SGGSAng 1134Raag BhaironMahalla 412 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

BYrau mhlw 4 Gru 2

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw cauQw Gru dUjw

bhairo mehalaa 4 ghar 2

Bhairao, Fourth Mehl, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir kw sMqu hir kI hir mUriq ijsu ihrdY hir nwmu murwir ]

har kaa santh har kee har moorath jis hiradhai har naam muraar ||

The Lord's Saint is the embodiment of the Lord; within his heart is the Name of the Lord.

msqik Bwgu hovY ijsu iliKAw so gurmiq ihrdY hir nwmu sm@wir ]1]

masathak bhaag hovai jis likhiaa so guramath hiradhai har naam samhaar ||1||

One who has such destiny inscribed on his forehead, follows the Guru's Teachings, and contemplates the Name of the Lord within his heart. ||1||

mDusUdnu jpIAY aur Dwir ]

madhhusoodhan japeeai our dhhaar ||

Enshrine Him in your heart, and meditate on the Lord.

dyhI ngir qskr pMc DwqU gur sbdI hir kwFy mwir ]1] rhwau ]

dhaehee nagar thasakar panch dhhaathoo gur sabadhee har kaadtae maar ||1|| rehaao ||

The five plundering thieves are in the body-village; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord has beaten them and driven them out. ||1||Pause||

ijn kw hir syqI mnu mwinAw iqn kwrj hir Awip svwir ]

jin kaa har saethee man maaniaa thin kaaraj har aap savaar ||

Those whose minds are satisfied with the Lord - the Lord Himself resolves their affairs.

iqn cUkI muhqwjI lokn kI hir AMgIkwru kIAw krqwir ]2]

aucwrx muh-qwjI

thin chookee muhathaajee lokan kee har angeekaar keeaa karathaar ||2||

Their subservience and their dependence on other people is ended; the Creator Lord is on their side. ||2||

mqw msUriq qW ikCu kIjY jy ikCu hovY hir bwhir ]

aucwrx mqw: polw bolo; m-sUriq

mathaa masoorath thaan kishh keejai jae kishh hovai har baahar ||

If something were beyond the realm of the Lord's Power, only then would we have recourse to consult someone else.

jo ikCu kry soeI Bl hosI hir iDAwvhu Anidnu nwmu murwir ]3]

jo kishh karai soee bhal hosee har dhhiaavahu anadhin naam muraar ||3||

Whatever the Lord does is good. Meditate on the Name of the Lord, night and day. ||3||

hir jo ikCu kry su Awpy Awpy Ehu pUiC n iksY kry bIcwir ]

har jo kishh karae s aapae aapae ouhu pooshh n kisai karae beechaar ||

Whatever the Lord does, He does by Himself. He does not ask or consult anyone else.

nwnk so pRBu sdw iDAweIAY ijin myilAw siqguru ikrpw Dwir ]4]1]5]

naanak so prabh sadhaa dhhiaaeeai jin maeliaa sathigur kirapaa dhhaar ||4||1||5||

O Nanak, meditate forever on God; granting His Grace, He unites us with the True Guru. ||4||1||5||