SGGSAng 1404Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke4 linesBhatt Mathura Ji

nwmu inDwnu iDAwn AMqr giq qyj puMj iqhu log pRgwsy ]

naam nidhhaan dhhiaan antharagath thaej punj thihu log pragaasae ||

He focuses His Meditation deep within; the Embodiment of Light, He illuminates the three worlds.

dyKq drsu Btik BRmu Bjq duK prhir suK shj ibgwsy ]

aucwrx B`jq

dhaekhath dharas bhattak bhram bhajath dhukh parehar sukh sehaj bigaasae ||

Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, doubt runs away, pain is eradicated, and celestial peace spontaneously wells up.

syvk isK sdw Aiq luiBq Ail smUh ijau kusm subwsy ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

saevak sikh sadhaa ath lubhith al samooh jio kusam subaasae ||

The selfless servants and Sikhs are always totally captivated by it, like bumble bees lured by the fragrance of the flower.

ibd´mwn guir Awip Qp´au iQru swcau qKqu gurU rwmdwsY ]6]

aucwrx ibd´mwn: ibidA-mwn bolo; Qp´au: QipAau bolo

bidhyamaan gur aap thhapyo thhir saacho thakhath guroo raamadhaasai ||6||

The Guru Himself established the Eternal Throne of Truth, in Guru Raam Daas. ||6||