SGGSAng 283Raag GauriSukhmani Mahalla 510 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

ijsu vKr kau lYin qU AwieAw ]

aucwrx v`Kr

jis vakhar ko lain thoo aaeiaa ||

This merchandise, which you have come to obtai

rwm nwmu sMqn Gir pwieAw ]

raam naam santhan ghar paaeiaa ||

N - the Lord's Name is obtained in the home of the Saints.

qij AiBmwnu lyhu mn moil ]

thaj abhimaan laehu man mol ||

Renounce your egotistical pride, and with your mind,

rwm nwmu ihrdy mih qoil ]

raam naam hiradhae mehi thol ||

Purchase the Lord's Name - measure it out within your heart.

lwid Kyp sMqh sµig cwlu ]

laadh khaep santheh sang chaal ||

Load up this merchandise, and set out with the Saints.

Avr iqAwig ibiKAw jµjwl ]

avar thiaag bikhiaa janjaal ||

Give up other corrupt entanglements.

Dµin Dµin khY sBu koie ]

dhhann dhhann kehai sabh koe ||

“Blessed, blessed”, everyone will call you,

muK aUjl hir drgh soie ]

mukh oojal har dharageh soe ||

And your face shall be radiant in the Court of the Lord.

iehu vwpwru ivrlw vwpwrY ]

eihu vaapaar viralaa vaapaarai ||

In this trade, only a few are trading.

nwnk qw kY sd bilhwrY ]5]

naanak thaa kai sadh balihaarai ||5||

Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||5||