qwr´au sMswru mwXw md moihq AMimRq nwmu dIAau smrQu ]
aucwrx qwr´au: qwirAau bolo; mwXw: mwieAw bolo
thaaryo sansaar maayaa madh mohith anmrith naam dheeao samarathh ||
The Universe is intoxicated with the wine of Maya, but it has been saved; the All-powerful Guru has blessed it with the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam.
Puin kIriqvµq sdw suK sµpiq iriD Aru isiD n Cofie sQu ]
aucwrx ir`iD; is`iD; s`Qu
fun keerathivanth sadhaa sukh sanpath ridhh ar sidhh n shhoddae sathh ||
And, the Praiseworthy Guru is blessed with eternal peace, wealth and prosperity; the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhis never leave him.
dwin bfO Aiqvµqu mhwbil syvik dwis kihE iehu qQu ]
aucwrx Aiq-vµqu: polw bolo
dhaan badda athivanth mehaabal saevak dhaas kehiou eihu thathh ||
His Gifts are vast and great; His awesome Power is supreme. Your humble servant and slave speaks this truth.
qwih khw prvwh kwhU kI jw kY bsIis DirE guir hQu ]7]49]
thaahi kehaa paravaah kaahoo kee jaa kai basees dhhariou gur hathh ||7||49||
One, upon whose head the Guru has placed His Hand - with whom should he be concerned? ||7||49||