SGGSAng 1134Raag BhaironMahalla 411 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

BYrau mhlw 4 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw cauQw

bhairo mehalaa 4 ||

Bhairao, Fourth Mehl:

suikRqu krxI swru jpmwlI ]

aucwrx jp-mwlI: 'mwlw' Bwrw krky bolo

sukirath karanee saar japamaalee ||

To do good deeds is the best rosary.

ihrdY Pyir clY quDu nwlI ]1]

aucwrx c`lY

hiradhai faer chalai thudhh naalee ||1||

Chant on the beads within your heart, and it shall go along with you. ||1||

hir hir nwmu jphu bnvwlI ]

har har naam japahu banavaalee ||

Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the Lord of the forest.

kir ikrpw mylhu sqsµgiq qUit geI mwieAw jm jwlI ]1] rhwau ]

kar kirapaa maelahu sathasangath thoott gee maaeiaa jam jaalee ||1|| rehaao ||

Have mercy on me, Lord, and unite me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, so that I may be released from Maya's noose of death. ||1||Pause||

gurmuiK syvw Gwil ijin GwlI ]

guramukh saevaa ghaal jin ghaalee ||

Whoever, as Gurmukh, serves and works hard,

iqsu GVIAY sbdu scI tkswlI ]2]

this gharreeai sabadh sachee ttakasaalee ||2||

Is molded and shaped in the true mint of the Shabad, the Word of God. ||2||

hir Agm Agocru guir Agm idKwlI ]

har agam agochar gur agam dhikhaalee ||

The Guru has revealed to me the Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord.

ivic kwieAw ngr lDw hir BwlI ]3]

aucwrx kWieAW; l`Dw

vich kaaeiaa nagar ladhhaa har bhaalee ||3||

Searching within the body-village, I have found the Lord. ||3||

hm bwirk hir ipqw pRiqpwlI ]

aucwrx pRiq-pwlI: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo

ham baarik har pithaa prathipaalee ||

I am just a child; the Lord is my Father, who nurtures and cherishes me.

jn nwnk qwrhu ndir inhwlI ]4]3]

jan naanak thaarahu nadhar nihaalee ||4||3||

Please save servant Nanak, Lord; bless him with Your Glance of Grace. ||4||3||