SGGSAng 1044Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 349 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mwrU mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw

maaroo mehalaa 3 ||

Maaroo, Third Mehl:

eyko eyku vrqY sBu soeI ]

eaeko eaek varathai sabh soee ||

The One and only Lord is pervading and permeating everywhere.

gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh viralaa boojhai koee ||

How rare is that person, who as Gurmukh, understands this.

eyko riv rihAw sB AMqir iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI hy ]1]

eaeko rav rehiaa sabh anthar this bin avar n koee hae ||1||

The One Lord is permeating and pervading, deep within the nucleus of all. Without Him, there is no other at all. ||1||

lK caurwsIh jIA aupwey ]

lakh chouraaseeh jeea oupaaeae ||

He created the 8.4 millions species of beings.

igAwnI iDAwnI AwiK suxwey ]

giaanee dhhiaanee aakh sunaaeae ||

The spiritual teachers and meditators proclaim this.

sBnw irjku smwhy Awpy kImiq hor n hoeI hy ]2]

sabhanaa rijak samaahae aapae keemath hor n hoee hae ||2||

He Himself nourishes all; no one else can estimate His value. ||2||

mwieAw mohu AMDu AMDwrw ]

maaeiaa mohu andhh andhhaaraa ||

Love and attachment to Maya are utter darkness.

haumY myrw psirAw pwswrw ]

houmai maeraa pasariaa paasaaraa ||

Egotism and possessiveness have spread throughout the expanse of the universe.

Anidnu jlq rhY idnu rwqI gur ibnu sWiq n hoeI hy ]3]

aucwrx jlq: polw bolo

anadhin jalath rehai dhin raathee gur bin saanth n hoee hae ||3||

Night and day, they burn, day and night; without the Guru, there is no peace or tranquility. ||3||

Awpy joiV ivCoVy Awpy ]

aapae jorr vishhorrae aapae ||

He Himself unites, and He Himself separates.

Awpy Qwip auQwpy Awpy ]

aapae thhaap outhhaapae aapae ||

He Himself establishes, and He Himself disestablishes.

scw hukmu scw pwswrw horin hukmu n hoeI hy ]4]

sachaa hukam sachaa paasaaraa horan hukam n hoee hae ||4||

True is the Hukam of His Command, and True is the expanse of His universe. No one else can issue any Command. ||4||

Awpy lwie ley so lwgY ]

aapae laae leae so laagai ||

He alone is attached to the Lord, whom the Lord attaches to Himself.

gurprswdI jm kw Bau BwgY ]

gur parasaadhee jam kaa bho bhaagai ||

By Guru's Grace, the fear of death runs away.

AMqir sbdu sdw suKdwqw gurmuiK bUJY koeI hy ]5]

aucwrx bU`JY

anthar sabadh sadhaa sukhadhaathaa guramukh boojhai koee hae ||5||

The Shabad, the Giver of peace, dwells forever deep within the nucleus of the self. One who is Gurmukh understands. ||5||

Awpy myly myil imlwey ]

aapae maelae mael milaaeae ||

God Himself unites those united in His Union.

pUrib iliKAw so mytxw n jwey ]

purab likhiaa so maettanaa n jaaeae ||

Whatever is pre-ordained by destiny, cannot be erased.

Anidnu Bgiq kry idnu rwqI gurmuiK syvw hoeI hy ]6]

anadhin bhagath karae dhin raathee guramukh saevaa hoee hae ||6||

Night and day, His devotees worship Him, day and night; one who becomes Gurmukh serves Him. ||6||

siqguru syiv sdw suKu jwqw ]

sathigur saev sadhaa sukh jaathaa ||

Serving the True Guru, lasting peace is experienced.

Awpy Awie imilAw sBnw kw dwqw ]

aapae aae miliaa sabhanaa kaa dhaathaa ||

He Himself, the Giver of all, has come and met me.

haumY mwir iqRsnw Agin invwrI sbdu cIin suKu hoeI hy ]7]

houmai maar thrisanaa agan nivaaree sabadh cheen sukh hoee hae ||7||

Subduing egotism, the fire of thirst has been extinguished; contemplating the Word of the Shabad, peace is found. ||7||

kwieAw kutµbu mohu n bUJY ]

aucwrx kWieAW; bU`JY

kaaeiaa kuttanb mohu n boojhai ||

One who is attached to his body and family, does not understand.

gurmuiK hovY q AwKI sUJY ]

guramukh hovai th aakhee soojhai ||

But one who becomes Gurmukh, sees the Lord with his eyes.

Anidnu nwmu rvY idnu rwqI imil pRIqm suKu hoeI hy ]8]

anadhin naam ravai dhin raathee mil preetham sukh hoee hae ||8||

Night and day, he chants the Naam, day and night; meeting with his Beloved, he finds peace. ||8||

mnmuK Dwqu dUjY hY lwgw ]

manamukh dhhaath dhoojai hai laagaa ||

The self-willed manmukh wanders distracted, attached to duality.

jnmq kI n mUE AwBwgw ]

aucwrx Aw-Bwgw: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

janamath kee n mooou aabhaagaa ||

That unfortunate wretch - why didn't he just die as soon as he was born?

Awvq jwq ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ibnu gur mukiq n hoeI hy ]9]

aavath jaath birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa bin gur mukath n hoee hae ||9||

Coming and going, he wastes away his life in vain. Without the Guru, liberation is not obtained. ||9||

kwieAw kusuD haumY mlu lweI ]

aucwrx kWieAW; kusu`D

kaaeiaa kusudhh houmai mal laaee ||

That body which is stained with the filth of egotism is false and impure.

jy sau Dovih qw mYlu n jweI ]

jae so dhhovehi thaa mail n jaaee ||

It may be washed a hundred times, but its filth is still not removed.

sbid DopY qw hCI hovY iPir mYlI mUil n hoeI hy ]10]

sabadh dhhopai thaa hashhee hovai fir mailee mool n hoee hae ||10||

But if it is washed with the Word of the Shabad, then it is truly cleansed, and it shall never be soiled again. ||10||

pMc dUq kwieAw sµGwrih ]

aucwrx kWieAW

panch dhooth kaaeiaa sanghaarehi ||

The five demons destroy the body.

mir mir jµmih sbdu n vIcwrih ]

mar mar janmehi sabadh n veechaarehi ||

He dies and dies again, only to be reincarnated; he does not contemplate the Shabad.

AMqir mwieAw moh gubwrw ijau supnY suiD n hoeI hy ]11]

anthar maaeiaa moh gubaaraa jio supanai sudhh n hoee hae ||11||

The darkness of emotional attachment to Maya is within his inner being; as if in a dream, he does not understand. ||11||

ieik pMcw mwir sbid hY lwgy ]

eik panchaa maar sabadh hai laagae ||

Some conquer the five demons, by being attached to the Shabad.

siqguru Awie imilAw vfBwgy ]

sathigur aae miliaa vaddabhaagae ||

They are blessed and very fortunate; the True Guru comes to meet them.

AMqir swcu rvih rµig rwqy shij smwvY soeI hy ]12]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

anthar saach ravehi rang raathae sehaj samaavai soee hae ||12||

Within the nucleus of their inner being, they dwell upon the Truth; attuned to the Lord's Love, they intuitively merge in Him. ||12||

gur kI cwl gurU qy jwpY ]

gur kee chaal guroo thae jaapai ||

The Guru's Way is known through the Guru.

pUrw syvku sbid is\wpY ]

pooraa saevak sabadh sinjaapai ||

His perfect servant attains realization through the Shabad.

sdw sbdu rvY Gt AMqir rsnw rsu cwKY scu soeI hy ]13]

sadhaa sabadh ravai ghatt anthar rasanaa ras chaakhai sach soee hae ||13||

Deep within his heart, he dwells forever upon the Shabad; he tastes the sublime essence of the True Lord with his tongue. ||13||

haumY mwry sbid invwry ]

houmai maarae sabadh nivaarae ||

Egotism is conquered and subdued by the Shabad.

hir kw nwmu rKY auir Dwry ]

har kaa naam rakhai our dhhaarae ||

I have enshrined the Name of the Lord within my heart.

eyksu ibnu hau horu n jwxw shjy hoie su hoeI hy ]14]

eaekas bin ho hor n jaanaa sehajae hoe s hoee hae ||14||

Other than the One Lord, I know nothing at all. Whatever will be, will automatically be. ||14||

ibnu siqgur shju iknY nhI pwieAw ]

bin sathigur sehaj kinai nehee paaeiaa ||

Without the True Guru, no one obtains intuitive wisdom.

gurmuiK bUJY sic smwieAw ]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh boojhai sach samaaeiaa ||

The Gurmukh understands, and is immersed in the True Lord.

scw syiv sbid sc rwqy haumY sbdy KoeI hy ]15]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

sachaa saev sabadh sach raathae houmai sabadhae khoee hae ||15||

He serves the True Lord, and is attuned to the True Shabad. The Shabad banishes egotism. ||15||

Awpy guxdwqw bIcwrI ]

aapae gunadhaathaa beechaaree ||

He Himself is the Giver of virtue, the Contemplative Lord.

gurmuiK dyvih pkI swrI ]

aucwrx p`kI

guramukh dhaevehi pakee saaree ||

The Gurmukh is given the winning dice.

nwnk nwim smwvih swcY swcy qy piq hoeI hy ]16]2]

naanak naam samaavehi saachai saachae thae path hoee hae ||16||2||

O Nanak, immersed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one becomes true; from the True Lord, honor is obtained. ||16||2||