crn swD ky Doie Doie pIau ]
charan saadhh kae dhhoe dhhoe peeo ||
Wash the feet of the Holy, and drink in this water.
Arip swD kau Apnw jIau ]
arap saadhh ko apanaa jeeo ||
Dedicate your soul to the Holy.
swD kI DUir krhu iesnwnu ]
saadhh kee dhhoor karahu eisanaan ||
Take your cleansing bath in the dust of the feet of the Holy.
swD aUpir jweIAY kurbwnu ]
saadhh oopar jaaeeai kurabaan ||
To the Holy, make your life a sacrifice.
swD syvw vfBwgI pweIAY ]
saadhh saevaa vaddabhaagee paaeeai ||
Service to the Holy is obtained by great good fortune.
swDsµig hir kIrqnu gweIAY ]
saadhhasang har keerathan gaaeeai ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is sung.
Aink ibGn qy swDU rwKY ]
anik bighan thae saadhhoo raakhai ||
From all sorts of dangers, the Saint saves us.
hir gun gwie AMimRq rsu cwKY ]
har gun gaae anmrith ras chaakhai ||
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, we taste the ambrosial essence.
Et ghI sMqh dir AwieAw ]
outt gehee santheh dhar aaeiaa ||
Seeking the Protection of the Saints, we have come to their door.
srb sUK nwnk iqh pwieAw ]6]
sarab sookh naanak thih paaeiaa ||6||
All comforts, O Nanak, are so obtained. ||6||