SGGSAng 1047Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 349 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mwrU mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw

maaroo mehalaa 3 ||

Maaroo, Third Mehl:

jo AwieAw so sBu ko jwsI ]

jo aaeiaa so sabh ko jaasee ||

All who come shall have to depart.

dUjY Bwie bwDw jm PwsI ]

dhoojai bhaae baadhhaa jam faasee ||

In the love of duality, they are caught by the noose of the Messenger of Death.

siqguir rwKy sy jn aubry swcy swic smweI hy ]1]

sathigur raakhae sae jan oubarae saachae saach samaaee hae ||1||

Those humble beings who are protected by the True Guru, are saved. They merge into the Truest of the True. ||1||

Awpy krqw kir kir vyKY ]

aapae karathaa kar kar vaekhai ||

The Creator Himself creates the creation, and watches over it.

ijsno ndir kry soeI jnu lyKY ]

jis no nadhar karae soee jan laekhai ||

Thay alone are acceptable, upon whom He bestows His Glance of Grace.

gurmuiK igAwnu iqsu sBu ikCu sUJY AigAwnI AMDu kmweI hy ]2]

guramukh giaan this sabh kishh soojhai agiaanee andhh kamaaee hae ||2||

The Gurmukh attains spiritual wisdom, and understands everything. The ignorant ones act blindly. ||2||

mnmuK shsw bUJ n pweI ]

aucwrx bU`J

manamukh sehasaa boojh n paaee ||

The self-willed manmukh is cynical; he doesn't understand.

mir mir jµmY jnmu gvweI ]

mar mar janmai janam gavaaee ||

He dies and dies again, only to be reborn, and loses his life uselessly again.

gurmuiK nwim rqy suKu pwieAw shjy swic smweI hy ]3]

aucwrx r`qy

guramukh naam rathae sukh paaeiaa sehajae saach samaaee hae ||3||

The Gurmukh is imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord; he find peace, and is intuitively immersed in the True Lord. ||3||

DMDY Dwvq mnu BieAw mnUrw ]

dhhandhhai dhhaavath man bhaeiaa manooraa ||

Chasing after worldly affairs, the mind has become corroded and rusty.

iPir hovY kMcnu BytY guru pUrw ]

fir hovai kanchan bhaettai gur pooraa ||

But meeting with the Perfect Guru, it is transmuted into gold once again.

Awpy bKis ley suKu pwey pUrY sbid imlweI hy ]4]

aapae bakhas leae sukh paaeae poorai sabadh milaaee hae ||4||

When the Lord Himself grants forgiveness, then peace is obtained; through the Perfect Word of the Shabad, one is united with Him. ||4||

durmiq JUTI burI buirAwir ]

dhuramath jhoothee buree buriaar ||

The false and evil-minded are the most wicked of the wicked.

AaugixAwrI AaugixAwir ]

aouganiaaree aouganiaar ||

They are the most unworthy of the unworthy.

kcI miq PIkw muiK bolY durmiq nwmu n pweI hy ]5]

aucwrx k`cI; m`iq

kachee math feekaa mukh bolai dhuramath naam n paaee hae ||5||

With false intellect, and insipid words of mouth, evil-minded, they do not obtain the Naam. ||5||

AaugixAwrI kMq n BwvY ]

aouganiaaree kanth n bhaavai ||

The unworthy soul-bride is not pleasing to her Husband Lord.

mn kI jUTI jUTu kmwvY ]

man kee joothee jooth kamaavai ||

False-minded, her actions are false.

ipr kw swau n jwxY mUriK ibnu gur bUJ n pweI hy ]6]

aucwrx bU`J

pir kaa saao n jaanai moorakh bin gur boojh n paaee hae ||6||

The foolish person does not know the excellence of her Husband Lord. Without the Guru, she does not understand at all. ||6||

durmiq KotI Kotu kmwvY ]

dhuramath khottee khott kamaavai ||

The evil-minded, wicked soul-bride practices wickedness.

sIgwru kry ipr Ksm n BwvY ]

seegaar karae pir khasam n bhaavai ||

She decorates herself, but her Husband Lord is not pleased.

guxvµqI sdw ipru rwvY siqguir myil imlweI hy ]7]

gunavanthee sadhaa pir raavai sathigur mael milaaee hae ||7||

The virtuous soul-bride enjoys and ravishes her Husband Lord forever; the True Guru unites her in His Union. ||7||

Awpy hukmu kry sBu vyKY ]

aapae hukam karae sabh vaekhai ||

God Himself issues the Hukam of His Command, and beholds all.

ieknw bKis ley Duir lyKY ]

eikanaa bakhas leae dhhur laekhai ||

Some are forgiven, according to their pre-ordained destiny.

Anidnu nwim rqy scu pwieAw Awpy myil imlweI hy ]8]

aucwrx r`qy

anadhin naam rathae sach paaeiaa aapae mael milaaee hae ||8||

Night and day, they are imbued with the Naam, and they find the True Lord. He Himself unites them in His Union. ||8||

haumY Dwqu moh ris lweI ]

houmai dhhaath moh ras laaee ||

Egotism attaches them to the juice of emotional attachment, and makes them run around.

gurmuiK ilv swcI shij smweI ]

guramukh liv saachee sehaj samaaee ||

The Gurmukh is intuitively immersed in the True Love of the Lord.

Awpy mylY Awpy kir vyKY ibnu siqgur bUJ n pweI hy ]9]

aucwrx bU`J

aapae maelai aapae kar vaekhai bin sathigur boojh n paaee hae ||9||

He Himself unites, He Himself acts, and beholds. Without the True Guru, understanding is not obtained. ||9||

ieik sbdu vIcwir sdw jn jwgy ]

eik sabadh veechaar sadhaa jan jaagae ||

Some contemplate the Word of the Shabad; these humble beings remain always awake and aware.

ieik mwieAw moih soie rhy ABwgy ]

aucwrx A-Bwgy

eik maaeiaa mohi soe rehae abhaagae ||

Some are attached to the love of Maya; these unfortunate ones remain asleep.

Awpy kry krwey Awpy horu krxw ikCU n jweI hy ]10]

aapae karae karaaeae aapae hor karanaa kishhoo n jaaee hae ||10||

He Himself acts, and inspires all to act; no one else can do anything. ||10||

kwlu mwir gur sbid invwry ]

kaal maar gur sabadh nivaarae ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, death is conquered and killed.

hir kw nwmu rKY aur Dwry ]

har kaa naam rakhai our dhhaarae ||

Keep the Name of the Lord enshrined within your heart.

siqgur syvw qy suKu pwieAw hir kY nwim smweI hy ]11]

sathigur saevaa thae sukh paaeiaa har kai naam samaaee hae ||11||

Serving the True Guru, peace is obtained, and one merges in the Name of the Lord. ||11||

dUjY Bwie iPrY dyvwnI ]

dhoojai bhaae firai dhaevaanee ||

In the love of duality, the world wanders around insane.

mwieAw moih duK mwih smwnI ]

maaeiaa mohi dhukh maahi samaanee ||

Immersed in love and attachment to Maya, it suffers in pain.

bhuqy ByK krY nh pwey ibnu siqgur suKu n pweI hy ]12]

bahuthae bhaekh karai neh paaeae bin sathigur sukh n paaee hae ||12||

Wearing all sorts of religious robes, He is not obtained. Without the True Guru, peace is not found. ||12||

iksno khIAY jw Awip krwey ]

kis no keheeai jaa aap karaaeae ||

Who is to blame, when He Himself does everything?

ijqu BwvY iqqu rwih clwey ]

jith bhaavai thith raahi chalaaeae ||

As He wills, so is the path we take.

Awpy imhrvwnu suKdwqw ijau BwvY iqvY clweI hy ]13]

aapae miharavaan sukhadhaathaa jio bhaavai thivai chalaaee hae ||13||

He Himself is the Merciful Giver of peace; as He wills, so do we follow. ||13||

Awpy krqw Awpy Bugqw ]

aapae karathaa aapae bhugathaa ||

He Himself is the Creator, and He Himself is the Enjoyer.

Awpy sMjmu Awpy jugqw ]

aapae sanjam aapae jugathaa ||

He Himself is detached, and He Himself is attached.

Awpy inrmlu imhrvwnu mDusUdnu ijsdw hukmu n myitAw jweI hy ]14]

aapae niramal miharavaan madhhusoodhan jis dhaa hukam n maettiaa jaaee hae ||14||

He Himself is immaculate, compassionate, the lover of nectar; the Hukam of His Command cannot be erased. ||14||

sy vfBwgI ijnI eyko jwqw ]

sae vaddabhaagee jinee eaeko jaathaa ||

Those who know the One Lord are very fortunate.

Git Git vis rihAw jgjIvnu dwqw ]

ghatt ghatt vas rehiaa jagajeevan dhaathaa ||

He dwells in each and every heart, the Great Giver, the Life of the world.

iek QY gupqu prgtu hY Awpy gurmuiK BRmu Bau jweI hy ]15]

eik thhai gupath paragatt hai aapae guramukh bhram bho jaaee hae ||15||

At the same time, He is both hidden and revealed. For the Gurmukh, doubt and fear are dispelled. ||15||

gurmuiK hir jIau eyko jwqw ]

guramukh har jeeo eaeko jaathaa ||

The Gurmukh knows the One, the Dear Lord.

AMqir nwmu sbid pCwqw ]

anthar naam sabadh pashhaathaa ||

Deep within the nucleus of his inner being, is the Naam, the Name of the Lord; he realizes the Word of the Shabad.

ijsu qU dyih soeI jnu pwey nwnk nwim vfweI hy ]16]4]

jis thoo dhaehi soee jan paaeae naanak naam vaddaaee hae ||16||4||

He alone receives it, unto whom You give it. O Nanak, the Naam is glorious greatness. ||16||4||