SGGSAng 1034Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 149 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

drsnu pwvw jy quDu Bwvw ]

dharasan paavaa jae thudhh bhaavaa ||

If I am pleasing to You, Lord, then I obtain the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

Bwie Bgiq swcy gux gwvw ]

bhaae bhagath saachae gun gaavaa ||

In loving devotional worship, O True Lord, I sing Your Glorious Praises.

quDu Bwxy qU Bwvih krqy Awpy rsn rswiedw ]1]

thudhh bhaanae thoo bhaavehi karathae aapae rasan rasaaeidhaa ||1||

By Your Will, O Creator Lord, You have become pleasing to me, and so sweet to my tongue. ||1||

sohin Bgq pRBU drbwry ]

sohan bhagath prabhoo dharabaarae ||

The devotees look beautiful in the Darbaar, the Court of God.

mukqu Bey hir dws qumwry ]

mukath bheae har dhaas thumaarae ||

Your slaves, Lord, are liberated.

Awpu gvwie qyrY rµig rwqy Anidnu nwmu iDAwiedw ]2]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

aap gavaae thaerai rang raathae anadhin naam dhhiaaeidhaa ||2||

Eradicating self-conceit, they are attuned to Your Love; night and day, they meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

eIsru bRhmw dyvI dyvw ]

aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

eesar brehamaa dhaevee dhaevaa ||

Shiva, Brahma, gods and goddesses,

ieMdR qpy muin qyrI syvw ]

aucwrx qpy: polw bolo

eindhr thapae mun thaeree saevaa ||

Indra, ascetics and silent sages serve You.

jqI sqI kyqy bnvwsI AMqu n koeI pwiedw ]3]

aucwrx jqI: polw bolo; sqI: polw bolo

jathee sathee kaethae banavaasee anth n koee paaeidhaa ||3||

Celibates, givers of charity and the many forest-dwellers have not found the Lord's limits. ||3||

ivxu jwxwey koie n jwxY ]

vin jaanaaeae koe n jaanai ||

No one knows You, unless You let them know You.

jo ikCu kry su Awpx BwxY ]

jo kishh karae s aapan bhaanai ||

Whatever is done, is by Your Will.

lK caurwsIh jIA aupwey BwxY swh lvwiedw ]4]

lakh chouraaseeh jeea oupaaeae bhaanai saah lavaaeidhaa ||4||

You created the 8.4 million species of beings; by Your Will, they draw their breath. ||4||

jo iqsu BwvY so inhcau hovY ]

jo this bhaavai so nihacho hovai ||

Whatever is pleasing to Your Will, undoubtedly comes to pass.

mnmuKu Awpu gxwey rovY ]

manamukh aap ganaaeae rovai ||

The self-willed manmukh shows off, and comes to grief.

nwvhu Bulw Taur n pwey Awie jwie duKu pwiedw ]5]

naavahu bhulaa thour n paaeae aae jaae dhukh paaeidhaa ||5||

Forgetting the Name, he finds no place of rest; coming and going in reincarnation, he suffers in pain. ||5||

inrml kwieAw aUjl hµsw ]

aucwrx kWieAW

niramal kaaeiaa oojal hansaa ||

Pure is the body, and immaculate is the swan-soul;

iqsu ivic nwmu inrµjn AMsw ]

this vich naam niranjan ansaa ||

Within it is the immaculate essence of the Naam.

sgly dUK AMimRqu kir pIvY bwhuiV dUKu n pwiedw ]6]

sagalae dhookh anmrith kar peevai baahurr dhookh n paaeidhaa ||6||

Such a being drinks in all his pains like Ambrosial Nectar; he never suffers sorrow again. ||6||

bhu swdhu dUKu prwpiq hovY ]

bahu saadhahu dhookh paraapath hovai ||

For his excessive indulgences, he receives only pain;

Boghu rog su AMiq ivgovY ]

bhogahu rog s anth vigovai ||

From his enjoyments, he contracts diseases, and in the end, he wastes away.

hrKhu sogu n imteI kbhU ivxu Bwxy Brmwiedw ]7]

harakhahu sog n mittee kabehoo vin bhaanae bharamaaeidhaa ||7||

His pleasure can never erase his pain; without accepting the Lord's Will, he wanders lost and confused. ||7||

igAwn ivhUxI BvY sbweI ]

giaan vihoonee bhavai sabaaee ||

Without spiritual wisdom, they all just wander around.

swcw riv rihAw ilv lweI ]

saachaa rav rehiaa liv laaee ||

The True Lord is pervading and permeating everywhere, lovingly engaged.

inrBau sbdu gurU scu jwqw joqI joiq imlwiedw ]8]

nirabho sabadh guroo sach jaathaa jothee joth milaaeidhaa ||8||

The Fearless Lord is known through the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru; one's light merges into the Light. ||8||

Atlu Afolu Aqolu murwry ]

aucwrx At`lu

attal addol athol muraarae ||

He is the eternal, unchanging, immeasurable Lord.

iKn mih Fwhy Pyir auswry ]

khin mehi dtaahi faer ousaarae ||

In an instant, He destroys, ang then reconstructs.

rUpu n ryiKAw imiq nhI kImiq sbid Byid pqIAwiedw ]9]

aucwrx pqI-Awiedw

roop n raekhiaa mith nehee keemath sabadh bhaedh patheeaaeidhaa ||9||

He has no form or shape, no limit or value. Pierced by the Shabad, one is satisfied. ||9||

hm dwsn ky dws ipAwry ]

ham dhaasan kae dhaas piaarae ||

I am the slave of Your slaves, O my Beloved.

swiDk swc Bly vIcwry ]

saadhhik saach bhalae veechaarae ||

The seekers of Truth and goodness contemplate You.

mMny nwau soeI ijix jwsI Awpy swcu idRVwiedw ]10]

mannae naao soee jin jaasee aapae saach dhrirraaeidhaa ||10||

Whoever believes in the Name, wins; He Himself implants Truth within. ||10||

plY swcu scy sicAwrw ]

aucwrx p`lY

palai saach sachae sachiaaraa ||

The Truest of the True has the Truth is His lap.

swcy BwvY sbdu ipAwrw ]

saachae bhaavai sabadh piaaraa ||

The True Lord is pleased with those who love the Shabad.

iqRBvix swcu klw Dir QwpI swcy hI pqIAwiedw ]11]

aucwrx pqI-Awiedw

thribhavan saach kalaa dhhar thhaapee saachae hee patheeaaeidhaa ||11||

Exerting His power, the Lord has established Truth throughout the three worlds; with Truth He is pleased. ||11||

vfw vfw AwKY sBu koeI ]

vaddaa vaddaa aakhai sabh koee ||

Everyone calls Him the greatest of the great.

gur ibnu soJI iknY n hoeI ]

gur bin sojhee kinai n hoee ||

Without the Guru, no one understands Him.

swic imlY so swcy Bwey nw vICuiV duKu pwiedw ]12]

saach milai so saachae bhaaeae naa veeshhurr dhukh paaeidhaa ||12||

The True Lord is pleased with those who merge in Truth; they are not separated again, and they do not suffer. ||12||

Durhu ivCuµny DwhI ruµny ]

dhhurahu vishhunnae dhhaahee runnae ||

Separated from the Primal Lord, they loudly weep and wail.

mir mir jnmih muhliq puMny ]

aucwrx muh-liq

mar mar janamehi muhalath punnae ||

They die and die, only to be reborn, when their time has passed.

ijsu bKsy iqsu dy vifAweI myil n pCoqwiedw ]13]

jis bakhasae this dhae vaddiaaee mael n pashhothaaeidhaa ||13||

He blesses those whom He forgives with glorious greatness; united with Him, they do not regret or repent. ||13 |

Awpy krqw Awpy Bugqw ]

aapae karathaa aapae bhugathaa ||

| He Himself is the Creator, and He Himself is the Enjoyer.

Awpy iqRpqw Awpy mukqw ]

aapae thripathaa aapae mukathaa ||

He Himself is satisfied, and He Himself is liberated.

Awpy mukiq dwnu mukqI sru mmqw mohu cukwiedw ]14]

aapae mukath dhaan mukatheesar mamathaa mohu chukaaeidhaa ||14||

The Lord of liberation Himself grants liberation; He eradicates possessiveness and attachment. ||14||

dwnw kY isir dwnu vIcwrw ]

dhaanaa kai sir dhaan veechaaraa ||

I consider Your gifts to be the most wonderful gifts.

krx kwrx smrQu Apwrw ]

karan kaaran samarathh apaaraa ||

You are the Cause of causes, Almighty Infinite Lord.

kir kir vyKY kIqw Apxw krxI kwr krwiedw ]15]

kar kar vaekhai keethaa apanaa karanee kaar karaaeidhaa ||15||

Creating the creation, You gaze upon what You have created; You cause all to do their deeds. ||15||

sy gux gwvih swcy Bwvih ]

sae gun gaavehi saachae bhaavehi ||

They alone sing Your Glorious Praises, who are pleasing to You, O True Lord.

quJ qy aupjih quJ mwih smwvih ]

thujh thae oupajehi thujh maahi samaavehi ||

They issue forth from You, and merge again into You.

nwnku swcu khY bynµqI imil swcy suKu pwiedw ]16]2]14]

naanak saach kehai baenanthee mil saachae sukh paaeidhaa ||16||2||14||

Nanak offers this true prayer; meeting with the True Lord, peace is obtained. ||16||2||14||