mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
swcI kwr kmwvxI hoir lwlc bwid ]
saachee kaar kamaavanee hor laalach baadh ||
Practice Truth - other greed and attachments are useless.
iehu mnu swcY moihAw ijhvw sic swid ]
eihu man saachai mohiaa jihavaa sach saadh ||
The True Lord has fascinated this mind, and my tongue enjoys the taste of Truth.
ibnu nwvY ko rsu nhI hoir clih ibKu lwid ]1]
bin naavai ko ras nehee hor chalehi bikh laadh ||1||
Without the Name, there is no juice; the others depart, loaded with poison. ||1||
AYsw lwlw myry lwl ko suix Ksm hmwry ]
aisaa laalaa maerae laal ko sun khasam hamaarae ||
I am such a slave of Yours, O my Beloved Lord and Master.
ijau Purmwvih iqau clw scu lwl ipAwry ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx c`lw
jio furamaavehi thio chalaa sach laal piaarae ||1|| rehaao ||
I walk in harmony with Your Command, O my True, Sweet Beloved. ||1||Pause||
Anidnu lwly cwkrI goly isir mIrw ]
aucwrx goly: Bwrw krky
anadhin laalae chaakaree golae sir meeraa ||
Night and day, the slave works for his overlord.
gur bcnI mnu vyicAw sbid mnu DIrw ]
gur bachanee man vaechiaa sabadh man dhheeraa ||
I have sold my mind for the Word of the Guru's Shabad; my mind is comforted and consoled by the Shabad.
gur pUry swbwis hY kwtY mn pIrw ]2]
gur poorae saabaas hai kaattai man peeraa ||2||
The Perfect Guru is honored and celebrated; He has taken away the pains of my mind. ||2||
lwlw golw DxI ko ikAw khau vifAweIAY ]
aucwrx golw: Bwrw krky
laalaa golaa dhhanee ko kiaa keho vaddiaaeeai ||
I am the servant and slave of my Master; what glorious greatness of His can I describe?
BwxY bKsy pUrw DxI scu kwr kmweIAY ]
bhaanai bakhasae pooraa dhhanee sach kaar kamaaeeai ||
The Perfect Master, by the Pleasure of His Will, forgives, and then one practices Truth.
ivCuiVAw kau myil ley gur kau bil jweIAY ]3]
vishhurriaa ko mael leae gur ko bal jaaeeai ||3||
I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who re-unites the separated ones. ||3||
lwly goly miq KrI gur kI miq nIkI ]
aucwrx goly: Bwrw krky; m`iq
laalae golae math kharee gur kee math neekee ||
The intellect of His servant and slave is noble and true; it is made so by the Guru's intellect.
swcI suriq suhwvxI mnmuK miq PIkI ]
aucwrx m`iq
saachee surath suhaavanee manamukh math feekee ||
The intuition of those who are true is beautiful; the intellect of the self-willed manmukh is insipid.
mnu qnu qyrw qU pRBU scu DIrk Dur kI ]4]
man than thaeraa thoo prabhoo sach dhheerak dhhur kee ||4||
My mind and body belong to You, God; from the very beginning, Truth has been my only support. ||4||
swcY bYsxu auTxw scu Bojnu BwiKAw ]
saachai baisan outhanaa sach bhojan bhaakhiaa ||
In Truth I sit and stand; I eat and speak the Truth.
iciq scY ivqo scw swcw rsu cwiKAw ]
chith sachai vitho sachaa saachaa ras chaakhiaa ||
With Truth in my consciousness, I gather the wealth of Truth, and drink in the sublime essence of Truth.
swcY Gir swcY rKy gur bcin suBwiKAw ]5]
aucwrx su-BwiKAw: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj
saachai ghar saachai rakhae gur bachan subhaakhiaa ||5||
In the home of Truth, the True Lord protects me; I speak the Words of the Guru's Teachings with love. ||5||
mnmuK kau Awlsu Gxo PwQy EjwVI ]
manamukh ko aalas ghano faathhae oujaarree ||
The self-willed manmukh is very lazy; he is trapped in the wilderness.
PwQw cugY inq cogVI lig bMDu ivgwVI ]
aucwrx cugY: polw bolo
faathhaa chugai nith chogarree lag bandhh vigaarree ||
He is drawn to the bait, and continually pecking at it, he is trapped; his link to the Lord is ruined.
gurprswdI mukqu hoie swcy inj qwVI ]6]
gur parasaadhee mukath hoe saachae nij thaarree ||6||
By Guru's Grace, one is liberated, absorbed in the primal trance of Truth. ||6||
Anhiq lwlw byiDAw pRB hyiq ipAwrI ]
anehath laalaa baedhhiaa prabh haeth piaaree ||
His slave remains continually pierced through with love and affection for God.
ibnu swcy jIau jil blau JUTy vykwrI ]
bin saachae jeeo jal balo jhoothae vaekaaree ||
Without the True Lord, the soul of the false, corrupt person is burnt to ashes.
bwid kwrw siB CofIAw swcI qru qwrI ]7]
baadh kaaraa sabh shhoddeeaa saachee thar thaaree ||7||
Abandoning all evil actions, he crosses over in the boat of Truth. ||7||
ijnI nwmu ivswirAw iqnw Taur n Twau ]
jinee naam visaariaa thinaa thour n thaao ||
Those who have forgotten the Naam have no home, no place of rest.
lwlY lwlcu iqAwigAw pwieAw hir nwau ]
laalai laalach thiaagiaa paaeiaa har naao ||
The Lord's slave renounces greed and attachment, and obtains the Lord's Name.
qU bKsih qw myil lYih nwnk bil jwau ]8]4]
thoo bakhasehi thaa mael laihi naanak bal jaao ||8||4||
If You forgive him, Lord, then He is united with You; Nanak is a sacrifice. ||8||4||