sUhI mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx sUhI mh`lw qIjw
soohee mehalaa 3 ||
Soohee, Third Mehl:
sbid scY scu soihlw ijQY scy kw hoie vIcwro rwm ]
sabadh sachai sach sohilaa jithhai sachae kaa hoe veechaaro raam ||
Through the True Word of the Shabad, true happiness prevails, there where the True Lord is contemplated.
haumY siB iklivK kwty swcu riKAw auir Dwry rwm ]
houmai sabh kilavikh kaattae saach rakhiaa our dhhaarae raam ||
Egotism and all sins are eradicated, when one keeps the True Lord enshrined in the heart.
scu riKAw aur Dwry duqru qwry iPir Bvjlu qrxu n hoeI ]
sach rakhiaa our dhhaarae dhuthar thaarae fir bhavajal tharan n hoee ||
One who keeps the True Lord enshrined in the heart, crosses over the terrible and dreadful world-ocean; he shall not have to cross over it again.
scw siqguru scI bwxI ijin scu ivKwilAw soeI ]
sachaa sathigur sachee baanee jin sach vikhaaliaa soee ||
True is the True Guru, and True is the Word of His Bani; through it, the True Lord is seen.
swcy gux gwvY sic smwvY scu vyKY sBu soeI ]
saachae gun gaavai sach samaavai sach vaekhai sabh soee ||
One who sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord merges in Truth; he beholds the True Lord everywhere.
nwnk swcw swihbu swcI nweI scu insqwrw hoeI ]1]
naanak saachaa saahib saachee naaee sach nisathaaraa hoee ||1||
O Nanak, True is the Lord and Master, and True is His Name; through Truth, comes emancipation. ||1||
swcY siqguir swcu buJwieAw piq rwKY scu soeI rwm ]
aucwrx bu`JwieAw
saachai sathigur saach bujhaaeiaa path raakhai sach soee raam ||
The True Guru reveals the True Lord; the True Lord preserves our honor.
scw Bojnu Bwau scw hY scY nwim suKu hoeI rwm ]
sachaa bhojan bhaao sachaa hai sachai naam sukh hoee raam ||
The true food is love for the True Lord; through the True Name, peace is obtained.
swcY nwim suKu hoeI mrY n koeI griB n jUnI vwsw ]
saachai naam sukh hoee marai n koee garabh n joonee vaasaa ||
Through the True Name, the mortal finds peace; he shall never die, and never again enter the womb of reincarnation.
joqI joiq imlweI sic smweI sic nwie prgwsw ]
jothee joth milaaee sach samaaee sach naae paragaasaa ||
His light blends with the Light, and he merges into the True Lord; he is illuminated and enlightened with the True Name.
ijnI scu jwqw sy scy hoey Anidnu scu iDAwiein ]
jinee sach jaathaa sae sachae hoeae anadhin sach dhhiaaein ||
Those who know the Truth are True; night and day, they meditate on Truth.
nwnk scu nwmu ijn ihrdY visAw nw vICuiV duKu pwiein ]2]
naanak sach naam jin hiradhai vasiaa naa veeshhurr dhukh paaein ||2||
O Nanak, those whose hearts are filled with the True Name, never suffer the pains of separation. ||2||
scI bwxI scy gux gwvih iqqu Gir soihlw hoeI rwm ]
sachee baanee sachae gun gaavehi thith ghar sohilaa hoee raam ||
In that home, and in that heart, where the True Bani of the Lord's True Praises are sung, the songs of joy resound.
inrml gux swcy qnu mnu swcw ivic swcw purKu pRBu soeI rwm ]
niramal gun saachae than man saachaa vich saachaa purakh prabh soee raam ||
Through the immaculate virtues of the True Lord, the body and mind are rendered True, and God, the True Primal Being, dwells within.
sBu scu vrqY sco bolY jo scu krY su hoeI ]
sabh sach varathai sacho bolai jo sach karai s hoee ||
Such a person practices only Truth, and speaks only Truth; whatever the True Lord does, that alone comes to pass.
jh dyKw qh scu psirAw Avru n dUjw koeI ]
jeh dhaekhaa theh sach pasariaa avar n dhoojaa koee ||
Wherever I look, there I see the True Lord pervading; there is no other at all.
scy aupjY sic smwvY mir jnmY dUjw hoeI ]
sachae oupajai sach samaavai mar janamai dhoojaa hoee ||
From the True Lord, we emanate, and into the True Lord, we shall merge; death and birth come from duality.
nwnk sBu ikCu Awpy krqw Awip krwvY soeI ]3]
naanak sabh kishh aapae karathaa aap karaavai soee ||3||
O Nanak, He Himself does everything; He Himself is the Cause. ||3||
scy Bgq sohih drvwry sco scu vKwxy rwm ]
sachae bhagath sohehi dharavaarae sacho sach vakhaanae raam ||
The true devotees look beautiful in the Darbaar of the Lord's Court. They speak Truth, and only Truth.
Gt AMqry swcI bwxI swco Awip pCwxy rwm ]
ghatt antharae saachee baanee saacho aap pashhaanae raam ||
Deep within the nucleus of their heart, is the True Word of the Lord's Bani. Through the Truth, they understand themselves.
Awpu pCwxih qw scu jwxih swcy soJI hoeI ]
aap pashhaanehi thaa sach jaanehi saachae sojhee hoee ||
They understand themselves, and so know the True Lord, through their true intuition.
scw sbdu scI hY soBw swcy hI suKu hoeI ]
sachaa sabadh sachee hai sobhaa saachae hee sukh hoee ||
True is the Shabad, and True is its Glory; peace comes only from Truth.
swic rqy Bgq iek rMgI dUjw rMgu n koeI ]
aucwrx r`qy
saach rathae bhagath eik rangee dhoojaa rang n koee ||
Imbued with Truth, the devotees love the One Lord; they do not love any other.
nwnk ijs kau msqik iliKAw iqsu scu prwpiq hoeI ]4]2]3]
naanak jis ko masathak likhiaa this sach paraapath hoee ||4||2||3||
O Nanak, he alone obtains the True Lord, who has such pre-ordained destiny written upon his forehead. ||4||2||3||