SGGSAng 781Raag SuhiChhant Mahalla 525 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

sUhI mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx sUhI mh`lw pMjvw

soohee mehalaa 5 ||

Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

hir jpy hir mMdru swijAw sMq Bgq gux gwvih rwm ]

har japae har mandhar saajiaa santh bhagath gun gaavehi raam ||

Meditating on the Lord,the Lord's Temple has been built; the Saints and devotees sing the Lord's Glorious Praises.

ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apnw sgly pwp qjwvih rwm ]

simar simar suaamee prabh apanaa sagalae paap thajaavehi raam ||

Meditating, meditating in remembrance of God, their Lord and Master, they discard and renounce all their sins.

hir gux gwie prmpdu pwieAw pRB kI aUqm bwxI ]

har gun gaae param padh paaeiaa prabh kee ootham baanee ||

Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord,the supreme status is obtained. The Word of God's Bani is sublime and exalted.

shj kQw pRB kI Aiq mITI kQI AkQ khwxI ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

sehaj kathhaa prabh kee ath meethee kathhee akathh kehaanee ||

God's Sermon is so very sweet. It brings celestial peace. It is to speak the Unspoken Speech.

Blw sµjogu mUrqu plu swcw Aibcl nIv rKweI ]

aucwrx Aib-cl

bhalaa sanjog moorath pal saachaa abichal neev rakhaaee ||

The time and the moment were auspicious, blessed and true, when the eternal foundation of this Temple was placed.

jn nwnk pRB Bey dieAwlw srb klw bixAweI ]1]

jan naanak prabh bheae dhaeiaalaa sarab kalaa ban aaee ||1||

O servant Nanak, God has been kind and compassionate; with all His powers, He has blessed me. ||1||

Awnµdw vjih inq vwjy pwrbRhmu min vUTw rwm ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

aanandhaa vajehi nith vaajae paarabreham man voothaa raam ||

The sounds of ecstasy vibrate through me continuously. I have enshrined the Supreme Lord within my mind.

gurmuKy scu krxI swrI ibnsy BRm BY JUTw rwm ]

guramukhae sach karanee saaree binasae bhram bhai jhoothaa raam ||

As Gurmukh, my lifestyle is excellent and true; my false hopes and doubts are dispelled.

Anhd bwxI gurmuiK vKwxI jsu suix suix mnu qnu hirAw ]

anehadh baanee guramukh vakhaanee jas sun sun man than hariaa ||

The Gurmukh chants the Bani of the unstruck melody; hearing it, listening to it, my mind and body are rejuvenated.

srb suKw iqshI bix Awey jo pRiB Apnw kirAw ]

sarab sukhaa this hee ban aaeae jo prabh apanaa kariaa ||

All pleasures are obtained, by that one whom God makes His Own.

Gr mih nviniD Bry Bµfwrw rwm nwim rMgu lwgw ]

aucwrx nv-in`iD

ghar mehi nav nidhh bharae bhanddaaraa raam naam rang laagaa ||

Within the home of the heart are the nine treasures, filled to overflowing. He has fallen in love with the Lord's Name.

nwnk jn pRBu kdy n ivsrY pUrn jw ky Bwgw ]2]

naanak jan prabh kadhae n visarai pooran jaa kae bhaagaa ||2||

Servant Nanak shall never forget God; his destiny is perfectly fulfilled. ||2||

CwieAw pRiB CqRpiq kIn@I sglI qpiq ibnwsI rwm ]

shhaaeiaa prabh shhathrapath keenhee sagalee thapath binaasee raam ||

God, the King, has given me shade under His canopy, and the fire of desire has been totally extinguished.

dUK pwp kw fyrw FwTw kwrju AwieAw rwsI rwm ]

dhookh paap kaa ddaeraa dtaathaa kaaraj aaeiaa raasee raam ||

The home of sorrow and sin has been demolished, and all affairs have been resolved.

hir pRiB PurmwieAw imtI blwieAw swcu Drmu puMnu PilAw ]

aucwrx imtI: polw bolo

har prabh furamaaeiaa mittee balaaeiaa saach dhharam punn faliaa ||

When the Lord God so commands, misfortune is averted; true righteousness, Dharma and charity flourish.

so pRBu Apunw sdw iDAweIAY sovq bYsq KilAw ]

aucwrx KilAw: polw bolo

so prabh apunaa sadhaa dhhiaaeeai sovath baisath khaliaa ||

Meditate forever on your God, when you sleep and sit and stand.

gux inDwn suK swgr suAwmI jil Qil mhIAil soeI ]

gun nidhhaan sukh saagar suaamee jal thhal meheeal soee ||

The Lord and Master is the treasure of virtue, the ocean of peace; He pervades the water, the land and the sky.

jn nwnk pRB kI srxweI iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]3]

jan naanak prabh kee saranaaee this bin avar n koee ||3||

Servant Nanak has entered God's Sanctuary; there is no other than Him. ||3||

myrw Gru binAw bnu qwlu binAw pRB prsy hir rwieAw rwm ]

maeraa ghar baniaa ban thaal baniaa prabh parasae har raaeiaa raam ||

My home is made, the garden and pool are made, and my Sovereign Lord God has met me.

myrw mnu soihAw mIq swjn srsy gux mMgl hir gwieAw rwm ]

aucwrx sr-sy: pUrw 'r' lw ky, kµny rihq bolo

maeraa man sohiaa meeth saajan sarasae gun mangal har gaaeiaa raam ||

My mind is adorned, and my friends rejoice; I sing the songs of joy, and the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

gux gwie pRBU iDAwie swcw sgl ieCw pweIAw ]

gun gaae prabhoo dhhiaae saachaa sagal eishhaa paaeeaa ||

Singing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord God, all desires are fulfilled.

gur crx lwgy sdw jwgy min vjIAw vwDweIAw ]

aucwrx vwDweIAw: kµinAw sihq, ibMdI rihq bolo

gur charan laagae sadhaa jaagae man vajeeaa vaadhhaaeeaa ||

Those who are attached to the Guru's Feet are always awake and aware; His Praises resound and resonate through their minds.

krI ndir suAwmI suKh gwmI hlqu plqu svwirAw ]

aucwrx suKh-gwmI

karee nadhar suaamee sukheh gaamee halath palath savaariaa ||

My Lord and Master, the bringer of peace, has blessed me with His Grace; He has arranged this world, and the world hereafter for me.

ibnvµiq nwnk inq nwmu jpIAY jIau ipMfu ijin DwirAw ]4]4]7]

binavanth naanak nith naam japeeai jeeo pindd jin dhhaariaa ||4||4||7||

Prays Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord forever; He is the Support of the body and soul. ||4||4||7||