro vaaraa ||
They do not obtain the subtle essence of the Lord's elixir; they waste away their lives, and are reincarnated over and over again.
ibstw ky kIVy ibstw mwih smwxy mnmuK mugD gubwrw ]3]
bisattaa kae keerrae bisattaa maahi samaanae manamukh mugadhh gubaaraa ||3||
The blind, idiotic, self-willed manmukhs are like maggots in manure, and in manure they rot away. ||3||
Awpy kir vyKY mwrig lwey BweI iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]
aapae kar vaekhai maarag laaeae bhaaee this bin avar n koee ||
The Lord Himself creates us, watches over us, and places us on the Path, O Siblings of Destiny; there is no one other than Him.
jo Duir iliKAw su koie n mytY BweI krqw kry su hoeI ]
jo dhhur likhiaa s koe n maettai bhaaee karathaa karae s hoee ||
No one can erase that which is pre-ordained, O Siblings of Destiny; whatever the Creator wills, comes to pass.
nwnk nwmu visAw mn AMqir BweI Avru n dUjw koeI ]4]4]
naanak naam vasiaa man anthar bhaaee avar n dhoojaa koee ||4||4||
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the mind; O Siblings of Destiny, there is no other at all. ||4||4||