SGGSAng 1152Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

duie kr joir krau Ardwis ]

dhue kar jor karo aradhaas ||

With my palms pressed together, I offer this prayer.

jIau ipMfu Dnu iqs kI rwis ]

jeeo pindd dhhan this kee raas ||

My soul, body and wealth are His property.

soeI myrw suAwmI krnYhwru ]

soee maeraa suaamee karanaihaar ||

He is the Creator, my Lord and Master.

koit bwr jweI bilhwr ]1]

kott baar jaaee balihaar ||1||

Millions of times, I am a sacrifice to Him. ||1||

swDU DUir punIq krI ]

saadhhoo dhhoor puneeth karee ||

The dust of the feet of the Holy brings purity.

mn ky ibkwr imtih pRB ismrq jnm jnm kI mYlu hrI ]1] rhwau ]

man kae bikaar mittehi prabh simarath janam janam kee mail haree ||1|| rehaao ||

Remembering God in meditation, the mind's corruption is eradicated, and the filth of countless incarnations is washed away. ||1||Pause||

jw kY igRh mih sgl inDwn ]

jaa kai grih mehi sagal nidhhaan ||

All treasures are in His household.

jw kI syvw pweIAY mwnu ]

jaa kee saevaa paaeeai maan ||

Serving Him, the mortal attains honor.

sgl mnorQ pUrnhwr ]

sagal manorathh pooranehaar ||

He is the Fulfiller of the mind's desires.

jIA pRwn Bgqn AwDwr ]2]

jeea praan bhagathan aadhhaar ||2||

He is the Support of the soul and the breath of life of His devotees. ||2||

Git Git AMqir sgl pRgws ]

ghatt ghatt anthar sagal pragaas ||

His Light shines in each and every heart.

jip jip jIvih Bgq guxqws ]

jap jap jeevehi bhagath gunathaas ||

Chanting and meditating on God, the Treasure of Virtue, His devotees live.

jw kI syv n ibrQI jwie ]

jaa kee saev n birathhee jaae ||

Service to Him does not go in vain.

mn qn AMqir eyku iDAwie ]3]

man than anthar eaek dhhiaae ||3||

Deep within your mind and body, meditate on the One Lord. ||3||

gur aupdyis dieAw sµqoKu ]

gur oupadhaes dhaeiaa santhokh ||

Following the Guru's Teachings, compassion and contentment are found.

nwmu inDwnu inrmlu iehu Qoku ]

naam nidhhaan niramal eihu thhok ||

This Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the immaculate object.

kir ikrpw lIjY liV lwie ]

kar kirapaa leejai larr laae ||

Please grant Your Grace, O Lord, and attach me to the hem of Your robe.

crn kml nwnk inq iDAwie ]4]42]55]

charan kamal naanak nith dhhiaae ||4||42||55||

Nanak meditates continually on the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||4||42||55||