mwrU mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw
maaroo mehalaa 3 ||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
jgjIvnu swcw eyko dwqw ]
jagajeevan saachaa eaeko dhaathaa ||
One One True Lord is the Life of the World, the Great Giver.
gur syvw qy sbid pCwqw ]
gur saevaa thae sabadh pashhaathaa ||
Serving the Guru, through the Word of the Shabad, He is realized.
eyko Amru eykw piqswhI jugu jugu isir kwr bxweI hy ]1]
aucwrx piq-swhI: 'p' kµnw rihq bolo; isir kwr: v`Krw krky
eaeko amar eaekaa pathisaahee jug jug sir kaar banaaee hae ||1||
There is only One Command, and there is only One Supreme King. In each and every age, He links each to their tasks. ||1||
so jnu inrmlu ijin Awpu pCwqw ]
so jan niramal jin aap pashhaathaa ||
That humble being is immaculate, who knows his own self.
Awpy Awie imilAw suKdwqw ]
aapae aae miliaa sukhadhaathaa ||
The Lord, the Giver of peace, Himself comes and meets him.
rsnw sbid rqI gux gwvY dir swcY piq pweI hy ]2]
aucwrx r`qI
rasanaa sabadh rathee gun gaavai dhar saachai path paaee hae ||2||
His tongue is imbued with the Shabad, and he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord; he is honored in the Court of the True Lord. ||2||
gurmuiK nwim imlY vifAweI ]
guramukh naam milai vaddiaaee ||
The Gurmukh is blessed with the glorious greatness of the Naam.
mnmuiK inMdik piq gvweI ]
manamukh nindhak path gavaaee ||
The self-willed manmukh, the slanderer, loses his honor.
nwim rqy prm hMs bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lweI hy ]3]
aucwrx r`qy
naam rathae param hans bairaagee nij ghar thaarree laaee hae ||3||
Attuned to the Naam, the supreme soul-swans remain detached; in the home of the self, they remain absorbed in deep meditative trance. ||3||
sbid mrY soeI jnu pUrw ]
sabadh marai soee jan pooraa ||
That humble being who dies in the Shabad is perfect.
siqguru AwiK suxwey sUrw ]
sathigur aakh sunaaeae sooraa ||
The brave, heroic True Guru chants and proclaims this.
kwieAw AMdir AMimRq sru swcw mnu pIvY Bwie suBweI hy ]4]
aucwrx kWieAW; suBweI: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
kaaeiaa andhar anmrith sar saachaa man peevai bhaae subhaaee hae ||4||
Deep within the body is the true pool of Ambrosial Nectar; the mind drinks it in with loving devotion. ||4||
piV pMifqu Avrw smJwey ]
parr panddith avaraa samajhaaeae ||
The Pandit, the religious scholar, reads and instructs others,
Gr jlqy kI Kbir n pwey ]
aucwrx jlqy: polw bolo
ghar jalathae kee khabar n paaeae ||
But he does not realize that his own home is on fire.
ibnu siqgur syvy nwmu n pweIAY piV Qwky sWiq n AweI hy ]5]
bin sathigur saevae naam n paaeeai parr thhaakae saanth n aaee hae ||5||
Without serving the True Guru, the Naam is not obtained. You can read until you are exhausted, but you shall not find peace and tranquility. ||5||
ieik Bsm lgwie iPrih ByKDwrI ]
eik bhasam lagaae firehi bhaekhadhhaaree ||
Some smear their bodies with ashes, and wander around in religious disguises.
ibnu sbdY haumY ikin mwrI ]
bin sabadhai houmai kin maaree ||
Without the Word of the Shabad, who has ever subdued egotism?
Anidnu jlq rhih idnu rwqI Brim ByiK BrmweI hy ]6]
aucwrx jlq: polw bolo
anadhin jalath rehehi dhin raathee bharam bhaekh bharamaaee hae ||6||
Night and day, they continue burning, day and night; they are deluded and confused by their doubt and religious costumes. ||6||
ieik igRh kutµb mih sdw audwsI ]
eik grih kuttanb mehi sadhaa oudhaasee ||
Some, in the midst of their household and family, remain always unattached.
sbid muey hir nwim invwsI ]
aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)
sabadh mueae har naam nivaasee ||
They die in the Shabad, and dwell in the Lord's Name.
Anidnu sdw rhih rµig rwqy BY Bwie Bgiq icqu lweI hy ]7]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
anadhin sadhaa rehehi rang raathae bhai bhaae bhagath chith laaee hae ||7||
Night and day, they remain forever attuned to His Love; they focus their consciousness on loving devotion and the Fear of God. ||7||
mnmuKu inMdw kir kir ivguqw ]
aucwrx ivgu`qw
manamukh nindhaa kar kar viguthaa ||
The self-willed manmukh indulges in slander, and is ruined.
AMqir loBu BaukY ijsu kuqw ]
aucwrx ku`qw
anthar lobh bhoukai jis kuthaa ||
The dog of greed barks within him.
jmkwlu iqsu kdy n CofY AMiq gieAw pCuqweI hy ]8]
jamakaal this kadhae n shhoddai anth gaeiaa pashhuthaaee hae ||8||
The Messenger of Death never leaves him, and in the end, he leaves, regretting and repenting. ||8||
scY sbid scI piq hoeI ]
sachai sabadh sachee path hoee ||
Through the True Word of the Shabad, true honor is obtained.
ibnu nwvY mukiq n pwvY koeI ]
bin naavai mukath n paavai koee ||
Without the Name, no one attains liberation.
ibnu siqgur ko nwau n pwey pRiB AYsI bxq bxweI hy ]9]
bin sathigur ko naao n paaeae prabh aisee banath banaaee hae ||9||
Without the True Guru, no one finds the Name. Such is the making which God has made. ||9||
ieik isD swiDk bhuqu vIcwrI ]
aucwrx is`D
eik sidhh saadhhik bahuth veechaaree ||
Some are Siddhas and seekers, and great contemplators.
ieik Aihinis nwim rqy inrµkwrI ]
aucwrx r`qy
eik ahinis naam rathae nirankaaree ||
Some remain imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Formless Lord, day and night.
ijsno Awip imlwey so bUJY Bgiq Bwie Bau jweI hy ]10]
aucwrx bU`JY
jis no aap milaaeae so boojhai bhagath bhaae bho jaaee hae ||10||
He alone understands, whom the Lord unites with Himself; through loving devotional worship, fear is dispelled. ||10||
iesnwnu dwnu krih nhI bUJih ]
aucwrx bU`Jih
eisanaan dhaan karehi nehee boojhehi ||
Some take cleansing baths and give donations to charities, but they do not understand.
ieik mnUAw mwir mnY isau lUJih ]
eik manooaa maar manai sio loojhehi ||
Some struggle with their minds, and conquer and subdue their minds.
swcY sbid rqy iekrµgI swcY sbid imlweI hy ]11]
aucwrx r`qy
saachai sabadh rathae eik rangee saachai sabadh milaaee hae ||11||
Some are imbued with love for the True Word of the Shabad; they merge with the True Shabad. ||11||
Awpy isrjy dy vifAweI ]
aapae sirajae dhae vaddiaaee ||
He Himself creates and bestows glorious greatness.
Awpy BwxY dyie imlweI ]
aapae bhaanai dhaee milaaee ||
By the Pleasure of His Will, He bestows union.
Awpy ndir kry min visAw myrY pRiB ieau PurmweI hy ]12]
aapae nadhar karae man vasiaa maerai prabh eio furamaaee hae ||12||
Bestowing His Grace, He comes to dwell in the mind; such is the Command ordained by my God. ||12||
siqguru syvih sy jn swcy ]
sathigur saevehi sae jan saachae ||
Those humble beings who serve the True Guru are true.
mnmuK syiv n jwxin kwcy ]
manamukh saev n jaanan kaachae ||
The false, self-willed manmukhs do not know how to serve the Guru.
Awpy krqw kir kir vyKY ijau BwvY iqau lweI hy ]13]
aapae karathaa kar kar vaekhai jio bhaavai thio laaee hae ||13||
The Creator Himself creates the creation and watches over it; he attaches all according to the Pleasure of His Will. ||13||
juig juig swcw eyko dwqw ]
jug jug saachaa eaeko dhaathaa ||
In each and every age, the True Lord is the one and only Giver.
pUrY Bwig gur sbdu pCwqw ]
poorai bhaag gur sabadh pashhaathaa ||
Through perfect destiny, one realizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
sbid imly sy ivCuVy nwhI ndrI shij imlweI hy ]14]
sabadh milae sae vishhurrae naahee nadharee sehaj milaaee hae ||14||
Those who are immersed in the Shabad are not separated again. By His Grace, they are intuitively immersed in the Lord. ||14||
haumY mwieAw mYlu kmwieAw ]
houmai maaeiaa mail kamaaeiaa ||
Acting in egotism, they are stained with the filth of Maya.
mir mir jµmih dUjw BwieAw ]
mar mar janmehi dhoojaa bhaaeiaa ||
They die and die again, only to be reborn in the love of duality.
ibnu siqgur syvy mukiq n hoeI min dyKhu ilv lweI hy ]15]
bin sathigur saevae mukath n hoee man dhaekhahu liv laaee hae ||15||
Without serving the True Guru, no one finds liberation. O mind, tune into this, and see. ||15||
jo iqsu BwvY soeI krsI ]
jo this bhaavai soee karasee ||
He does whatever He pleases.
Awphu hoAw nw ikCu hosI ]
aapahu hoaa naa kishh hosee ||
No one has done, or can do anything by himself.
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI dir swcY piq pweI hy ]16]3]
naanak naam milai vaddiaaee dhar saachai path paaee hae ||16||3||
O Nanak, through the Name, one is blessed with glorious greatness, and obtains honor in the Court of the True Lord. ||16||3||