soriT mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw
sorath mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
hir nwmu irdY proieAw ]
har naam ridhai paroeiaa ||
I have woven the Lord's Name into the fabric of my heart.
sBu kwju hmwrw hoieAw ]
sabh kaaj hamaaraa hoeiaa ||
All my affairs are resolved.
pRB crxI mnu lwgw ]
prabh charanee man laagaa ||
His mind is attached to God's feet,
pUrn jw ky Bwgw ]1]
pooran jaa kae bhaagaa ||1||
Whose destiny is perfect. ||1||
imil swDsµig hir iDAwieAw ]
mil saadhhasang har dhhiaaeiaa ||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I meditate on the Lord.
AwT phr ArwiDE hir hir mn icMidAw Plu pwieAw ] rhwau ]
aath pehar araadhhiou har har man chindhiaa fal paaeiaa || rehaao ||
Twenty-four hours a day, I worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har; I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires. ||Pause||
prw pUrblw AMkuru jwigAw ]
paraa poorabalaa ankur jaagiaa ||
The seeds of my past actions have sprouted.
rwm nwim mnu lwigAw ]
raam naam man laagiaa ||
My mind is attached to the Lord's Name.
min qin hir dris smwvY ]
man than har dharas samaavai ||
My mind and body are absorbed into the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
nwnk dws scy gux gwvY ]2]8]72]
naanak dhaas sachae gun gaavai ||2||8||72||
Slave Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. ||2||8||72||