Agmu Anµqu Anwid Awid ijsu koie n jwxY ]
agam ananth anaadh aadh jis koe n jaanai ||
The Lord is Inaccessible, Infinite, Eternal and Primordial; no one knows His beginning.
isv ibrµic Dir D´wnu inqih ijsu bydu bKwxY ]
aucwrx ib-rµic; D´wnu: iDAwnu bolo
siv biranch dhhar dhhyaan nithehi jis baedh bakhaanai ||
Shiva and Brahma meditate on Him; the Vedas describe Him again and again.
inrµkwru inrvYru Avru nhI dUsr koeI ]
nirankaar niravair avar nehee dhoosar koee ||
The Lord is Formless, beyond hate and vengeance; there is no one else like Him.
Bµjn gVHx smQu qrx qwrx pRBu soeI ]
aucwrx sm`Qu
bhanjan garrhan samathh tharan thaaran prabh soee ||
He creates and destroys - He is All-powerful; God is the Boat to carry all across.
nwnw pRkwr ijin jgu kIE jnu mQurw rsnw rsY ]
aucwrx nwnw: pihlw 'n' Bwrw krky
naanaa prakaar jin jag keeou jan mathhuraa rasanaa rasai ||
He created the world in its various aspects; His humble servant Mat'huraa delights in His Praises.
sRI siqnwmu krqw purKu gur rwmdws icqh bsY ]1]
sree sath naam karathaa purakh gur raamadhaas chitheh basai ||1||
Sat Naam, the Great and Supreme True Name of God, the Personification of Creativity, dwells in the Consciousness of Guru Raam Daas. ||1||