SGGSAng 1140Raag BhaironMahalla 523 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

ibnu bwjy kYso inriqkwrI ]

bin baajae kaiso nirathikaaree ||

Without music, how is one to dance?

ibnu kMTY kYsy gwvnhwrI ]

bin kanthai kaisae gaavanehaaree ||

Without a voice, how is one to sing?

jIl ibnw kYsy bjY rbwb ]

jeel binaa kaisae bajai rabaab ||

Without strings, how is a guitar to be played?

nwm ibnw ibrQy siB kwj ]1]

naam binaa birathhae sabh kaaj ||1||

Without the Naam, all affairs are useless. ||1||

nwm ibnw khhu ko qirAw ]

naam binaa kehahu ko thariaa ||

Without the Naam - tell me: who has ever been saved?

ibnu siqgur kYsy pwir pirAw ]1] rhwau ]

bin sathigur kaisae paar pariaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the True Guru, how can anyone cross over to the other side? ||1||Pause||

ibnu ijhvw khw ko bkqw ]

bin jihavaa kehaa ko bakathaa ||

Without a tongue, how can anyone speak?

ibnu sRvnw khw ko sunqw ]

bin sravanaa kehaa ko sunathaa ||

Without ears, how can anyone hear?

ibnu nyqRw khw ko pyKY ]

bin naethraa kehaa ko paekhai ||

Without eyes, how can anyone see?

nwm ibnw nru khI n lyKY ]2]

naam binaa nar kehee n laekhai ||2||

Without the Naam, the mortal is of no account at all. ||2||

ibnu ibidAw khw koeI pMifq ]

bin bidhiaa kehaa koee panddith ||

Without learning, how can one be a Pandit - a religious scholar?

ibnu AmrY kYsy rwj mMifq ]

bin amarai kaisae raaj manddith ||

Without power, what is the glory of an empire?

ibnu bUJy khw mnu Thrwnw ]

aucwrx bu`Jy

bin boojhae kehaa man theharaanaa ||

Without understanding, how can the mind become steady?

nwm ibnw sBu jgu baurwnw ]3]

naam binaa sabh jag bouraanaa ||3||

Without the Naam, the whole world is insane. ||3||

ibnu bYrwg khw bYrwgI ]

bin bairaag kehaa bairaagee ||

Without detachment, how can one be a detached hermit?

ibnu hau iqAwig khw koaU iqAwgI ]

bin ho thiaag kehaa kooo thiaagee ||

Without renouncing egotism, how can anyone be a renunciate?

ibnu bis pMc khw mn cUry ]

bin bas panch kehaa man choorae ||

Without overcoming the five thieves, how can the mind be subdued?

nwm ibnw sd sdhI JUry ]4]

naam binaa sadh sadh hee jhoorae ||4||

Without the Naam, the mortal regrets and repents forever and ever. ||4||

ibnu gur dIiKAw kYsy igAwnu ]

bin gur dheekhiaa kaisae giaan ||

Without the Guru's Teachings, how can anyone obtain spiritual wisdom?

ibnu pyKy khu kYso iDAwnu ]

bin paekhae kahu kaiso dhhiaan ||

Without seeing - tell me: how can anyone visualize in meditation?

ibnu BY kQnI srb ibkwr ]

bin bhai kathhanee sarab bikaar ||

Without the Fear of God, all speech in useless.

khu nwnk dr kw bIcwr ]5]6]19]

kahu naanak dhar kaa beechaar ||5||6||19||

Says Nanak, this is the wisdom of the Lord's Court. ||5||6||19||