Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

10: gurmiq swD sMg-nON igxqI

Gurmat, association with saint the count of nine -

nau prkwrI Bgiq kir swDY nvY duAwr gurmqI ]

nau parakaaree bhagati kari saadhai navai duaar guramatee.

People adopt ninefold devotion but the gurmukh while adopting the wisdom of Guru accomplishes the nine doors.

gurmuiK iprmu cKwieAw gwvY jIB rswieix rqI ]

guramoukhi piramu chakhaaiaa gaavai jeebh rasaaini ratee.

Tasting the joy of love, the Gurmukh with full attachment, recites the praises of the Lord.

nvI KMfI jwxwieAw rwju jogu ijix sqI AsqI ]

navee khandee jaanaaiaa raaju jog jini satee asatee.

Through Rajyoga, the gurmukh has conquered both the truth and the falsehood and thus he is known all over the nine regions of the earth.

nau kir nau Gr swiDAw vrqmwn prlau auqpqI ]

nau kari nau ghar saadhiaa varatamaan paralau outapatee.

Becoming humble he has disciplined the nine doors and besides he has diffused himself in creation and dissolution.

nv inDI ipC lgxI nwQ AnwQ snwQ jugqI ]

nav nidhi pichhalaganee naad anaad sanaad jougatee.

The nine treasures follow him earnestly and the gurmukh unfolds to the nine naths, the technique of getting liberated.

nau auKl ivic auKlI imTI kauVI TMFI qqI ]

nau oukhal vichi oukhalee mitdee kaurhee tdaddhee tatee.

Among the nine sockets (in the humanbody), the tongue which was bitter, sweet, hot and cool, now

swDsMgiq gurmiq sxKqI ]10]

saadh sangati guramati sanakhatee ||10||

Due to the association with the holy congregation and the wisdom of Guru, has become blest and full of delights.