Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

5: pIr murId dI pRIq

Love between Sikh and the Guru

rUpY kwmY dosqI jg AMdir jwxI ]

roopai kaamai dosatee jag andari jaanee.

Friendship of beauty and lust is known all over the world.

BuKY swdY gMFu hY Ehu ivrqI hwxI ]

bhoukhai saadai ganddhu hai aohu viratee haanee.

And this is very practical that hunger and taste are complementry.

Guil imil imcil lib mwil iequ Brm BulwxI ]

ghuli mili michali labi maali itu bharami bhulaanee.

Greed and wealth also mix up with each other and remain deluded.

aUGY sauiV plMG ijau siB rYix ivhwxI ]

oughai saurhi palagh jiu sabhi raini vihaanee.

For a dozing person, even a small cot is a pleasure to pass the night.

suhxy sB rMg mwxIAin kir coj ivfwxI ]

suhanay sabh rang maaneeani kari choj vidaanee.

In the dream, one enjoys every colour of events.

pIr murIdW iprhVI Ehu AkQ khwxI ]5]

peer mureedaan piraharhee aohu akad kahaanee ||5||

Likewise, indescribable is the story of the love of the Sikh and the Guru