soriT mhlw 1 Gru 3
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pihlw Gru qIjw
sorath mehalaa 1 ghar 3
Sorat'h, First Mehl, Third House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
jw iqsu Bwvw qd hI gwvw ]
jaa this bhaavaa thadh hee gaavaa ||
When I am pleasing to Him, then I sing His Praises.
qw gwvy kw Plu pwvw ]
thaa gaavae kaa fal paavaa ||
Singing His Praises, I receive the fruits of my rewards.
gwvy kw Plu hoeI ]
gaavae kaa fal hoee ||
The rewards of singing His Praises
jw Awpy dyvY soeI ]1]
jaa aapae dhaevai soee ||1||
Are obtained when He Himself gives them. ||1||
mn myry gur bcnI iniD pweI ]
aucwrx in`iD
man maerae gur bachanee nidhh paaee ||
O my mind, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the treasure is obtained;
qw qy sc mih rihAw smweI ] rhwau ]
thaa thae sach mehi rehiaa samaaee || rehaao ||
This is why I remain immersed in the True Name. ||Pause||
gur swKI AMqir jwgI ]
gur saakhee anthar jaagee ||
When I awoke within myself to the Guru's Teachings,
qw cMcl miq iqAwgI ]
aucwrx m`iq
thaa chanchal math thiaagee ||
Then I renounced my fickle intellect.
gur swKI kw aujIAwrw ]
gur saakhee kaa oujeeaaraa ||
When the Light of the Guru's Teachings dawned,
qw imitAw sgl AMD´wrw ]2]
aucwrx AMD´wrw: AMiDAwrw bolo
thaa mittiaa sagal andhhyaaraa ||2||
And then all darkness was dispelled. ||2||
gur crnI mnu lwgw ]
gur charanee man laagaa ||
When the mind is attached to the Guru's Feet,
qw jm kw mwrgu Bwgw ]
thaa jam kaa maarag bhaagaa ||
Then the Path of Death recedes.
BY ivic inrBau pwieAw ]
bhai vich nirabho paaeiaa ||
Through the Fear of God, one attains the Fearless Lord;
qw shjY kY Gir AwieAw ]3]
thaa sehajai kai ghar aaeiaa ||3||
Then, one enters the home of celestial bliss. ||3||
Bxiq nwnku bUJY ko bIcwrI ]
aucwrx bU`JY
bhanath naanak boojhai ko beechaaree ||
Prays Nanak, how rare are those who reflect and understand,
iesu jg mih krxI swrI ]
eis jag mehi karanee saaree ||
The most sublime action in this world.
krxI kIriq hoeI ]
karanee keerath hoee ||
The noblest deed is to sing the Lord's Praises,
jw Awpy imilAw soeI ]4]1]12]
jaa aapae miliaa soee ||4||1||12||
And so meet the Lord Himself. ||4||1||12||