SGGSAng 1135Raag BhaironMahalla 411 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

BYrau mhlw 4 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw cauQw

bhairo mehalaa 4 ||

Bhairao, Fourth Mehl:

qy swDU hir mylhu suAwmI ijn jipAw giq hoie hmwrI ]

thae saadhhoo har maelahu suaamee jin japiaa gath hoe hamaaree ||

O my Lord and Master, please unite me with the Holy people; meditating on You, I am saved.

iqn kw drsu dyiK mnu ibgsY iKnu iKnu iqn kau hau bilhwrI ]1]

thin kaa dharas dhaekh man bigasai khin khin thin ko ho balihaaree ||1||

Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, my mind blossoms forth. Each and every moment, I am a sacrifice to them. ||1||

hir ihrdY jip nwmu murwrI ]

har hiradhai jap naam muraaree ||

Meditate within your heart on the Name of the Lord.

ikRpw ikRpw kir jgq ipq suAwmI hm dwsin dws kIjY pinhwrI ]1] rhwau ]

kirapaa kirapaa kar jagath pith suaamee ham dhaasan dhaas keejai panihaaree ||1|| rehaao ||

Show Mercy, Mercy to me, O Father of the World, O my Lord and Master; make me the water-carrier of the slave of Your slaves. ||1||Pause||

iqn miq aUqm iqn piq aUqm ijn ihrdY visAw bnvwrI ]

aucwrx m`iq

thin math ootham thin path ootham jin hiradhai vasiaa banavaaree ||

Their intellect is sublime and exalted, and so is their honor; the Lord, the Lord of the forest, abides within their hearts.

iqn kI syvw lwie hir suAwmI iqn ismrq giq hoie hmwrI ]2]

thin kee saevaa laae har suaamee thin simarath gath hoe hamaaree ||2||

O my Lord and Master, please link me to the service of those who meditate in remembrance on You, and are saved. ||2||

ijn AYsw siqguru swDu n pwieAw qy hir drgh kwFy mwrI ]

jin aisaa sathigur saadhh n paaeiaa thae har dharageh kaadtae maaree ||

Those who do not find such a Holy True Guru are beaten, and driven out of the Court of the Lord.

qy nr inMdk soB n pwvih iqn nk kwty isrjnhwrI ]3]

thae nar nindhak sobh n paavehi thin nak kaattae sirajanehaaree ||3||

These slanderous people have no honor or reputation; their noses are cut by the Creator Lord. ||3||

hir Awip bulwvY Awpy bolY hir Awip inrµjnu inrµkwru inrwhwrI ]

har aap bulaavai aapae bolai har aap niranjan nirankaar niraahaaree ||

The Lord Himself speaks, and the Lord Himself inspires all to speak; He is Immaculate and Formless, and needs no sustenance.

hir ijsu qU mylih so quDu imlsI jn nwnk ikAw eyih jµq ivcwrI ]4]2]6]

har jis thoo maelehi so thudhh milasee jan naanak kiaa eaehi janth vichaaree ||4||2||6||

O Lord, he alone meets You, whom You cause to meet. Says servant Nanak, I am a wretched creature. What can I do? ||4||2||6||