4: gur isK pRIiq
Love of a Gursikh
cMd ckor prIq hY lwie qwr inhwly ]
chand chakor pareet hai laai taar nihaalay.
Red-legged partridge (chakor) loves moon and hence stares at it without even losing its glance.
ckvI sUrj hyq hY imil hoin suKwly ]
chakavee sooraj hayt hai mili honi soukhaalay.
Ruddy sheldrake (chakavi) loves sun, and in sunlight, meeting its beloved feels elated.
nyhu kvl jl jwxIAY iKiV muh vyKwly ]
nayhu kaval jal jaaneeai khirhi muh vaykhaalay.
Lotus loves water and shows the water its blossomed face.
mor bbIhy boldy vyiK bdl kwly ]
mor babeehay boladay vaykhi badal kaalay.
Rain birds and peacocks also shriek when they see the clouds.
nwir Bqwr ipAwru hY mW puq smHwly ]
naari bhataar piaaru hai maan pout samhaalay.
Wife loves her husband and mother takes care of the son.
pIr murIdw iprhVI Ehu inbhY nwly ]4]
peer mureedaa piraharhee aohu nibahai naalay ||4||
Similarly the Sikh loves Guru and this love accompanies him to the end.