mwrU mhlw 1 dKxI ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw dKxI
maaroo mehalaa 1 dhakhanee ||
Maaroo, First Mehl, Dakhanee:
kwieAw ngru ngr gV AMdir ]
aucwrx kWieAW
kaaeiaa nagar nagar garr andhar ||
Deep within the body-village is the fortress.
swcw vwsw puir ggnµdir ]
saachaa vaasaa pur gaganandhar ||
The dwelling of the True Lord is within the city of the Tenth Gate.
AsiQru Qwnu sdw inrmwielu Awpy Awpu aupwiedw ]1]
asathhir thhaan sadhaa niramaaeil aapae aap oupaaeidhaa ||1||
This place is permanent and forever immaculate. He Himself created it. ||1||
AMdir kot Cjy htnwly ]
aucwrx h`tnwly
andhar kott shhajae hattanaalae ||
Within the fortress are balconies and bazaars.
Awpy lyvY vsqu smwly ]
aapae laevai vasath samaalae ||
He Himself takes care of His merchandise.
bjr kpwt jVy jiV jwxY gur sbdI Kolwiedw ]2]
aucwrx kpwt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`wt)
bajar kapaatt jarrae jarr jaanai gur sabadhee kholaaeidhaa ||2||
The hard and heavy doors of the Tenth Gate are closed and locked. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are thrown open. ||2||
BIqir kot guPw Gr jweI ]
bheethar kott gufaa ghar jaaee ||
Within the fortress is the cave, the home of the self.
nau Gr Qwpy hukim rjweI ]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
no ghar thhaapae hukam rajaaee ||
He established the nine gates of this house, by His Command and His Will.
dsvY purKu AlyKu ApwrI Awpy AlKu lKwiedw ]3]
aucwrx Al`Ku
dhasavai purakh alaekh apaaree aapae alakh lakhaaeidhaa ||3||
In the Tenth Gate, the Primal Lord, the unknowable and infinite dwells; the unseen Lord reveals Himself. ||3||
paux pwxI AgnI iek vwsw ]
poun paanee aganee eik vaasaa ||
Within the body of air, water and fire, the One Lord dwells.
Awpy kIqo Kylu qmwsw ]
aapae keetho khael thamaasaa ||
He Himself stages His wondrous dramas and plays.
bldI jil invrY ikrpw qy Awpy jl iniD pwiedw ]4]
aucwrx in`iD
baladhee jal nivarai kirapaa thae aapae jal nidhh paaeidhaa ||4||
By His Grace, water puts out the burning fire; He Himself stores it up in the watery ocean. ||4||
Driq aupwie DrI Drm swlw ]
aucwrx swlw: Bwrw krky bolo
dhharath oupaae dhharee dhharam saalaa ||
Creating the earth, He established it as the home of Dharma.
auqpiq prlau Awip inrwlw ]
outhapath paralo aap niraalaa ||
Creating and destroying, He remains unattached.
pvxY Kylu kIAw sB QweI klw iKMic Fwhwiedw ]5]
pavanai khael keeaa sabh thhaaee kalaa khinch dtaahaaeidhaa ||5||
He stages the play of the breath everywhere. Withdrawing His power, He lets the beings crumble. ||5||
Bwr ATwrh mwlix qyrI ]
bhaar athaareh maalan thaeree ||
Your gardener is the vast vegetation of nature.
cauru FulY pvxY lY PyrI ]
chour dtulai pavanai lai faeree ||
The wind blowing around is the chauree, the fly-brush, waving over You.
cMdu sUrju duie dIpk rwKy sis Gir sUru smwiedw ]6]
chandh sooraj dhue dheepak raakhae sas ghar soor samaaeidhaa ||6||
The Lord placed the two lamps, the sun and the moon; the sun merges in the house of the moon. ||6||
pMKI pMc aufir nhI Dwvih ]
pankhee panch ouddar nehee dhhaavehi ||
The five birds do not fly wild.
sPilE ibrKu AMimRq Plu pwvih ]
safaliou birakh anmrith fal paavehi ||
The tree of life is fruitful, bearing the fruit of Ambrosial Nectar.
gurmuiK shij rvY gux gwvY hir rsu cog cugwiedw ]7]
guramukh sehaj ravai gun gaavai har ras chog chugaaeidhaa ||7||
The Gurmukh intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord; he eats the food of the Lord's sublime essence. ||7||
iJlimil iJlkY cMdu n qwrw ]
jhilamil jhilakai chandh n thaaraa ||
The dazzling light glitters, although neither the moon nor the stars are shining;
sUrj ikrix n ibjuil gYxwrw ]
sooraj kiran n bijul gainaaraa ||
Neither the sun's rays nor the lightning flashes across the sky.
AkQI kQau ichnu nhI koeI pUir rihAw min Bwiedw ]8]
akathhee kathho chihan nehee koee poor rehiaa man bhaaeidhaa ||8||
I describe the indescribable state, which has no sign, where the all-pervading Lord is still pleasing to the mind. ||8||
psrI ikrix joiq auijAwlw ]
aucwrx ps-rI
pasaree kiran joth oujiaalaa ||
The rays of Divine Light have spread out their brilliant radiance.
kir kir dyKY Awip dieAwlw ]
kar kar dhaekhai aap dhaeiaalaa ||
Having created the creation, the Merciful Lord Himself gazes upon it.
Anhd rux Juxkwru sdw Duin inrBau kY Gir vwiedw ]9]
anehadh run jhunakaar sadhaa dhhun nirabho kai ghar vaaeidhaa ||9||
The sweet, melodious, unstruck sound current vibrates continuously in the home of the fearless Lord. ||9||
Anhdu vwjY BRmu Bau BwjY ]
anehadh vaajai bhram bho bhaajai ||
When the unstruck sound current resounds, doubt and fear run away.
sgl ibAwip rihAw pRBu CwjY ]
sagal biaap rehiaa prabh shhaajai ||
God is all-pervading, giving shade to all.
sB qyrI qU gurmuiK jwqw dir sohY gux gwiedw ]10]
sabh thaeree thoo guramukh jaathaa dhar sohai gun gaaeidhaa ||10||
All belong to You; to the Gurmukhs, You are known. Singing Your Praises, they look beautiful in Your Court. ||10||
Awid inrµjnu inrmlu soeI ]
aadh niranjan niramal soee ||
He is the Primal Lord, immaculate and pure.
Avru n jwxw dUjw koeI ]
avar n jaanaa dhoojaa koee ||
I know of no other at all.
eykµkwru vsY min BwvY haumY grbu gvwiedw ]11]
eaekankaar vasai man bhaavai houmai garab gavaaeidhaa ||11||
The One Universal Creator Lord dwells within, and is pleasing to the mind of those who banishe egotism and pride. ||11||
AMimRqu pIAw siqguir dIAw ]
anmrith peeaa sathigur dheeaa ||
I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, given by the True Guru.
Avru n jwxw dUAw qIAw ]
avar n jaanaa dhooaa theeaa ||
I do not know any other second or third.
eyko eyku su Apr prµpru priK KjwnY pwiedw ]12]
aucwrx Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr); p-rµpru
eaeko eaek s apar paranpar parakh khajaanai paaeidhaa ||12||
He is the One, Unique, Infinite and Endless Lord; He evaluates all beings and places some in His treasury. ||12||
igAwnu iDAwnu scu gihr gMBIrw ]
giaan dhhiaan sach gehir ganbheeraa ||
Spiritual wisdom and meditation on the True Lord are deep and profound.
koie n jwxY qyrw cIrw ]
koe n jaanai thaeraa cheeraa ||
No one knows Your expanse.
jyqI hY qyqI quDu jwcY krim imlY so pwiedw ]13]
jaethee hai thaethee thudhh jaachai karam milai so paaeidhaa ||13||
All that are, beg from You; You are attained only by Your Grace. ||13||
krmu Drmu scu hwiQ qumwrY ]
karam dhharam sach haathh thumaarai ||
You hold karma and Dharma in Your hands, O True Lord.
vyprvwh AKut BµfwrY ]
vaeparavaah akhutt bhanddaarai ||
O Independent Lord, Your treasures are inexhaustible.
qU dieAwlu ikrpwlu sdw pRBu Awpy myil imlwiedw ]14]
thoo dhaeiaal kirapaal sadhaa prabh aapae mael milaaeidhaa ||14||
You are forever kind and compassionate, God. You unite in Your Union. ||14||
Awpy dyiK idKwvY Awpy ]
aapae dhaekh dhikhaavai aapae ||
You Yourself see, and cause Yourself to be seen.
Awpy Qwip auQwpy Awpy ]
aapae thhaap outhhaapae aapae ||
You Yourself establish, and You Yourself disestablish.
Awpy joiV ivCoVy krqw Awpy mwir jIvwiedw ]15]
aapae jorr vishhorrae karathaa aapae maar jeevaaeidhaa ||15||
The Creator Himself unites and separates; He Himself kills and rejuvenates. ||15||
jyqI hY qyqI quDu AMdir ]
jaethee hai thaethee thudhh andhar ||
As much as there is, is contained within You.
dyKih Awip bYis ibjmMdir ]
aucwrx ibj-mMdir
dhaekhehi aap bais bij mandhar ||
You gaze upon Your creation, sitting within Your royal palace.
nwnku swcu khY bynµqI hir drsin suKu pwiedw ]16]1]13]
naanak saach kehai baenanthee har dharasan sukh paaeidhaa ||16||1||13||
Nanak offers this true prayer; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, I have found peace. ||16||1||13||