SGGSAng 1035Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 149 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

Arbd nrbd DuµDUkwrw ]

aucwrx Ar-bd; nr-bd

arabadh narabadh dhhundhhookaaraa ||

For endless eons, there was only utter darkness.

Drix n ggnw hukmu Apwrw ]

dhharan n gaganaa hukam apaaraa ||

There was no earth or sky; there was only the infinite Command of His Hukam.

nw idnu rYin n cMdu n sUrju suMn smwiD lgwiedw ]1]

naa dhin rain n chandh n sooraj sunn samaadhh lagaaeidhaa ||1||

There was no day or night, no moon or sun; God sat in primal, profound Samaadhi. ||1||

KwxI n bwxI paux n pwxI ]

khaanee n baanee poun n paanee ||

There were no sources of creation or powers of speech, no air or water.

Epiq Kpiq n Awvx jwxI ]

aucwrx Kpiq: polw bolo

oupath khapath n aavan jaanee ||

There was no creation or destruction, no coming or going.

KMf pqwl spq nhI swgr ndI n nIru vhwiedw ]2]

aucwrx spq: polw bolo (ASuD: s-pq)

khandd pathaal sapath nehee saagar nadhee n neer vehaaeidhaa ||2||

There were no continents, nether regions, seven seas, rivers or flowing water. ||2||

nw qid surgu mCu pieAwlw ]

naa thadh surag mashh paeiaalaa ||

There were no heavenly realms, earth or nether regions of the underworld.

dojku iBsqu nhI KY kwlw ]

dhojak bhisath nehee khai kaalaa ||

There was no heaven or hell, no death or time.

nrku surgu nhI jµmxu mrxw nw ko Awie n jwiedw ]3]

narak surag nehee janman maranaa naa ko aae n jaaeidhaa ||3||

There was no hell or heaven, no birth or death, no coming or going in reincarnation. ||3||

bRhmw ibsnu mhysu n koeI ]

aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

brehamaa bisan mehaes n koee ||

There was no Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva.

Avru n dIsY eyko soeI ]

avar n dheesai eaeko soee ||

No one was seen, except the One Lord.

nwir purKu nhI jwiq n jnmw nw ko duKu suKu pwiedw ]4]

naar purakh nehee jaath n janamaa naa ko dhukh sukh paaeidhaa ||4||

There was no female or male, no social class or caste of birth; no one experienced pain or pleasure. ||4||

nw qid jqI sqI bn vwsI ]

aucwrx jqI: polw bolo; sqI: polw bolo

naa thadh jathee sathee banavaasee ||

There were no people of celibacy or charity; no one lived in the forests.

nw qid isD swiDk suKvwsI ]

aucwrx is`D

naa thadh sidhh saadhhik sukhavaasee ||

There were no Siddhas or seekers, no one living in peace.

jogI jµgm ByKu n koeI nw ko nwQu khwiedw ]5]

jogee jangam bhaekh n koee naa ko naathh kehaaeidhaa ||5||

There were no Yogis, no wandering pilgrims, no religious robes; no one called himself the master. ||5||

jp qp sMjm nw bRq pUjw ]

jap thap sanjam naa brath poojaa ||

There was no chanting or meditation, no self-discipline, fasting or worship.

nw ko AwiK vKwxY dUjw ]

naa ko aakh vakhaanai dhoojaa ||

No one spoke or talked in duality.

Awpy Awip aupwie ivgsY Awpy kImiq pwiedw ]6]

aapae aap oupaae vigasai aapae keemath paaeidhaa ||6||

He created Himself, and rejoiced; He evaluates Himself. ||6||

nw suic sMjmu qulsI mwlw ]

naa such sanjam thulasee maalaa ||

There was no purification, no self-restraint, no malas of basil seeds.

gopI kwnu n gaU guoAwlw ]

aucwrx gouAwlw: guAwlw bolo

gopee kaan n goo guoaalaa ||

There were no Gopis, no Krishna, no cows or cowherds.

qMqu mMqu pwKMfu n koeI nw ko vMsu vjwiedw ]7]

thanth manth paakhandd n koee naa ko vans vajaaeidhaa ||7||

There were no tantras, no mantras and no hypocrisy; no one played the flute. ||7||

krm Drm nhI mwieAw mwKI ]

karam dhharam nehee maaeiaa maakhee ||

There was no karma, no Dharma, no buzzing fly of Maya.

jwiq jnmu nhI dIsY AwKI ]

jaath janam nehee dheesai aakhee ||

Social class and birth were not seen with any eyes.

mmqw jwlu kwlu nhI mwQY nw ko iksY iDAwiedw ]8]

mamathaa jaal kaal nehee maathhai naa ko kisai dhhiaaeidhaa ||8||

There was no noose of attachment, no death inscribed upon the forehead; no one meditated on anything. ||8||

inMdu ibMdu nhI jIau n ijMdo ]

nindh bindh nehee jeeo n jindho ||

There was no slander, no seed, no soul and no life.

nw qid gorKu nw mwiCMdo ]

aucwrx nw mwiCMdo: v`Krw krky

naa thadh gorakh naa maashhindho ||

There was no Gorakh and no Maachhindra.

nw qid igAwnu iDAwnu kul Epiq nw ko gxq gxwiedw ]9]

naa thadh giaan dhhiaan kul oupath naa ko ganath ganaaeidhaa ||9||

There was no spiritual wisdom or meditation, no ancestry or creation, no reckoning of accounts. ||9||

vrn ByK nhI bRhmx KqRI ]

aucwrx bRhmx: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

varan bhaekh nehee brehaman khathree ||

There were no castes or social classes, no religious robes, no Brahmin or Kh'shaatriya.

dyau n dyhurw gaU gwieqRI ]

dhaeo n dhaehuraa goo gaaeithree ||

There were no demi-gods or temples, no cows or Gaayatri prayer.

hom jg nhI qIriQ nwvxu nw ko pUjw lwiedw ]10]

aucwrx nwvxu: 'n' Bwrw krky

hom jag nehee theerathh naavan naa ko poojaa laaeidhaa ||10||

There were no burnt offerings, no ceremonial feasts, no cleansing rituals at sacred shrines of pilgrimage; no one worshipped in adoration. ||10||

nw ko mulw nw ko kwjI ]

aucwrx mu`lw

naa ko mulaa naa ko kaajee ||

There was no Mullah, there was no Qazi.

nw ko syKu mswieku hwjI ]

aucwrx hwjI: Bwrw krky bolo

naa ko saekh masaaeik haajee ||

There was no Shaykh, or pilgrims to Mecca.

reIAiq rwau n haumY dunIAw nw ko khxu khwiedw ]11]

reeath raao n houmai dhuneeaa naa ko kehan kehaaeidhaa ||11||

There was no king or subjects, and no worldly egotism; no one spoke of himself. ||11||

Bwau n BgqI nw isv skqI ]

bhaao n bhagathee naa siv sakathee ||

There was no love or devotion, no Shiva or Shakti - no energy or matter.

swjnu mIqu ibMdu nhI rkqI ]

saajan meeth bindh nehee rakathee ||

There were no friends or companions, no semen or blood.

Awpy swhu Awpy vxjwrw swcy eyho Bwiedw ]12]

aapae saahu aapae vanajaaraa saachae eaeho bhaaeidhaa ||12||

He Himself is the banker, and He Himself is the merchant. Such is the Pleasure of the Will of the True Lord. ||12||

byd kqyb n isMimRiq swsq ]

baedh kathaeb n sinmrith saasath ||

There were no Vedas, Korans or Bibles, no Simritees or Shaastras.

pwT purwx audY nhI Awsq ]

paath puraan oudhai nehee aasath ||

There was no recitation of the Puraanas, no sunrise or sunset.

khqw bkqw Awip Agocru Awpy AlKu lKwiedw ]13]

aucwrx Al`Ku

kehathaa bakathaa aap agochar aapae alakh lakhaaeidhaa ||13||

The Unfathomable Lord Himself was the speaker and the preacher; the unseen Lord Himself saw everything. ||13||

jw iqsu Bwxw qw jgqu aupwieAw ]

jaa this bhaanaa thaa jagath oupaaeiaa ||

When He so willed, He created the world.

bwJu klw Awfwxu rhwieAw ]

baajh kalaa aaddaan rehaaeiaa ||

Without any supporting power, He sustained the universe.

bRhmw ibsnu mhysu aupwey mwieAw mohu vDwiedw ]14]

aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

brehamaa bisan mehaes oupaaeae maaeiaa mohu vadhhaaeidhaa ||14||

He created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; He fostered enticement and attachment to Maya. ||14||

ivrly kau guir sbdu suxwieAw ]

viralae ko gur sabadh sunaaeiaa ||

How rare is that person who listens to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

kir kir dyKY hukmu sbwieAw ]

kar kar dhaekhai hukam sabaaeiaa ||

He created the creation, and watches over it; the Hukam of His Command is over all.

KMf bRhmMf pwqwl ArµBy gupqhu prgtIAwiedw ]15]

khandd brehamandd paathaal aranbhae gupathahu paragattee aaeidhaa ||15||

He formed the planets, solar systems and nether regions, and brought what was hidden to manifestation. ||15||

qw kw AMqu n jwxY koeI ]

thaa kaa anth n jaanai koee ||

No one knows His limits.

pUry gur qy soJI hoeI ]

poorae gur thae sojhee hoee ||

This understanding comes from the Perfect Guru.

nwnk swic rqy ibsmwdI ibsm Bey gux gwiedw ]16]3]15]

aucwrx r`qy

naanak saach rathae bisamaadhee bisam bheae gun gaaeidhaa ||16||3||15||

O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Truth are wonderstruck; singing His Glorious Praises, they are filled with wonder. ||16||3||15||