mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
lwlY gwrbu CoifAw gur kY BY shij suBweI ]
aucwrx suBweI: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
laalai gaarab shhoddiaa gur kai bhai sehaj subhaaee ||
The Lord's slave renounces his egotistical pride through the Guru's Fear intuitively and easily.
lwlY Ksmu pCwixAw vfI vifAweI ]
laalai khasam pashhaaniaa vaddee vaddiaaee ||
The slave realizes his Lord and Master; glorious is his greatness!
Ksim imilAY suKu pwieAw kImiq khxu n jweI ]1]
khasam miliai sukh paaeiaa keemath kehan n jaaee ||1||
Meeting with his Lord and Master, he finds peace; His value cannot be desribed. ||1||
lwlw golw Ksm kw KsmY vifAweI ]
aucwrx golw: Bwrw krky
laalaa golaa khasam kaa khasamai vaddiaaee ||
I am the slave and servant of my Lord and Master; all glory is to my Master.
gurprswdI aubry hir kI srxweI ]1] rhwau ]
gur parasaadhee oubarae har kee saranaaee ||1|| rehaao ||
By Guru's Grace, I am saved, in the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
lwly no isir kwr hY Duir Ksim PurmweI ]
aucwrx isir kwr: v`Krw krky
laalae no sir kaar hai dhhur khasam furamaaee ||
The slave has been given the most excellent task, by the Primal Command of the Master.
lwlY hukmu pCwixAw sdw rhY rjweI ]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
laalai hukam pashhaaniaa sadhaa rehai rajaaee ||
The slave realizes the Hukam of His Command, and submits to His Will forever.
Awpy mIrw bKis ley vfI vifAweI ]2]
aapae meeraa bakhas leae vaddee vaddiaaee ||2||
The Lord King Himself grants forgiveness; how glorious is His greatness! ||2||
Awip scw sBu scu hY gur sbid buJweI ]
aucwrx bu`JweI
aap sachaa sabh sach hai gur sabadh bujhaaee ||
He Himself is True, and everything is True; this is revealed through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
qyrI syvw so kry ijsno lYih qU lweI ]
thaeree saevaa so karae jis no laihi thoo laaee ||
He alone serves You, whom You have enjoined to do so.
ibnu syvw iknY n pwieAw dUjY Brim KuAweI ]3]
bin saevaa kinai n paaeiaa dhoojai bharam khuaaee ||3||
Without serving Him, no one finds Him; in duality and doubt, they are ruined. ||3||
so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY inq dyvY cVY svwieAw ]
so kio manahu visaareeai nith dhaevai charrai savaaeiaa ||
How could we forget Him from our minds? The gifts which he bestows increase day by day.
jIau ipMfu sBu iqsdw swhu iqnY ivic pwieAw ]
jeeo pindd sabh this dhaa saahu thinai vich paaeiaa ||
Soul and body, all belong to Him; He infused the breath into us.
jw ikRpw kry qw syvIAY syiv sic smwieAw ]4]
jaa kirapaa karae thaa saeveeai saev sach samaaeiaa ||4||
If he shows His Mercy, then we serve Him; serving Him, we merge in Truth. ||4||
lwlw so jIvqu mrY mir ivchu Awpu gvwey ]
laalaa so jeevath marai mar vichahu aap gavaaeae ||
He alone is the Lord's slave, who remains dead while yet alive, and eradicates egotism from within.
bµDn qUtih mukiq hoie iqRsnw Agin buJwey ]
aucwrx buJwey: polw bolo
bandhhan thoottehi mukath hoe thrisanaa agan bujhaaeae ||
His bonds are broken, the fire of his desire is quenched, and he is liberated.
sB mih nwmu inDwnu hY gurmuiK ko pwey ]5]
sabh mehi naam nidhhaan hai guramukh ko paaeae ||5||
The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is within all, but how rare are those who, as Gurmukh, obtain it. ||5||
lwly ivic guxu ikCu nhI lwlw AvgixAwru ]
laalae vich gun kishh nehee laalaa avaganiaar ||
Within the Lord's slave, there is no virtue at all; the Lord's slave is totally unworthy.
quDu jyvfu dwqw ko nhI qU bKsxhwru ]
thudhh jaevadd dhaathaa ko nehee thoo bakhasanehaar ||
There is no Giver as great as You, Lord; You alone are the Forgiver.
qyrw hukmu lwlw mMny eyh krxI swru ]6]
thaeraa hukam laalaa mannae eaeh karanee saar ||6||
Your slave obeys the Hukam of Your Command; this is the most excellent action. ||6||
guru swgru AMimRq sru jo ieCy so Plu pwey ]
gur saagar anmrith sar jo eishhae so fal paaeae ||
The Guru is the pool of nectar in the world-ocean; whatever one desires, that fruit is obtained.
nwmu pdwrQu Amru hY ihrdY mMin vswey ]
naam padhaarathh amar hai hiradhai mann vasaaeae ||
The treasure of the Naam brings immortality; enshrine it in your heart and mind.
gur syvw sdw suKu hY ijsno hukmu mnwey ]7]
gur saevaa sadhaa sukh hai jis no hukam manaaeae ||7||
Serving the Guru, eternal peace is obtained, by those whom the Lord inspires to obey the Hukam of His Command. ||7||
suienw rupw sB Dwqu hY mwtI ril jweI ]
aucwrx ru`pw
sueinaa rupaa sabh dhhaath hai maattee ral jaaee ||
Gold and silver, and all metals, mix with dust in the end
ibnu nwvY nwil n cleI siqguir bUJ buJweI ]
aucwrx bU`J; bu`JweI
bin naavai naal n chalee sathigur boojh bujhaaee ||
Without the Name, nothing goes along with you; the True Guru has imparted this understanding.
nwnk nwim rqy sy inrmly swcY rhy smweI ]8]5]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae sae niramalae saachai rehae samaaee ||8||5||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam are immaculate and pure; they remain merged in the Truth. ||8||5||